
In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior Discount !!

Title : In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior
Category: Love & Romance
Brand: Hazelden
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 39

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This unique item delivers surpass own anticipation, this place has turned into a fantastic upgrade on personally, The idea came correctly as well as speedily In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior

As the Internet becomes a more powerful, imposing force in our lives, indeed becoming difficult to avoid, the potential for related problems also increases. This includes troubles of a sexual nature. When accessing porn no longer requires even a trip to the store, when we can view and participate in sexual activities anonymously, when younger and younger children are being exposed to sex online, when virtual interactions take over, limiting and even destroying real-time relationships, we are in crisis.

Compulsive online sexual behavior is a real and growing problem. Yet the situation is not without hope. For those who are seeing signs of significant online problems in themselves or a loved one, this updated second edition of In the Shadows of the Net provides answers, understanding, and tools for recovery. With the latest statistics, discussion of recent technologies and devices, and new thinking on developing a healthy relationship with the Internet and avoiding relapse, this book offers authoritative, professional advice for achieving lasting, healthy change and healing.

Review :
The book gave me and my boyfriend a better understanding of his behavior. Why he couldn't stop the secret dating, and the internet e-mails and porn. Fantasizing about sexual situations, whether the grass was greener somewhere other than with the life he knew.

For me it was very painful to find about his affairs, for him it was something which brought him a lot of shame and misery because he saw how much it hurt me. We are still working through the pain and realizing that it takes a lot of work on an ongoing basis to stay free from the temptations which are so easily available the internet and have the power to destroy a person's life. I highly recommend this book I was able to understand the reason of his compulsive behavior and he understood that he was a sex addict that need it help.

In the Shadows of the Net
very thorough treatment of cybersex and internet porn addiction with psychological & emotional etiology -- discusses the cunning, baffling, powerful addiction of the internet & its ease of access to pornographic sites & cybersex chat rooms -- carries through to the financial & interpersonal & legal expenses that may result from this addiction as well as destroyed families & lost employment

Best in the Business
There is a reason Tiger Woods went to Patrick Carnes when he needed rehabilitation for his sexual addiction. This is a profession work with amazing personal stories by addicts. Having been to Gentle Path myself I can vouch that his approach really works. Head and Shoulders above the competition by a professional with 30 years of experience working with sex addicts and sexaholics.

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