
The Perfect Matrimony: Why Sex and Religion are Inseparable Get Rabate

Title : The Perfect Matrimony: Why Sex and Religion are Inseparable
Category: Sex
Brand: Brand: Glorian Publishing
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.2
Buyer Review : 45

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This unique subject Offer surpass own anticipation, this place has turned into a wonderfull buy for me personally, The theory came securely along with speedily The Perfect Matrimony: Why Sex and Religion are Inseparable

The first of seventy books written by the founder of the modern Gnostic Movement, The Perfect Matrimony contains a complete introduction to the profound and beautiful mystical knowledge from which all the world's great religions have blossomed. First published in 1950, this book contains the first public revelation of the esoteric teachings of Alchemy, Tantra, Kabbalah, and the mysteries of the Mayans, Aztecs, Egyptians, Tibetans, Eleusians, Essenes, and hundreds more.

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  • Used Book in Good Condition

Review :
There Are Two Ways
As a long-time investigator of many different spiritual teachings, I have been exposed to just about every concept and idea one can imagine. Through out the world there are so many "rules" and "laws" and "unshakable" doctrines, it is near impossible for any seeker to find out just what is the truth. That coupled with the Doubt and Cynicism that characterizes the Western mind makes it an unmistakable miracle when anyone finds something that is actually True. There are so many false teachers and false teachings; there are so many books and so many schools: how does anyone find anything and stick to it?
The truth is, I have seen everyone I know (including myself) go from school to school, from teaching to teaching and from idea to idea, always looking for something more interesting, something more true to what I believe to be true: and THAT is the catch: I finally figured it out: I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LOOKING FOR WHAT I LIKE. The problem is, what I like is what has always gotten me...
What is necessary to awaken positively?
First published in 1950, this book was the first public revelation of the essential secret knowledge of every mystical tradition. Samael Aun Weor is direct and clear in his explanation of the practices necessary to awaken the consciousness POSITIVELY. Few know that everything in nature is a polarity, thus many who believe they are awakening positively are awakening negatively. Few know that most spiritual and mystical traditions have lost the most essential tools to lead their disciples to their own direct personal experience of the divine. Few know that many schools now lead their disciples (knowingly or unknowingly) into grave errors. This book clarifies and restores the knowledge contained in every school, lodge, religion and doctrine, outlining the underlying knowledge that all traditions spring from. An absolutely essential book for anyone who aspires to rise above the mire of the common and vulgar mind.

Completely Misunderstood and Underestimated
Theories and beliefs abound like weeds, we all know this. What is the point of reading another one? In truth, there is no point. That is why this book deserves all the praise in the world. It has nothing to do with theory, but rather with practical life. Nothing is more practical than sex, for it is the universal epicenter. Samael Aun Weor was hated by many occultist because he unveiled what was veiled. Occultism's Great Arcanum is Sex, and the secret of the initates is Love. This book is authentic Rosicrucian Occultism.

The Perfect Matrimony was the first book I read to make any sense of life's sexual issues. So many people today read the scriptures with disdain because society does not teach now to understand them. This is the first book that actually teaches one how to understand the so-called "antiquated" sexual conduct outlined in every religion. Society's utter disregard with the sacred Holy Cross of Man and Woman is more than ample evidence to prove that we do not...

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