
On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow!: A "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Younger Boys On Sale

Title : On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow!: A "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Younger Boys
Category: Maturing
Brand: William Morrow
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.2
Buyer Review : 25

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This unique obcject provides surpass the anticipation, this one has developed into a fantastic replace on personally, The concept showed up securely and speedily On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow!: A "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Younger Boys

Hi. My name is Lynda Madaras. I write books about growing up. I get tons of letters from boys. They tell me just what they’re thinking. They ask questions. Many of the things they say are here in this book. Many of their questions are here, too, along with my answers. So boys like you helped to write this book.

In her uniquely warm and funny style, Lynda Madaras wrote this entirely new book especially for younger boys to give them everything they need to know about the new and exciting changes that are happening to their bodies during puberty.

Illustrated with fresh and funny cartoons, On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow! is the seventh book in the popular “What’s Happening to My Body?” series of growing-up books for boys and girls. Praised by parents, teachers, nurses, doctors, and especially kids, the bestselling “What’s Happening to My Body?” books for older boys and girls are on the “Best Books for Young Adults” list from the American Library Association and have been translated into 12 languages. Over 2 million copies of the “What’s Happening to My Body?” series are in print.

Review :
On your mark get set grow was a hit.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow!: A "What's Happening to My Body?" Book for Younger Boys (What's Happening to My Body?)I purchased this for my godson. He is starting to wonder what will happen to his body next and his mother was concerned because he was trying to look it up on the internet. She is a single parent since his father passed away and she didn't know how to help him learn about his own body. She is very pleased with this book because it provided plenty of information without being too graphic like the books meant for older boys. They have many healthy discussions based around what he has read and they read together also. He is turning 10 this month and is well on his way to understanding his "stage" of development and what is to come.

Tries too hard to relate to a kid.
I kept this book and gave it to my 9 year old boy only after I cut out certain pages and took a sharpie to parts I felt inappropriate. The writing seems to be disrespectful toward our bodies. My kid doesn't have to know all the slang (cum, dick, etc.) from a book meant to educate. He doesn't need to know the proper way to measure his penis, and, as far as masturbation goes, I don't want him to pick up any new hobbies just yet. Since this book is meant for 'younger boys,' just the facts, please.

Good timing
I bought this for my 10 year old son but as a mother who had only sisters I read it, too. This book was very readable, good pictures with just the right amount of information for a pre-teen. My son read the whole book in one sitting. The timing was right for him. He then asked a few questions and it provoked some thoughtful discussion. I would highly recommend this book.

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