
Intimate Communion: Awakening Your Sexual Essence Promo Offer

Title : Intimate Communion: Awakening Your Sexual Essence
Category: Sex
Brand: HCI
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 35

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To truly understand your intimate relationships, you must read this book! David Deida, internationally known for his work in personal growth and intimate relationships, shares the deep understandings and effective techniques that he has refined through his 20 years of consultation, research and spiritual practice. Learn how to keep your relationships growing--beyond the sexually neutralized roles so typical of today--and create a relationship that is spiritually erotic, sexually deep and passionately committed to love.

Review :
Absolutely Brilliant!!!!
Oh Yeah!.... Absolutely!..... That explains it!.... No wonder!.... Of course!.... Right!.... Oh.....yes, that's what I want! are just SOME of the things I felt and thought as I read about this brilliant, yet elegantly simple three stage relationship theory. To see myself and my relationships, past and present, in the pages before my eyes was 'enlightening'...to say the least. To read about another possibility in relating with the opposite sex, a way of understanding, honouring and respecting our differences.... and gifting each other with these differences, made me yearn for the third stage. As a woman, I have never felt so deeply seen, heard and understood. David Deida and 'Ophelia' are committed to a 'intimate communion' - a relationship I have always dreamt about. A relationship I have somehow always known about, deep in my heart, yet could never really grasp.
After fighting for my independence, after finding out that instead of waiting for the outside (usually a...
Highly recommended!
An exceptionally clear and insightful book. The author seems to have a gift for cutting right to the heart of every relationship issue, especially in the context of each individual's spiritual growth. This book, more than any other, has informed my current perspective on relationships, and has proven quite helpful in creating the context to discuss masculine/feminine issues between myself and my partner. We have been using Deida's suggestions with great success for some years now, and our relationship has blossomed in ways we never thought possible, due to our increasing faith in honesty and full expression of each of our gifts. I recommend the book highly to anyone who's at a place of questioning how one can reconcile one's sexuality with one's spiritual path.

A book of awesome insights - for men and women!
I am still reading this book and cannot wait to share how I feel about it! My husband and I have been married for thirty years, and we have run the gamut of emotions and experiences as lovers and best friends in that span of time. We want to continue to grow in our relationship and David Deida's book is about the intimate communion we all want in our relationships. I dare to say, as I read this book, and watch the news or an "intelligent" talk show about relationships, I see how David Deida's insights could make a difference in understanding and moving FORWARD to resolving the male/female issues in our culture. Oprah, here he comes - a man with tremendous and unusual insights, teaching us how to live in true harmony with the sexes! This book (as well as his other books) truly and deeply respects the feminine as much as the masculine. The points are well-made while honoring and UNDERSTANDING men and women. Thank you, David Deida. The future looks encouraging!

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