
Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters Discount !!

Title : Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters
Category: Sex
Brand: Regnery Publishing
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.8
Buyer Review : 30

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This unique obcject gives surpasses own prospect, this one has turned into a wonderfull upgrade on myself, The concept came securely and quickly Your Kids at Risk: How Teen Sex Threatens Our Sons and Daughters

Sexually transmitted diseases among teens has become a full blown epidemic a national emergency that's killing our kids. In this groundbreaking book Dr. Meeker uncovers the story of this serious epidemic and the pattern of political correctness and marketing hype that has caused this tidal wave of disease.

Review :
Facts or Political Correctness....you decide....
Reading the reviews was interesting to say the least. Whether you are a parent or a teen, right or left you cannot fight against the facts. And what are the facts? As a health teacher for the last 24 years in a public high school in New York I can safely say that the information Mrs Meeker gives is in fact irrefutable. She is correct when she tells the reader that there is no such thing as "safe sex" unless it is with an uninfected partner and you remain monogamous for life "historically we called that relationship marriage". She is also correct when she tells us that condoms are next to worthless when it comes to STD's like HPV the number one STD in America that kill thousands of women every year in America not counting the thousands of early hysterectomys. It seems that the negative reviews come from people who do not want to be confused with the facts but simply want to call Mrs Meeker "names". Hurray for a refreshingly honest look at a difficult subject. She tells the reader how...
A must read for concerned parents
Dr. Meeker has written a very informative yet alarming book on the realities of teens having sex even with multiple partners. She uses real life stories to exemplify her primary point that teens who choose to have sex and most likely with multiple partners will contract at least one STD. Dr. Meeker titles her book "Epidemic..." because teens all across the United States are contracting STD's at an alarming rate. Dr. Meeker states, "An epidemic occurs when...there is an extensive and growing prevalence of a disease that attacks many people simultaneously." Dr. Meeker's book is chalked full of current statistics and well documented endnotes that gives reliable and necessary support of her claim that there is an epidemic among teens.
Furthermore, this book is not solely about STDs but about the greater issue of sexual freedom. Dr. Meeker claims, and I agree with, that the primary problem among our teens is that they are taught that it is reasonable to pursue sex in any and all...
Straight talk our children deserve to hear
Epidemic may not be too strong of a word to describe the crisis in teen sexuality we face in the Western world. Although this volume describes the American scene, it would be true of most other Western nations as well. Young people have been sold a bill of goods regarding sexuality, and they are paying the penalty, big time.

Consider some of the statistics: In the US in 2002 up to one quarter of sexually active teens were living with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Each year over 15 million Americans will contract a new STD. Around a fifth of these will be teenagers. Indeed, while teens make up just 10 percent of the population, they account for 25 per cent of all STDs.

The truth is, the sexual revolution of the 60s has unleashed an untamed monster. When I was growing up one seldom heard of venereal diseases, as they were then called. And there were really only two: syphilis and gonorrhoea. And they tended to be something people other than sailors and...

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