
Hey Girl It's Ok To Swallow: The Love Den Diaries Unlock The Secrets Promo Offer

Title : Hey Girl It's Ok To Swallow: The Love Den Diaries Unlock The Secrets
Category: Sex
Brand: Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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Rating : 3.9
Buyer Review : 48

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This unique subject gives surpass the prospect, this one has become a fantastic buy for me personally, The concept appeared safely and rapidly Hey Girl It's Ok To Swallow: The Love Den Diaries Unlock The Secrets

Introduction "Hell no! Don't even ASK me anything like that!", "I don't go down on men, only sluts do that", "You want me to do what? And swallow what?", "I've NEVER done that, I Swear!" These are just a few of the phrases used by women who refuse to give their man a blow job. They are convinced that the entire male genital area is gross and therefore must be avoided at all cost when it comes to anything oral. Sadly enough these same women demand that a man not only go down on them but to give multiple comatose orgasms all while swallowing up every bit of the juices they excrete. There are also the women who fall in the opposite of this category. They won't even let a man's face even come near their nether regions for fear that he will ask that the favor be returned, as he rightly should. And so they have given up that part of sex altogether. I'm here to tell you girl, you are missing out! Then there are the ones who can suck the skin off of a dick but refuse to admit it to anyone. They even have the nerve to put down other women who talk about their own personal experiences on the subject. And let's not forget the lady who WILL actually go down on her man but she also secretly hates doing it. The only reason she does it is because he wants it. He usually has to ask for it,or should I say beg for it. And this usually results in her bobbing her head up and down like a robot on his member and forgetting every other part of his body. The end result is not a pleasurable experience for either party. In this series of The Love Den Diaries Volume 2 we will cover issues such as: Why some women are experts at the "craft," "superheads" if you will, and some are rank amateurs. Getting a better understanding as to why to women even in this day and age still view giving head to a man as taboo. Tips for the beginners as well as some advanced moves for the seasoned veterans that will have his body exploding with pleasure. How to "mentally and physically prepare to do the deed. The "swallowing" double standard. Exploring the possibility of giving a man oral sex that's gratifying for BOTH parties. As well as picking up on cues and body language that let you know you're definitely hitting his "hot spot." Learning how to effectively communicate with your partner to create a bond that will last long beyond the bedroom. So with that being said ladies, I humbly ask you to loosen your jaws and your minds. And prepare to "blow" his socks off!

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Review :
Great tips for you or your lady friend.
My girl-friend bought this book on my Kindle account and read it. She said she bought it because I had through my reactions to her ministrations not been very impressed with her fellatio skills and she wanted to improve them.

As her boyfriend and the subject of her desires and ministrations, I can verify that this book delivers what the author promises. Her skills and my appreciation of them have improved a great deal. What was fairly poor when compared to other women from my past has improved more than I would have thought possible. She has enthusiastically taken the advice in this book to heart. As the subject that she now "practices" her technique on, I can safely say that she is one of the best I've had, now. I am very happy with the results she has achieved both as a result of this book and her apparent dedication to pleasing me. I am very appreciative and I try very hard to show it. To say that I now look forward to her performances is a tremendous...
Just like others say
Just like other reviews if ur a beginner you will find this an awesome book. Most of the things in it I was already doing.

fun read
Nothing stunning but a fun fast read. Didn't really teach me anything new but gave me a few ideas so I suppose it was worth it..

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