
Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!: How to Get (Both of You) Through the Next 9 Months On Sale

Title : Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!: How to Get (Both of You) Through the Next 9 Months
Category: Pregnancy & Childbirth
Brand: Adams Media
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.0
Buyer Review : 365

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This specific item delivers surpasses own anticipation, this one has chaned into a great replace on personally, The thought came securely and quickly Dude, You're Gonna Be a Dad!: How to Get (Both of You) Through the Next 9 Months

There are approximately 3,712 ways for a guy to look stupid during pregnancy - this book's here to help you avoid all(most) of them. And here's your first hint: Focus on what you can be doing for her rather than what's happening to her.

She's pregnant. She knows that. You know that. And her 152 baby books tell her exactly what she can expect. Your job is to learn what you can do between the stick turning blue and the drive to the delivery room to make the next nine months go as smoothly as possible. That's where John Pfeiffer steps in.

Like any good coach, he's been through it. He's dealt with the morning sickness and doctor visits, painting the baby's nursery and packing the overnight bag, choosing a name, hospital, and the color of the car-seat cover. All the while he remained positive and responsive - there with a "You're beautiful" when necessary - but assertive during the decision-making process (he didn't want to wind up with a kid named Percy). And now it's your turn.

She might be having the baby, but you have plenty of responsibilities.

Review :
I *HATED* This Book
This book is awful. Seriously, save yourself the money. Instead, find a drunken frat buddy -- ideally one who is a failed comic. If they're childless, the advice will be on-par with this book. If they have a kid, then you actually might come out ahead. Either way, at least you'll be drunk.

This book makes every stupid cliche joke you can think of. Worst of all, it imparts little-to-no useful information.

Unsatisfied, I looked around for another book, and found "The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be." I'm about 1/3 of the way in, but I've already learned more than I did from the entirety of the "Dude!" book.

Seriously, I read the entire thing.

Learn from my pain.

Do not buy this book.

Insulting and idiotic.
A female friend gave this to me as a gift. Her husband had read it and they thought I might like or appreciate the book. If you want to offend a male friend, do like they did.

I'm a "dude" who grew up with two older sisters who practically raised me. Father was a social worker who cleaned the house and cooked better than my mother. (To give just two examples.) Did my friend actually think I'd appreciate a book written from (to borrow another reviewer's comment) a frat boy perspective?

No, I did not read the entire book. I'd have no hair left if I had because it would be all pulled out. Every single page I turned to was full of idiotic nonsensical attempts at bad humor combined with a tiny scrap of somewhat useful info. For example, on one page the author comments that guys are clueless about how to hold a baby because we, the testosterone bloated beasts that we are, don't know how to be gentle with our hands unless we're touching breasts. Give me a random...
An easy read but lacks depth
(Review from wife) This book had me laughing out loud at many points but after finishing the book I felt my husband would have a very cursory knowledge of what I was going through and what I would expect of him at the birth.

Summary: Wife will be "DEFCON 1 CRAZY", sex will not happen for over a year, you will never sleep, wife will spend all your money on "a whole new wardrobe". Basically, everything is not going to be fun but the reward is great.

A couple of times the author refuses to describe what an episiotomy *actually* is. Pg 93 "When you learn what that one is, you'll start to believe Eve did screw up and God did punish accordingly." and in the section Is It Sexy Time Yet? he says "Did she have to suffer through an episiotomy? (If you don't know what it is, dude. Pay more attention.)" However he NEVER tells the husband what it is! It's a very common procedure and requires special care, why wouldn't you just describe the procedure and how to care for your...

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