
Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids Big Discount

Title : Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids
Category: Quick Workouts
Brand: Sourcebooks
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Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 47

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This type of item delivers surpass own prospect, this place has become a amazing buy for me personally, The idea arrived safely as well as rapidly Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

What if you got outside every day, and what if you could get your kids to come along? It sounds modest, but the effects, as dynamic outdoor spokesperson Rebecca Cohen herself can testify, are profound. This inspiring collection of activities gives families an idea for every day of the year, requiring little planning, no expertise and relatively little resources (time, cash, or patience!), no matter where they live. Simple and inspiring, this book is bursting with hundreds of easy ways to get your family out into nature a little bit every day.

Review :
My new best friend!
Review originally posted on MoanaSaves (dot) com
"What if I got outside every single day, and what if I could get my kids to come along? It would be easier to pull this off in the middle of summer, but what if we did it all year round, no matter what the weather was like?"

These are Rebecca Cohen's words in the introduction to her book 15 Minutes Outisde, 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids. At the time when Rebecca had this outdoorsy idea she and her husband had demanding corporate jobs and it seemed the moments she was at home were spent indoors rushing from one demand to the next, leaving her at the end of the day feeling exhausted and unfulfilled in regards to time spent with her children. Well, I'm not a working mom but I can definitely relate with the life of running around without really spending time with my kids outside.

After reading this book I think I can honestly say that it's my new best friend. 365 ideas of how to spend...
So Much Fun
We are having such a great time with some of the ideas in this book. I picked it up off of the library shelf on a whim and was captivated. I decided just to try inviting my kids to do the activities with me every day instead of nagging them to turn off the t.v. The ideas are simple, and inexpensive, often things you could have thought of yourself, but didn't. It's nice to have a quick list to look out so you don't have to plan anything or be creative when you are busy. Fifteen minutes is so achievable. I thought my kids would drag their feet and want to stay inside because they are addicted to electronics but I think I underestimated how much they wanted to spend time with me. Every day they ask me "Hey mom can we spend 15 minutes outside today?" Once we are outside, the neighbor kids come over to play and the fifteen minutes turns into hours, even if I go back inside to do what I need to do after a while. I am really glad I found this book when I did before their childhood...
Easy outdoor fun!
I'm somewhat surprised at how useful this book has been to me. How hard is it to think of things to do outside? But I love that I can flip through it quickly (by month and day) and see quick, easy to pull off activities for my family. I'm a strong believer in getting kids outside, but live a busy life (like most everyone) and don't always make time for the outdoors. Already this week, we've planted peas, onions and spinach, pulled on rain boots and splashed in melting snow and took a walk in our small creek. And you know what? Rebecca is right, outdoors time is like a release valve for our family. We all are in a better mood, with just a small amount of time outside. Thanks!

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