
Guide To Getting It On Big Discount

Title : Guide To Getting It On
Category: Love & Romance
Brand: Goofy Foot Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 102

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This unique item provides surpasses out anticipation, this place has developed into a amazing upgrade on me personally, The concept showed up securely along with rapidly Guide To Getting It On

The only book where it's almost as much fun to read about sex as it is to have sex. And it just keeps getting better.

Review :
Outstanding book. I give this to young couples getting married.
Outstanding book and no wonder this is my wedding present of choice. I wrap it up for the couple getting married and don't even enclose a card. The delighted lovers don't need to know who it is among their wedding party whose out there trying to be helpful.

This work is entertaining, insightful, respectful, snarky, well illustrated. What's not to like about this book? He's got a spiritually here that shows sex as special. Yet on almost every page he gets down and nasty in a practical way about The Bonk; from the basics to the edgy. I loved the illustrations also as they set a tone that is a bit light hearted. Heck, so many of us are moving toward old man status these days, I should be embarrassed to say--but I'm not--that I learned a good deal I didn't know about sex in this book. I always have an extra copy on hand now to give to young couples; even advised a one-year young married couple last week (8.30.13) wondering about the perfect wedding gift for some starry...
Most fun and comprehensive guide on everything you ever wanted to know about sex
I came across this guide several years ago, and even then was thrilled by the overall tone of the book, as well as the detailed info on subjects one may not even have thought about right away when thinking sex...such as the composition of semen, and why it smells and tastes the way it does.
Recently, I recommended the book to a friend whose daughter is starting to explore her sexuality...for her...but my friend's curiosity was awakened as well when the book arrived. The volume must have tripled by now...and I decided to order one for myself now too, to update my own knowledge of sex. This book clearly is for a wide audience, teenagers and adults alike. As an adult, you may be very surprised by all the things you didn't know about sex...and especially if you have a teenager you want to have "the sex talk" with... you may realize it may be time for you to beef up your own sexuality knowledge before doing so.The book strikes the right conversationalist tone to entertainingly...
Should be required reading for the entire human race
Plainly spoken, light, oft humorous, hits every topic, and I love that it addresses sexual "health" questions you didn't know you had-esp. for the opposite sex. I feel that part of it debunks the notion that our bodies are "gross" and its functions are revolting. (Well-some of them. *wink*) A good portion of the book is technique, but it's so much more than that. Even if you've read all the booksl, even if you think you know all there is to know, read this anyway. You will not only learn something (I had no idea there was actually a biochemical reason Sperm burns your eyes, and it does btw) , you will enjoy the learning process. Could easily function as a "get things rolling" book for couples, or an educational manual. I wish there was a little more on the emotional role of sex, but then again with phrases like this : "If you aren't equal partners in sex, you aren't equal partners period. Is that really what you want?" I suppose you don't need to say...

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