
Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust Discount !!

Title : Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust
Category: Teenagers
Brand: American Academy of Pediatrics
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 5.0
Buyer Review : 7

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This unique obcject provides exceeded own anticipation, this one has developed into a amazing buy for myself, The theory arrived safely along with swiftly Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust

From award-winning author Ken Ginsburg comes this new work which explores an innovative idea in parenting: "The Lighthouse Parenting Strategy." 
Dr. Ginsburg's previous work includes "Building Resilience in Children and Teens" which offers a comprehensive overview of strategies to build resilience and promote the kind of traits that lead to our children becoming happy, successful adults.  This book offers a deeper dive into two fundamental questions over which parents struggle: 1) How do I give my child the unconditional love he needs to thrive, while also holding him to high expectations? and 2) How do I protect my child while also letting her learn life's lessons? 
"We should be like lighthouses for our children; beacons of light on a stable shoreline from which they can safely navigate the world.  We must make certain they don't crash against the rocks, but trust they have the capacity to learn to ride the waves on their own."
This book is rooted in proven concepts from the positive youth development and resilience frameworks and combines new research with expert opinion to help parents consider how to approach these toughest of questions. 
This book is cowritten by Dr. Ginsburg's two teenaged daughters, Ilana and Talia Ginsburg, and perspectives from over 500 teens are also part of this groundbreaking work.

Review :
This book should be on every parents night stand
Anyone who knows me personally would tell you my kids are the most important things in the world to me. They know I Love them unconditionally and there is little in this world within reason that I wouldn't do for them. However, long before I read this book, I knew in certain situations I was falling short. Not necessarily failing them but I didn't have the proper tools to prepare them to be independent self reliant men. Many a night I would ponder over conversations we shared and wonder if I said or did the right thing. No parent wants to be a failure to their children. We all want the absolute best for them. Now, after reading: 'Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love with Expectations and Protection with Trust', I feel I have the tools I was lacking. I feel more confident in my parenting skills. A lot of things I did have right but a lot of things I didn't have a clue. This book is not necessarily a manual but a tool to assist parents in their goals. It's definitely a must-have book...
This book is a must read not just for parents, but for educators, mentors and anyone who works with young people.
The beauty of this book is its simplicity. Every parent has been conflicted about fostering independence while protecting their children at one time or another. Every parent worries about setting high expectations while showing unconditional love. Dr. Ginsberg masterfully guides us with practical advice given in digestible bites that make it easy to put his words to practice. What is most powerful about the book are the words of his children and the other young people who grace his pages.

Karen Campbell - Tween Mom and Program Director, Students Run Philly Style

Raising Kids to Thrive
Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust is a quick read filled with excellent child rearing advice. As a mother of four children, two of which are teens, I sometimes struggle with deciding when I should give my kids more freedom. My oldest is fourteen now, and she wants to go out with friends. I trust her, but I don't trust other people, and I know I can get overprotective at times. I know from my own personal experience growing up, that being too sheltered can cause more harm than good. When I left for college, I overwhelmed and terrified by the real world. I don't want my daughter to face those same issues. This book teaches parents how to find a balance between protection and trust.

The book also talks about expectations. As parents, we want what's best for our children, but there is a line. We can't live through our children or push them to do the things we wish we had done. The first half of the book teaches you to temper...

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