
Sacred Sexual Union: The Alchemy of Love, Power, and Wisdom On Sale

Title : Sacred Sexual Union: The Alchemy of Love, Power, and Wisdom
Category: Sex
Brand: Destiny Books
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Rating : 4.9
Buyer Review : 11

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This type of obcject gives surpasses out prospect, this one has developed into a amazing buy for personally, The theory appeared securely and swiftly Sacred Sexual Union: The Alchemy of Love, Power, and Wisdom

Experience the orgasmic rapture of Sacred Union with your Twin Soul and the Divine

• Includes practices in sacred sexuality, emotional intimacy, and soul awareness to awaken the Love, Power, and Wisdom of your soul, attract your Twin Soul, and satisfy your soul’s longing to reunite with God

• Draws on teachings from Gnosticism, Sufi mysticism, the Kabbalah, Kundalini yoga, sexual shamanism, the Egyptian Mystery schools, and Christ Consciousness

• Offers examples of Sacred Union, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene and Rumi and Shams as well as experiences of modern couples

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, Rumi and Shams, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Isis and Osiris--in these sacred unions we recognize the merging not only of Twin Souls but also of these lovers with the Divine. In Sacred Sexual Union, Anaiya Sophia shows this Holy Marriage, complete reunification with your Twin Soul and God, is not a secret reserved for the initiated or a tradition lost to the ages. It is a potent, living spiritual path enabling two beloveds to experience the primordial state of creation as one soul blessed by the Divine Light and Love of their Creator.

Drawing on teachings from Gnosticism, Sufi mysticism, the Kabbalah, Kundalini yoga, sexual shamanism, the Egyptian Mystery Schools, and Christ Consciousness, the author reveals the complete alchemical process of Sacred Union. She provides physical, meditative, and psychological practices that combine sacred sexuality, emotional intimacy, and transparent soul awareness to awaken the magnetic energies of your soul, draw your Twin Soul to you, and, with Twin Souls reunited, experience the passionate rapturous remembrance of becoming one with God. She explores ancient writings and rituals of Sacred Union--known as Hieros Gamos in ancient Sumeria, Sacred Marriage in the Kabbalah, Yab Yum in Tibetan Buddhism, and the Bridal Chamber in Gnostic Christianity--and offers examples of Sacred Union throughout the ages, including experiences from her own spiritual journey.

More than a meditative or yogic practice, Sacred Sexual Union offers a transformative spiritual path to embrace the threefold flame of Power, Love, and Wisdom and satisfy your soul’s longing for wholeness and reunion with the Divine.

Review :
Amazing and crucial insights for the perfect reunion with your beloved
Timing is everything, that is - divine timing. Sacred Sexual Union book arrived just following the meeting with my twin soul. My twin soul and I were so enveloped in love that nothing was sought by us, except each other. The months went on, then there came a time when deeper union was sought, and that is where Sacred Sexual Union was picked up and entered my life. We desired to polish any remaining rough edges that came between our total reunion, and guidance was needed for this process. Like Anaiya, I also had always longed for twin soul reunion, and been open to such.

As my twin soul and I were coming to a very important process of dissolution of all that had built up within our being through the long wait to find one another, my soul yearned to reach out and find deep healing from the friction caused as we merged ever deeper.

As Anaiya mentions, the meeting of your twin soul on a physical level does, indeed, cause a major shift in your life that forever alters...
The Ultimate guidebook on merging with your twin...........
All of the answers for twin souls.........after years of searching for the next step......
Anaiya Sophia provides the ultimate answers

A gamechanger for anyone who desires to reach that union of sexual Love and Divine Spirit
Reading these pages was literally what my soul has been asking to be revealed all of my life. It is like a direct and clear channel of Source the information packed into these printed pages.

Anaiya is a phenomenal teacher who sees Love in Truth and this book is a magnificent testament to that fact. I have everything great to say about her and her work - this book is a gamechanger.

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