
Read My Lips: A Complete Guide to the Vagina and Vulva Discount !!

Title : Read My Lips: A Complete Guide to the Vagina and Vulva
Category: Sex
Brand: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.3
Buyer Review : 16

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This kind of obcject delivers exceeded out anticipation, this place has developed into a amazing buy for me personally, The idea showed up safely and also speedily Read My Lips: A Complete Guide to the Vagina and Vulva

Many, if not most, people remain in the dark about the actual workings of the vagina and vulva. The primary purpose of Read My Lips is to educate women and men about the vulva and vagina in a manner that is smart, informative, and entertaining. Readers, both women and men alike, will come to think differently about women's genitals and become a little more curious and a lot more comfortable with them. They will learn more about the female body in terms of health, sex, pleasure, culture, and art. Though based on sound scientific and medical research, Read My Lips is accessible to the masses, so women and men who are curious about the clitoris, Brazilian waxing, labiaplasty, or whether the G-spot really exists, will find something of interest in these pages.

Chapters focus on sex and the vulva/vagina which, in spite of the many interesting cultural and historical aspects of vulva and vagina lore, remains of central interest to many people - as it should, given that women's genitals, and how they work, especially in regard to sex, remain a mystery to so many well-intentioned lovers. In keeping with the overall theme of celebration and education, the authors take a sex-positive, pleasure-focused perspective on women's genitals, pointing out the parts that can help women to enjoy sex and feel more comfortable in their own bodies. Tips on technique will also be shared alongside information on vaginal health.

Review :
A guy's perspective
I am a guy. So I waited until I was not the first reviewer. Take my perspective with a grain of salt. I am a nanny for two girls (2 and 4), married for almost 15 years and my wife and I lead a small group for newly married couples to help them develop stronger marriages. I spend a fair amount of time reading and thinking about issues of sex and marriage.

Because most of my perspective is on married sex (and within a church based, Christian context), there are subjects I wish were handled differently. But on the whole I think it was a very good book and I glad that books like this are written.

That being said, the book really is two books that are written together. One part (these parts are mixed together, not a part one, part two) is the sexual health and care questions and answers. This was of less interest to me (I am a guy) but I did learn a few things and had a couple conversations with my wife over them.

The part that I think is more useful...
Super helpful!
First, I want to preface that I am a Christian, married mother of three. Okay, so this book is full of a lot of beneficial information regarding all things that have to do with our "female parts". Even if your mother was more open and shared with you some information about your vulva area, this book is very helpful! I would have given it four stars, because there were some parts of the book I could have done without having to read, but since that is purely personal preference and my own sensitivity, I had to give it five.
It is not a book to read to your hormonal teenage daughter, but excellent for older, more mature women. It also has helped me a lot in how I speak to my girls about their bodies and how to care for them. It also dispels some old wives tales that most of us grew up on on the the care of our delicate areas. It is a book that helps to not only understand, but also appreciate what God made! I am very glad I purchased this book, but I am not putting it out on...
Vagina Crafts and Games, what's not to like?
This is a review of a book about vaginas and vulvas. If you faint at the sight of Janet Jackson's breast or if spicy talk makes you swoon, best keep moving, things are about to get real.

First off, when people are talking about vaginas, the region they are speaking of is actually the vulva, the vagina is only the inner part (so right there, I learned something new). Vulva and Vagina are not interchangeable terms and should not be used as such (also new info).

Here are some more gems of wisdom from the book;

1. Don't Douche, it damages natural flora and causes infections.

2. If you like the idea of unusual pubic hair, there are now plenty of color options for you to try.

3. Vulva dyes are bad news unless you like the sensation of fire ants biting the skin of your ultra sensitive labia majora (imagine that, fire ants on your L-A-B-I-A!).

4. Try to avoid perfumed products, soap too.

5. Love your vulva and it...

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