
On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the GIFT of Nighttime Sleep SALE

Title : On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the GIFT of Nighttime Sleep
Category: Sleep Disorders
Brand: Parent-Wise Solutions
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 3.6

Description : This particular On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the GIFT of Nighttime Sleep functions fantastic, simple to use and also modify. The cost of this is dramatically reduced than other areas I reviewed, rather than a lot more when compared with equivalent item

This kind of subject delivers overtake out anticipation, this place has turned into a wonderfull buy for me personally, The idea showed up correctly along with swiftly On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the GIFT of Nighttime Sleep

Distinguished pediatrician Dr Robert Bucknam, M.D. and co-author Gary Ezzo are two of the world's leading experts on infant management concepts. In this revised 5th edition, they have updated their groundbreaking approach which has found favor with over six million parents in all 50 states and has been translated into 16 languages around the world. 

For over 20 years, On Becoming Babywise has been the de facto newborn parenting manual for naturally synchronizing your baby's feeding time, waketime and nighttime sleep cycles, so the whole family can sleep through the night. 

In his 26th year as a licensed Pediatrician, Dr. Robert Bucknam, M.D. along with co-author Gary Ezzo,  demonstrate how order and stability are mutual allies of every newborn's metabolism and how parents can take advantage of these biological propensities. In particular, they note how an infant's body responds to the influences of parental routine or the lack thereof. 

Early chapters start with explorations of everyday aspects of infant management such as the three basic elements of daytime activities for newborns: feeding time, waketime, and naptime.

Practical discussions then focus on broad and niche topics including feeding philosophies, baby sleep problems, baby scheduling challenges, nap routines, sleep training multiples, baby sleeping props, Colic and Reflux and many other dimensions which impact breast feeding schedules, bottle feeding tips and baby sleep training. 

Five resource Appendixes provide additional reference material: 

1) Taking care of baby and mom 
2) A timeline of what to expect and when 
3) Baby Sleep Training Problems and Solutions 
4) Monitoring Your Baby's Growth 
5) Healthy Baby Growth Charts 

On Becoming Babywise is more than an infant-management concept. It is a mindset for successful parenthood. It can help any parent develop a plan that meets both the needs of a new baby and of the entire family. These principles have worked for millions of parents and, when applied with common sense to your unique situation, can work wonderfully for you too! Recommended by doctors across the country.
"As a mom, I parented both ways.  As a certified lactation educator, I know how discouraging it is to feed a baby around the clock with no apparent advantage and how fatigue will affect her milk supply.  I also know how discouraging the first eighteen months of parenting can be without a plan.  I know, because with my first child, I did everything the opposite of what is taught in this book.  Before my second baby was born, I was introduced to the Babywise concepts.  Applying these principles revolutionized my thinking.  Instead of being in baby bondage, I was liberated to be the mother God wanted me to be.  I have consistently used this series with the women I counsel.   These mothers have met with tremendous success, whether bottle or breastfeeding."
                       -- Barbara Philips, R.N., C.L.E.  Los Angeles, California

Review :
A more neutral perspective
I am not interested in Ezzo- or GFI-bashing here in this review.

As a mom of three infant boys, each a little over a year apart with one more on the way, I see nothing wrong with the gist of the Babywise book. The principles for eating and sleeping work rather well if you employ them with some grace and flexibility as tiny ones require. Contrary to what you may have heard, the Ezzo's do not suggest tossing your tenderness, intuition, or creative parenting out the window--they provide some basic eating/sleeping instructions very similar to those sent home with Mom a generation ago from Dr. Spock, the pediatrician, or the hospital nurse (but not highly common nowadays due to the AAP's shift in philosophy). Such advice will not harm your baby unless you employ their methods religiously as if it is the "magic formula" to enjoying newborns. There exists no such formula--not in Ezzo, and not in the Sears or child-centered camp either.

Briefly, the basic principles...
Very misunderstood, but wonderful book
A friend recommended this book to me before my first daughter was born, and after reading the reviews on Amazon, I was certain that I wanted no part of it. After my friend assured me that the things I had read were in no way true, I bought the book and have used it with both my girls, and recommended it to everyone I know expecting babies.

First of all, this book NEVER says not to feed your baby if he/she is hungry. In fact, it states in bold, in several places, that you absolutely need to feed your baby if he/she is hungry, regardless of whether they last ate 3 hours ago or 1 hour ago. One of the main points of the book is to try and figure out why your baby is crying or upset. If he/she is hungry, feed the baby. However, your baby may cry for many reasons, and not all of them are because the baby is hungry. Feeding your baby everytime he/she cries leads the baby to snacking, which isn't good for you, and is especially bad for the baby if you are breastfeeding. The...
The theory works, but use common sense!
There is some valid criticism of this book, which is the reason that I only reluctantly give copies to brand new parents--both singing the praises of the methods and warning not to apply everything Ezzo recommends blindly.
The basic premise is that you feed your baby when it first wakes, and wake the baby if it falls asleep before getting a good, complete feeding. Then you try to keep the baby awake--at first this will be only a few minutes, maybe just 2 or 3 minutes in a newborn. Then, while the baby is still awake, lie him or her down to sleep. The main idea is that you don't let the baby depend the breast or nipple to go to sleep--the baby learns to comfort and put herself to sleep. The theory is that babies wake naturally every few hours. With this method they have the skills to get themselves back to sleep without fully waking or waking you once, twice, three times each night.
It REALLY works for most babies. I'm sure there are some babies who just don't have the...

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