
Female Viagra: The Pink Pill is finally here (Paperback) Promo Offer

Title : Female Viagra: The Pink Pill is finally here (Paperback)
Category: Sex
Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
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Rating : 2.4
Buyer Review : 12

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This kind of subject provides overtake the anticipation, this one has chaned into a great replace on me personally, The thought came securely and also speedily Female Viagra: The Pink Pill is finally here (Paperback)

This book has been in production for 10 months. We have sold over 200 copies per month. It's changing women (and Men's) lives. The price could go as high as $19.95. If you're on the fence. You will pay more next month. This is a paperback, not the medical product. A new study has found that the impotence drug Viagra could ramp up the sex lives of women who take it, just as it has done for men. The 12-week study focused on 202 post-menopausal or post-hysterectomy women who complained of female sexual arousal disorder. The women in the group who took Sildenafil Citrate, the little pink pill commonly known as Pink Viagra took notes after each sexual experience, and reported better overall sexual satisfaction compared with those who took a placebo. Their enhanced sex lives included better arousal, lubrication and orgasm. Brett Salisbury is the author of 27 books. From Quantum Physics for Dummies to The Transform Diet, To the brand new HIV Hoax. Brett worked in the U.S. Intelligence and continues to be one of the top writers in the country. Please see all his books on Amazon.com You will like to know that the new book (which will be the 2nd part of this book, with a lot more details and for the men to which will enhance your sex life called (together): What is better than Viagra, I Show You. Your partner's enhancement will create an the synergy necessary for your sex life to be the best ever. You are only half the equation. Whether or not your partner is impotent or not, the best male "Viagra" pill (but Viagra is not the best, I will show you which is) will take your sex life to a new level. You will need both copies (book coming soon) to make this happen.

Review :
Sexuality is nothing to hide
I personally, thought that I might not need this kind of book or sex arousal pill, somehow the book leads me to another level of experience. When it comes to sexuality stuffs, I was always feel embarrassing to talk about my sex life to anyone. The book is my sidekick now because every question I have about feminine stuffs, I have the answers. I have learn a lot from the elite Female Sexual Medicine Center.

The author also has his facebook link if you have any question regarding for Pfizer.

Three Stars
for all I went thru its fine

Definitely more sensitivity. More intense orgasms. And more ...
Definitely more sensitivity. More intense orgasms. And more satisfaction. The only thing I would want more in this pill would be increased sex drive. Other than that, this pill is worth trying.

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