
The Return of Desire: A Guide to Rediscovering Your Sexual Passion Big Discount

Title : The Return of Desire: A Guide to Rediscovering Your Sexual Passion
Category: Sex
Brand: Trumpeter
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 54

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This unique thing gives exceeded out anticipation, this has chaned into a amazing buy for me personally, The theory arrived securely and swiftly The Return of Desire: A Guide to Rediscovering Your Sexual Passion

Drawing on three decades of experience as a sex therapist and sex researcher, Dr. Gina Ogden shows you how to:

   • Open up to the four energies that spark desire
   • Create heart-to-heart communication with your partner
   • Transcend guilt, shame, and "good-girls-don't" messages
   • Help heal the sexual wounds of abuse, addiction, affairs, and low self-esteem
   • Enjoy sexual pleasure throughout your life span—from new love, to parenthood, and into your golden years

Features :
  • Great product!

Review :
At Last, a Big Picture Perspective!
I loved this book. It is a gift to all of us through this time of cultural confusion regarding the nature of our sexuality. In "The Return of Desire", Gina Ogden offers a new vision for relaxing into and truly embracing our sexual selves. And it's about time!

The Sexual Revolution of the `60s at least opened the door to talking about sex, but for many, that dialogue has been fraught with feelings of frustration and inadequacy. So-called "sex education", though obviously an improvement over nothing even in these "abstinence only" times, fails to address the complexities of our sexual selves, usually focusing simply on the anatomical and "how not to get pregnant or STDs" aspects.

In "The Return of Desire", Gina offers us a model of human sexuality that addresses the myriad aspects of our complex human selves. We are more than simply physical creatures. We are also mental, emotional, and spiritual beings, and each of these vital areas of human experience are...
From a man's point of view
Thank you Gina for opening my eyes even more to the nuances of sexual experience a woman can have. I love seeing a positive, affirmative understanding of this most misunderstood topic. Your humor, wit and depth and the stories themselves will bring healing and illumination to many people--men as well as women!
Tomas Heartfield,

Not Your Average Sex Book
And in Gina Ogden's expert opinion, there is no such thing as "the average woman." Each of us is unique, responding to desire and passion in unique ways. The beauty of this book is that it encompasses the "many faces of sexual desire" which include "attraction, passion, love, energy, libido, and randy, all-consuming lust." There's no "one size fits all" and Gina gives many examples so that we can identify ourselves -- sometimes in surprising new ways.
The voice of this book is gentle and intimate, yet lively and practical. For the visual reader, there are some charts and graphs, but nothing to drive away those of us who are science phobes. Best of all, it is the voice of vast experience, helping us navigate contemporary cultural and spiritual mores with wisdom and truth.

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