
Just Fuck Me! - What Women Want Men to Know About Taking Control in the Bedroom (A Guide for Couples) - Revised Edition Discount !!

Title : Just Fuck Me! - What Women Want Men to Know About Taking Control in the Bedroom (A Guide for Couples) - Revised Edition
Category: Marriage
Brand: Secret Life Publishing
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Rating : 4.0
Buyer Review : 7

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This unique obcject gives overtake the anticipation, that one has turned into a amazing replace on me personally, The concept arrived securely and also quickly Just Fuck Me! - What Women Want Men to Know About Taking Control in the Bedroom (A Guide for Couples) - Revised Edition

"You're the Man... Act Like One!"

Look, I know you're not a mind reader, so I'm going to be blunt...

The majority of women like to be fucked. And I mean really fucked.

Yes, the media has lied to you.

Sure, there are some women who want to lie on their backs, look into your eyes, and gently rock back and forth, but most of us want you to channel the power of the Sun through your penis and give us a good, solid pounding. Act like you want it, for God's sake!

In this book, I'm going to lay out exactly what the majority of women want and show you exactly how to give it to them. I've got a section just for you and one for your female partner, so you can feel 100% comfortable letting loose on her vagina in the way she's secretly craving.

Some of the topics we'll cover...

The Alpha Male - It's more than just being an ex-fratboy douchebag, who thinks he's still on the high school football team. I'll clue you in.

Dirty Talk - Trust me, she wants it. If she didn't, she'd fuck a mime. Speaking of, did you know Marcel Marceau was divorced three times? Enough said.

Role Playing - How she really feels about pretending to be the babysitter, a whore, and a student looking for a little "extra credit." I'll take you through her top Alpha Male fantasies...including one so controversial, I can't even mention it here.

The Art of Being Assertive - Sack up and take control! What to do...and what not to do.

Sexual Communication - Both you and your partner have needs and good communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is crucial when it comes to getting them on the table. I'll show you how to communicate "Alpha Male Style." You'll learn what to say...and how to say it.

Now that I've got you all hyped up and extremely aware of the need to please your woman, let's make that happen!

What are you waiting for? Buy the book already!

Eve Kingsley is a feminist writer based in San Francisco. She teaches couples how to push the boundaries of their sexual relationships to create new levels of honesty, intimacy, and trust.

Review :
Better than most
I got this book and read it and was very happy with it. Most sex advice books suck, they only tell you stuff that anyone who is in a committed relationship with good communication would know, they are written for teens because they are the only ones who would not know that advice. This book on the other hand tells you about what girls want but don't know how to ask for, and tells you how to slowly introduce some new, fun sexual activities to your relationship. The only detraction I can say about this book is it is very simple, now that may sound like a good thing but I would have liked to explore some more of the psychological aspects of the sex described in the book and why we have lost this in our modern relationships because of the ways we are raised, but I like to explore things deeply. Over all though it was a good short read that actually did help my sex life a little. I would place this book right between "sex advice" and "kinky" and I would recommend this book to couples that...
Great Book

I grew up a dork ..... wish my dad ... or mom had given me this book back when I was in Highschool .... or Jr. High for that reason .... sure would have saved me a bunch of junk along the way !!!!

Couples Guide To Satisfying A Woman's Desires for an Alpha Male Lover
Like me, you were probably just innocently walking along or surfing when this the title of this book reached out and grabbed your curiosity and wouldn't let go. Since the book's title has your undivided attention, just what is the book about? It's a self-help guide/instruction book/sex manual written by a woman, a feminist no less, who obviously knows what she is talking about. How can a San Francisco feminist write a book like this one? As she says, "This is not a relationship advice book. This is a guide to pleasing your woman in bed." It's her experience that one of the reasons "why women like men who are more assertive in the bedroom" is feminism. "How could something that inspires women to be strong and in control be the same reason why she wants her partner to be an alpha male in the bedroom?" These are the questions that the author answers in this fascinating 113-page book. It's impossible to answer most of the questions brought up in this tome in this short review, but the...

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