
The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex: The Most Complete Sex Manual Ever Written Promo Offer

Title : The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex: The Most Complete Sex Manual Ever Written
Category: Sex
Brand: Cleis Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.3
Buyer Review : 33

Description : This particular The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex: The Most Complete Sex Manual Ever Written does excellent, simple to use as well as alter. The cost of is was dramatically reduced than other places My spouse and i researches, and never a lot more compared to related item

This kind of item Offer exceeded out anticipation, that one has become a great buy for myself, The theory came securely along with swiftly The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex: The Most Complete Sex Manual Ever Written

Good Vibrations is a bright, convivial, women-owned sex-toy store in San Francisco, where customers of both genders and all sexual orientations feel welcome. Their book is as candid, upbeat, and friendly as the store. It is filled with information that customers ask for most frequently, tips for enhancing your sex life, and reviews of a variety of sex toys. Good Vibrations believes that "there's more sexual pleasure available than most people experience" and "achieving this pleasure should not be difficult, dangerous, or expensive."

This is a sex manual of a special sort. It starts with the basics ("Sexual Anatomy 101," "Communications," "Masturbation") aimed at teaching the reader to receive and give pleasure. Other chapters ("Lubrication," "Creative Touching," "Oral Sex," "All About Vibrators," "Fantasies") describe how to enhance the sexual experience. You'll get answers to questions you never knew to ask: how to keep dildos clean, what is "packing," what is the appeal of S/M, for example. A substantial chapter on "Safer Sex" offers techniques both expected (use a condom) and unexpected (put it on him using your mouth). Quotations from real people about their sexual pleasures lend interest and eroticism. Explicit line drawings show sex between male-female, male-male, and female-female partners, as well as solitary acts with vibrators. "In our fantasies, we dream of this book with its cracked spine and well-thumbed pages lying on your nightstand next to your vibrator, lube, massage oil and condoms," write the authors. For education and entertainment, this book is a winner. --Joan Price

Review :
Mixed Review

The Good Vibrations Guide to Better Sex must be taken in its context. While it does a fabulous job on philosophy and manages to appeal (and include!) everyone on the sexual spectrum, it is disappointingly light on technique. If you are of the more jaded persuasion and are fairly comfortable with your body and sexual appetites, this is not the book for you (there is not much to reccommend it in the way of new information). I was impressed to see that the sex toy section of the book was of notable length and expertise (but these are the folks who do it best) and to encounter the totally unapologetic enthusiasm for the kinkier aspects of the art of sex. It is a good guide for those starting out, but not of much use to the more experienced participant. (However helping out the good gals of Good Vibes is always a worthy cause!)

Your sex book, not your mother's.
This book is packed with real information about the 90's (and beyond) views on sex. There is helpful information on all sorts of activities for all styles, orientations, and pleasures. Not only does it explore techniques to enhance your sex life, it touches on taboo topics that other manuals like to ignore. This book touches on all possible topics. As a therapist, I believe that there is no manual on the market that will be more important for both singles and couples as this one. Read it, learn it, and enjoy!

One sex book, lots of Ideas!
I really liked this book because it didn't make assumptions about my sexual orientation or what kinds of things I should like sexually. It just sort of presented a whole lot of options, and laid them out like a big feast, and then invited me to taste whatever I wanted. I have trouble coming with my partner, so I found the information about using vibrators with partners, and enjoying mutual masturbation, really helpful. I also got some good ideas for better oral sex, which is kinda intimidating to me. I like this sex book because I can go back to it whenever I want to learn something new.

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