
More Than Just the Talk: Becoming Your Kids' Go-To Person About Sex SALE

Title : More Than Just the Talk: Becoming Your Kids' Go-To Person About Sex
Category: Sex
Brand: Bethany House Publishers
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 54

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This unique item gives surpasses out prospect, this place has become a amazing upgrade on me personally, The concept came correctly along with speedily More Than Just the Talk: Becoming Your Kids' Go-To Person About Sex

A youth expert reveals how to become your kids' key source of information about dating, temptation, purity, and sex by engaging them in open, ongoing conversations.

Review :
Excellent Resource for Parents
There can be no denying (unless you want to play the role of the ostrich with their head in the sand) that our children are being exposed at earlier and earlier ages to all manner of sexual perversion. The statistics are staggering on the sheer amount of young people viewing sexually explicit material as well as engaging in sex and sexual related activities. What is a parent to do? What are ways parents can get involved in the battle for the hearts and minds of their children? What do we do when our child asks us about some element of sexually intimate information they heard in the back of the bus on the way home from elementary school? Jonathan McKee, in his truly outstanding book More Than Just the Talk: Becoming Your Kids’ Go-To Person about Sex, equips parents with information, practical application, and a needed kick in the pants.

McKee shares some sobering stats in the first part of this book that might take many parents by surprise, especially those...
If talking about sex to your kids FREAKS you out - get this book by Jonathan McKee!
If you just aren't sure how to prepare your kids to have a healthy view of sex in our seemingly sex crazed world, then Jonathan McKee's book is just what you've been waiting for! McKee takes a candid look at the issues our children are facing in their childhoods, and quickly dismantles myths parents may believe, such as thinking their children would never even THINK of words like oral sex or masturbation. Rather, McKee shows, from scripture and research, that we need to have honest conversations with our children from a young age. McKee encourages parents that "parents rarely introduce their kids to temptation while trying to tell them the truth". He's not encouraging parents to download too much information onto their children. But a quick look at the media around us, from t.v. shows to magazines to song lyrics, shows that our kids are being exposed to a sex-crazed world and they need to know how to handle it. Our children need to know that sex is a wonderful gift from God,...
better. Jonathan McKee has been one of my main ...
I've been a youth pastor for the past 8 years and I am always looking for resources that make my job, and the jobs of parents, better. Jonathan McKee has been one of my main go-to guys and he has not disappointed with his latest work. In his book, "More Than Just the Talk", he reminds us all that the conversations we have with our children need to be ongoing, fluid, open, inviting and intentional. Jonathan reminds us that if we choose to ignore or neglect these sometimes awkward and difficult conversations that society will step in and take our place with a message that probably won't align with our values and wishes we have for our students. This book is loaded with practical, easy to apply ideas to make these conversations happen as well as some of the pitfalls that society has in its messages today. Take the time with your kids to have these talks, take the time for yourself to read this book! I have already recommended it to all the parents I work with and look...

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