
The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection: The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men Big Discount

Title : The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection: The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men
Category: Mid-Life
Brand: Harmony
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This unique thing Offer exceeded out prospect, this has become a amazing upgrade on personally, The idea showed up securely along with rapidly The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection: The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men

Getting older can be brutal—women gain weight, lose their sex drive, experience hot flashes, suffer memory loss, become short-tempered, find it difficult to sleep, and on and on. It’s not so easy for men, either—they start to lose energy and stamina as they age, too (and they have to live with women going through menopause). After years of being thin and fit and full of energy, Suzanne herself encountered the “Seven Dwarfs of Menopause”—Itchy, Bitchy, Sweaty, Sleepy, Bloated, Forgetful, and All-Dried-Up. Instead of living out the rest of her life cranky, sleep-deprived, and libido-less, Suzanne set out to discover how she could get her mind, body, and life back and banish those pesky dwarfs for good.

The result is The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection—The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men. In this passionately argued and enormously practical book, Suzanne supports her own research and experiences with the expertise of leading doctors in the field of women’s and men’s health and sexuality to create an inspiring, accessible call-to-arms to women to radically rethink how they approach life after fifty, and give them the tools to turn their lives around.

Suzanne has discovered that the second half of life has been more rewarding, fun, and purposeful than her younger years. The key to her happiness? Taking natural bioidentical hormones. Natural hormones, which mimic the hormones produced in our own bodies that are almost completely lost with aging, are the answer to the symptoms of menopause that plague women. Recent findings from the medical community show that synthetic hormone replacement therapy
(HRT) may be harmful to women—thus, thousands of women are looking for what else they can do to alleviate their symptoms. In The Sexy Years, Suzanne comes to the rescue with a step-by-step plan and detailed information about how women can take control of their health, for themselves and for their men, including:

• What the differences are between synthetic and bioidentical hormones, and why bioidentical hormones help women lose weight, reinvigorate their sex lives, and fight the symptoms of aging
• How doctors do not receive adequate training about hormones and are slaves to the pharmaceutical industry, and what questions every woman must ask her physician about hormone replacement therapy and her health
• How Suzanne turned her life around, with information about how often she visits her doctor, blood work, what hormones she takes, how to get these hormones, and more
• What male menopause, or andropause, is and how men can also take bioidentical hormones and regain the energy they had in their youth
• What a variety of specialists think about natural hormones, health, and sexuality—Suzanne shares the best advice from these doctors and provides a resource list of physicians and pharmacies

With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Suzanne has found the fountain of youth, the elixir that has made her feel thirty years old again. In combination with her Somersize diet and fitness plan, which she also writes about here, Suzanne has never felt better. The beauty of growing older, she maintains, is that you can combine the wisdom of age with the vitality of youth. Suzanne makes it perfectly clear how women and men can regain their zest for life at any age. These really are the sexy years!

From the Hardcover edition.Menopause is a complicated business. Medical issues vary widely and treatment options seem endless--especially in the wake of bad news about hormone replacement. While The Sexy Years isn't meant to supply you with a specific program of daily supplements, Suzanne Somers does offer an excellent inspiration to march forth and take control of this stage of health. Much of the book covers her own experience of menopause, including some detail on her breast cancer ordeal. She advocates the use of natural, bioidentical hormonal replacement, available through a variety of creams and supplements--it's a rare page that doesn't gush about the power of these substances or raise negative issues about the use of synthetic hormones. Introductory medical information is included on how estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone work together to keep people healthy and active; the vocabulary is understandable and generally entertaining rather than overwhelming. She provides interviews with a variety of doctors and women in various stages of menopause. These will give women a good place to start with topics to address with their own medical providers. While a short index of doctors and compounding pharmacies is provided, most women will have to do their own research to find local natural hormone specialists. But if you're looking for a boost of courage to bring up these treatments with your doctor--or simply want to investigate more natural alternatives to the standard synthetics--this is a fine place to get started. --Jill Lightner

Review :
Applause from a bioidentical hormone consultant
As a board-certified OB-GYN M.D. who has prescribed bioidentical hormones for more than 15 years, I can strongly endorse this book and its recommendations. Sommers' personal experience -- detailed down to her personal hormone dosing schedule -- and the recommendations of her consulting physicians will be highly informative and motivating for post-menopausal women. (I know that for a fact, since five readers have visited my office this week alone.) These women have been at a loss about how to proceed in the face of research demonstrating the health risks of conventional hormones such as Premarin. Thanks to Sommers' celebrity status and her solid health recommendations, women will have somewhere to turn for answers. It took exceptional bravery for Sommers to write a book that takes the pharmaceutical industry to task for their financially motivated role in medical opinion and practice. It's that influence, she observes, that has kept women on hormones derived from horse urine, which,...
Suzanne has done it again!
Suzanne Somers is a lot more than a pretty face...get this book at any age and get a view and many answers to a time of life that can be a skate...or a nightmare...don't count on the medical profession to know what will help....very few of them have a clue and there are lots of middle aged women...and men who are struggling with more than "the change"...US medical schools fail miserably with nutrition and hormones...all they know is disease and drugs..very profitable, but full of side effects and MORE problems..
This book is full of great information and help...neither I could find here in the nation's capitol...full of Doctors living the good life and no answers...Suzanne has found some forward thinking HEALERS who happen to be Doctors..and they share what they have found really works for their Patients...not the pharmaceutical companies...this is lots of information well presented with humor and caring...Thanks Suzanne!

One pill doesn't fix millions
I've always said to my Dr., family & friends that one pill doesn't fix all. They all thought I'd lost it. My thinking is we are ALL individual humans with different DNA & gene pools. How can 1 pill made in a lab; tested on menopausal women work for EVERYONE. And what about those who have other issues like fiberoids, peri-menopause, hysterectomies, etc. Do they take the same pill? I kept asking my Dr.'s and got the standard answer "well that's what my Medical Journal says." I realize their education in this subject is limited but Suzanne's book goes into that. Science has helped many with illness & disease, and for those discoveries that is to be commended. But menopause & all that comes with aging at this time in a woman's life should be individualized. I'm glad to see the science behind her book & my theory proven. Watch & see how this turns the tables on the drug companies theory that "one pill works for everyone". I'll bet they...

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