
When Someone You Love is Kinky Discount !!

Title : When Someone You Love is Kinky
Category: Interpersonal Relations
Brand: Greenery Press (CA)
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.2
Buyer Review : 20

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When Someone You Love Is Kinky to help "non-kinky" folks understand and communicate with their kinky friends, partners, and relatives. Included are guidelines for dealing with the emotional turmoil of the coming-out process; brief and non-threatening descriptions of the commonest kinks (and ideas about why people enjoy them); suggestions for how to talk to your kinky friend or relative in ways that promote good communication; explanation of how kinky people keep themselves safe while exploring diverse sexualities; a glossary of commonly used terminology from the kink communities; a resource guide to help the reader find further information and support.

Review :
A Guide to Explaining your kink to non-kinky friends
One of the hardest things about being "kinky" is trying to find a way to tell your friends, relatives, lovers, etc about your "alternative lifestyle." Some of choose not to, because of the fear they will be ridiculed or ostracized by those close to them. So some that are into "kink" choose to keep it a secret.
When Someone You Love Is Kinky is a wonderful book to give to a friend or lover to explain to them some of the reasons why you enjoy this lifestyle. The authors take a calm and understanding approach in this book, perfect for non-kinky readers who might wonder why their otherwise "normal-looking" relative takes such delight in activities they themselves may be uncomfortable with.
The first couple of chapters deal with how a non-kinky person (such as your partner or best friend) might be feeling after finding out that their friend or lover likes to be spanked, whipped, tied up or "whatever." The authors obviously have...
A Key to the Closet
Discussing alternative and controversial sexualities is the raison detre of Greenery Press. This one goes further by directly addressing those not already in the choir (whether in or out of the closet). What a challenge! Even the authors acknowledge that they're so immersed in kink culture that they've lost a certain amount of objectivity.
The chapters follow the classic recipe for a successful scene: start slower than slow, lighter than light, and build up from there. A gentle introduction is followed by a check-in, with reminders to breathe and relax. Terms are defined, practices are described, and safety issues are given high priority. For the reader left wanting more, there's a resources guide.
Keeping in mind the reactionary skepticism I felt when one of my friends joined a religious cult, I wondered how effective this book would be in soothing a non-kinkster. Some of the more explicit passages - such as a lighthearted description of a birthday kidnapping orgy - might...
Kinky and need to come out to someone? Here's help!
Dossie and Catherine have written another great book. If you've read their other books, there's a good chance you're kinky too. What do you do if you want to tell someone you're kinky, into bdsm and whips and chains, or just like to give or get a spanking? What do you do if your kink is exposed to someone? Giving them this book is one goog answer. Without being technical or sensational, this book discusses what we do and why, and why we might want someone we love to know about it. It details the meaning of "Safe, Sane and Consensual" and goes into the ways we keep our play safe and sane and consensual. The authors introduce the BDSM scene, what it's like, private and public, who is kinky, what a Pro Domme is. A special section is devoted to discovering your spouse or partner is kinky. Another is for professionals who find their clients or patients are kinky.
The only negative is a lack of any information about polyamory. A high precentage of the kinksters are poly and...

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