
Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction SALE

Title : Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction
Category: Sex
Brand: VINGR
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.2
Buyer Review : 26

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This specific thing provides exceeded the anticipation, that one has developed into a wonderfull replace on myself personally, The idea appeared safely and also quickly Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction

In our sophisticated, liberated, Sex and the City age, women are eager to enjoy sex to the fullest. But for many women, it's not quite that easy. In fact, Men's Health columnist Debby Herbenick receives thousands of letters and emails from women across the country who admit to having less than spectacular sex lives--and they're looking for advice.
Herbenick is the kind of confidante every woman longs for--a sex advisor who is as approachable as a girlfriend and as knowledgeable as a sex education professor. At the core of her advice is the belief that sex should be fun, satisfying, and intimate--but first and foremost, it should simply feel good. From enlightening lessons on female anatomy to the complicated issue of libido to an overview of sex toys and positions, Because It Feels Good informs women about every aspect of sexual function, providing the knowledge they need to have the sex lives they deserve. This is a pleasure manifesto--and your handbook to a great sex life.

Review :
Want better sex? Pleasure? Orgasms? Read this book!
Although a newer sex book, it is already my favorite sex book to recommend (I work as a sex educator for adults). It's well written, easy to read, has great diagrams, fun quizzes at the start of every chapter and - best of all - the information is GREAT. It's right on, it's accurate and written by someone who totally knows what she is talking about.

A major frustration of mine is that a lot of sex books are written by random people who don't know what they're talking about but act like they do. These are the same people who wind up doing things that their partners find unpleasurable but they do them because they read it in a book or magazine (that was wrong!). FINALLY - a book written by an expert who is fun, smart, and clearly loves sex! Dr. Debby writes about sex the way it should be written about - like it's fun and something we can learn to find pleasurable, exciting and connecting with our partners.

This is the kind of book that you will read over and over...
This book was okay, but not really for women who are in tune with their bodies, and looking to spice up their love life. This seems to be more geared to those not comfortable with sex and their own bodies.

Because It Feels Good: A Woman's Guide to Sexcual Pleasure and Satisfaction
I highly recommend this book to any generation, but most particularly to MY generation, the Zooomer (the 50 plus) woman. We were raised with so little information about our own sexuality by our mothers that, for me personally, I did not have my sexual awakening until I was in my 50's. I was married for over 30 years and only a handful of times did I experience pleasure, but an orgasm? never! I thought something was wrong with me, very seriously wrong. I talked to an OBGYN who thankfully was from Europe and very open and she recommended reading material to me. I found that I was not as educated about my own body as I thought. It took an intimate experience after my separation, with someone I had known and not been in touch with for over 40 years, to discover what "love making", not SEX, was all about and how pleasurable and wonderful it could be with someone you are compatible with. Compatibility is important but more than that I found out that yes, body chemistry plays an...

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