
Ecstasy is Necessary: A Practical Guide Big Discount

Title : Ecstasy is Necessary: A Practical Guide
Category: Sex
Brand: Hay House
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 15

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This type of obcject Offer overtake own prospect, this place has chaned into a fantastic upgrade on myself personally, The thought showed up safely along with speedily Ecstasy is Necessary: A Practical Guide

From Barbara Carrellas, sex expert and author of the best-selling book Urban Tantra, comes Ecstasy is Necessary. This is not your average tips-and-techniques sex book; rather it is an exploratory journey of the sexual self and the infinite possibilities of ecstatic expression. In Ecstasy is Necessary, Carrellas teaches readers how to discover, nurture, expand, and embrace their authentic, ever-evolving, sensual, sexual self.

Everyone goes through different phases of sexual expression and desire, and there are an infinite number of erotic and ecstatic possibilities available at all points along the way. The insights readers will gain in their journey with Carrellas will help them confidently approach sex and relationships in a way that works for them no matter where they are in their sexual evolution. They will get tools for solving the inevitable challenges that arise. They’ll even receive permission not to have sex at all, if that’s what’s right for them, because it is possible to create ecstatic experiences even when sex itself is not possible, available, or appropriate.

Using stories and simple exercises, Carrellas helps readers understand how they are wired for sex and relationships, what their personal warning signs look like, and what they need for optimum care. Plus, they’ll learn how to effectively communicate this information to others so that they can be loved more easily and effectively.

As readers discover their authentic sexual selves, they will learn how to create the conditions that allow more and more of their experiences and relationships to be opportunities for—and invitations to—ecstasy.

Review :
Get Me Embodied!
I read this book mostly because I think Barbara is awesome and also because I want to learn how to have better, more fulfilling sex and I identify as being in the relentless pursuit of my joy. This book was beyond anything I imagined it was going to be.

This book is an empowerment manual for embodiment. It is a road map to learn how to go into your body and get to know yourself on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. I spend at least 6 hours a week diligently working on these connections for myself and there was a lot I learned about myself within the first seventy pages.

You begin to examine your values, needs and desires are right away. I was really surprised when I was working through my values, since this timing coincides with my thinking and talking about how I find balance and settle on my priorities. Distilling your core values to six main tenets tells you what your priorities should be, gives you some guidance as to how to align your...
Carrellas is Correct...Ecstasy is Necessary
(Camille Gray's Review of "Ecstasy is Necessary" by Barbara Carrellas; Hay House Publishing: ISBN978-1-4019-2847-6, $16.95 US;[...])

Note: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

I entered my Master's degree program in Religious Studies in 1990 with the intention of writing my thesis on some component of sex and religion. For months I struggled with the ambiguity of my topic before choosing another topic; one considered more realistically manageable, as well as less controversial. I never lost interest in the subject matter, however. "Ecstasy is Necessary" is a non-regrettable reminder of my idle research and an inspiration for me to find a place in my writing for my lingering personal and academic curiosity for the way humans reconcile their sensual desires to their spiritual endeavors.

Carrellas reminds us of our inner permission...
Odd and insightful
We're all different. We all crave sex (and ecstasy, which are two different things sometimes) and/or push away sex (and ecstasy) for various reasons. Barbara wants you to find out those reasons. I sometimes wondered as I was reading: are you talking about the same sex I have? And I came to the conclusion that in many ways Barbara Carellas ISN'T talking about the same sex as I have.

As she says in her book: "I do sex for the mystical experiences--for the connection to all the disembodied beings and spirit guides I meet in erotic trance. I love altered states of consciousness, and nothing has ever beat sex and orgasm for consistently delightful--and often profound--travels through the cosmos. I have a partner who values sex as passionately as I do--for a completely different reason: she gets high on the intense intimate connection with her partner. With such different reasons for doing sex, we had our challenges in finding a way of creating sex together where she felt the...

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