
Sweetening the Pill: or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control SALE

Title : Sweetening the Pill: or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control
Category: Sex
Brand: Zero Books
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Rating : 4.5
Buyer Review : 39

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This type of item provides exceeded own prospect, that one has chaned into a fantastic buy for myself, The idea showed up securely as well as quickly Sweetening the Pill: or How We Got Hooked on Hormonal Birth Control

Millions of healthy women take a powerful medication every day from their mid-teens to menopause - the Pill - but few know how this drug works or the potential side effects. Contrary to cultural myth, the birth-control pill impacts on every organ and function of the body, and yet most women do not even think of it as a drug.

Depression, anxiety, paranoia, rage, panic attacks - just a few of the effects of the Pill on half of the over 80% of women who pop these tablets during their lifetimes.

When the Pill was released, it was thought that women would not submit to taking a medication each day when they were not sick. Now the Pill is making women sick.

However, there are a growing number of women looking for non-hormonal alternatives for preventing pregnancy. In a bid to spark the backlash against hormonal contraceptives, this book asks: Why can't we criticize the Pill?

Review :
Why can't we TALK about the Pill?
In the first ten pages, Holly Grigg-Spall delivers an impassioned description of The Problem, told from personal experience: While Taking Yaz/Yasmin, she thought she was losing her mind. Her sanity, her work as a writer, and, she thought, everything she held dear was collapsing,

In delving into the problem with a trusted girlfriend, a doctor who did not dismiss her concerns, groundbreaking books, her then-boyfriend now-husband, and women that had taken to the Internet to air their personal stories, Ms. Grigg-Spall realized that Yaz was wreaking havoc with her body and mind--and yet, even after stopping it for good, the allure of the Pill beckoned.

To be blunt, Ms. Grigg-Spall has plenty of attitude, wit, and insight and spares no one in the birth control debate--population control advocates, capitalism, our warped commercialized view of sexuality, the patriarchy, pharmaceutical companies, the religious right, the Pill evangelical feminists on the Left who silence...
In Depth
The author has well-researched her topic and is very passionate about it as well. Most American women are put on birth control at a young age without understanding their bodies or their options. The side effects include indigestion, weigh gain, depression, low libido and then a loss of fertility coming off the pill. True women's liberation doesn't come in a pill, it comes in our understanding of our nature.

Postponing Motherhood... at What Cost?
Back when my husband was in medical school, his pharmacology textbook listed seven full pages of adverse side effects associated with oral contraceptive use, including:

- heart attacks
- strokes
- liver tumors
- blood clots
- gall bladder disease
- migraine headaches
- depression
- loss of vision
- urinary tract infections
- yeast infections
- weight gain
- thyroid problems
- high blood sugar

…as well as an increased risk of infertility, miscarriage, and birth defects even after discontinuing use of the Pill.

That was enough to convince us we’d made the right decision when, as newlyweds, we opted to forgo hormonal contraceptives three years (and two babies) earlier.

Yet when we shared this information with family and friends, they remained skeptical. “If the Pill were really that unsafe,” they reasoned, “then doctors wouldn’t prescribe...

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