
The Truth About Sex: What the World Won't Tell You and God Wants You to Know Get Rabate

Title : The Truth About Sex: What the World Won't Tell You and God Wants You to Know
Category: Sex
Brand: WaterBrook Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 20

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This kind of thing gives exceeded out prospect, this has chaned into a great replace on myself personally, The thought arrived safely as well as swiftly The Truth About Sex: What the World Won't Tell You and God Wants You to Know

What’s the Big Deal About Sex?

Birds do it. Bees do it. And when you turn on the television, log on to the Internet, or watch a movie, you can’t help but notice that everyone else seems to be doing it too. Our culture has embraced the message that sex is just a basic bodily function, as irresistible and harmless as satisfying your hunger and thirst. But is it? Or have we bought into a lie that is rapidly corroding our souls and our society?  

When it comes to sexuality, you can’t ignore the Manufacturer’s directions and escape unharmed. That’s why everyone–teen or adult, single or married–needs to know The Truth About Sex. 

This compelling, interactive study provides an antidote to the world’s subtle yet insidiously dangerous lies. You’ll learn…
·why God created sex in the first place
·what happens when you don’t follow His design
·why virginity matters
·what consequences follow sex outside of marriage
·how to find healing if you’ve been harmed because you or someone else violated God’s instructions
With this knowledge comes the power to stand firm, resisting the pull of temptation. Whatever your past–whether you’ve remained sexually pure or endured the pain of misusing God’s precious gift–you’ll find your eyes opened and your life transformed as you discover for yourself The Truth About Sex.

Includes a companion study guide for personal use or group discussion.

Review :
Boldly confronts the sexual whimsy of the world
In the book The Truth About Sex, Kay Arthur addresses many of the misconceptions the world has about sex, by applying God's lessons on the topic as found in Scripture. Whereas the world would paint sex as something functional, mechanical, and without emotional commitments or responsibilities, Arthur argues, "Sex, in its perfect form, brings the intimacy of not only truly belonging to another but longing for the presence of our beloved. It is hallowed purity, the union of a husband and wife that becomes a holy metaphor of the 'wife' God seeks for His Son, of the oneness He longs to have with his people."

Arthur boldly confronts the sexual whimsy of the world. She asserts that when people say they are merely sowing wild oats, they want to live and let live, and they do not want to judge others because of their sexual preferences, in reality they are distorting God's purpose for sex. Using passages from the Bible to contradict these improper attitudes, Arthur offers discussion...
great read!
purchased for my daughter who is 19. she says she has learned alot and was excited to see how to break down scripture to see what God really says about sex. kay arthur is a gifted teacher.

A Inconvenient Truth
As a single woman, this book has opened my eyes to the film of lies covering them for several years on the topic of sexuality. It hits at the core of the emptiness of cheapened, casual sex and challenges singles to stay pure regardless of stage in life or sexual history. The Scriptural references Arthur provides leave no question of God's view of sexual relationships outside of marriage and also explains God's provisions and sanctions as loving and protective of not only our bodies but psyches, family structure and nations' future. This is an important book for singles and parents whose children will confront the many voices and false teachings in our media and culture. Arthur approaches what many churches today cower away from discussing.

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