
Why Men Stop Having Sex: Men, the Phenomenon of Sexless Relationships, and What You Can Do About It Big Discount

Title : Why Men Stop Having Sex: Men, the Phenomenon of Sexless Relationships, and What You Can Do About It
Category: Love & Romance
Brand: Harper Perennial
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.8
Buyer Review : 21

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This unique item provides overtake out anticipation, this has chaned into a great replace on myself personally, The idea appeared securely and rapidly Why Men Stop Having Sex: Men, the Phenomenon of Sexless Relationships, and What You Can Do About It

An estimated twenty million American men and women are in relationships in which the man has stopped being sexually intimate. Is the problem physical, emotional, or psychological—or are these guys simply bored with their partners?

To find answers, bestselling author and relationship expert Dr. Bob Berkowitz and his wife, Susan Yager-Berkowitz, began an unprecedented survey of more than four thousand men and women in this situation, gathering data and following up with hundreds of interviews with selected respondents. Why Men Stop Having Sex provides a unique window into the sexless man's mind—so that men and women can understand this important issue and begin to address the problems that have inhibited intimacy, and ultimately solve them.

Review :
Objective, Well-Researched 4000 Person Survey of Married Men Who Lose Sexual Interest in Their Wives
I'm flabberghasted reading the other reviews of this book, so confused that I just retrieved it, to peruse it again before writing this review. I sense that other reviewers are processing the facts of the book through the lens of their own personal lives.

I read this superb book on men losing interest in sex with their wives as a professional consultant, with a keen interest in sex in America. The book is well balanced and not all focused on placing blame on EITHER party, inspite of two totally contradictory reviews of the same book.

The authors do make the accurate point that the lower-libido partner ALWAYS controls sexual frequency in any relationship. In no way does this book exempt wives from contributing to loss of their husband's libido.

First and foremost, the chapters of the book are organized around the results of a 4000 person, gender-balanced survey of men who have withdrawn from sex with their wives, and wives whose husbands don't want sex...
Insightful, helpful, important, and well-written
This is a very important book which handles a sensitive and difficult topic with insight, compassion, and solutions. It is well-researched and carefully written by one of the few true experts in the field. Using a survey to gather information from thousands of respondents gives the book an authenticity and a personal quality that helps the reader understand what real people think about this topic. The advice, suggestions, and remedies offered by the authors take the book beyond a mere analysis of the problem to a prescriptive level of practical and useful solutions.

Best book on the subject yet. Even better than THE SEX STARVED WIFE.
I must say. At first I thought there could be no better work on the subject than The Sex-Starved Wife: What to Do When He's Lost Desire. This book is much more comprehensive, thorough and gender balanced in examining the reasons why male partners either decrease or cease their sexual activity with their significant others. Perhaps this is so because the book is written by a married couple who wanted to be fair to both genders involved. Like THE SEX STARVED WIFE the book wrote that HSDD (hypoactive sexual desire disorder)can be used as a catchall term for little or no sex as a result of many factors both psychological and physiological in origin. So often the medical community has a tendency to assume that the sole reason for this has to do with low testosterone count. In Chapter Eleven "Maybe He's Gay? Asexual?" Berkowitz and Yager-Berkowitz clearly state "if a man's sex drive is low, it may not be due to low...

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