
Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips Promo Offer

Title : Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips
Category: Dementia
Brand: Skirt!
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Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 139

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Actress and photographer Kris Carr thought she had a hangover, but a Jivamukti yoga class didn’t provide its usual kick-ass cure. A visit to her doctor confirmed her “liver looked like Swiss cheese,” covered with cancerous tumors. She entered trench warfare (wearing cowboy boots into the MRI machine, no less), vowing, “Cancer needed a makeover and I was just the gal to do it!” She began writing and filming her journey, documenting her interactions with friends, doctors, alternative “quacks,” blind dates, and other women with cancer—sadly a growing group. CRAZY SEXY CANCER TIPS gathers the lessons learned and advice offered from Carr’s own journey, as well as the experiences of her cancer posse. Full-color photos accompany personal stories and candid revelations in this scrapbook of advice, warnings, and resources for the cancer patient. Chapters cover your changing social life, dating, sex, and appearance; essential health tips on how to boost your immune system; recipes; medical and holistic resources; and information on young survivor support groups. The resulting book is a warm, yet informative tool for any woman newly diagnosed with the disease and for those who love them.


Review :
I can see good intentions, but misses the mark for me
As a cancer survivor, I wanted to like this book. I love the idea of a "hip" survival/inspirational guide for women. I am so glad that Kris Carr has dealt so well with a devastating diagnosis. This points to a true strength of spirit. I think the author's heart is in the right place, but something went wrong here. I didn't find this book hip, or funny. It struck a bad chord for me. When I had cancer I too was 31. I didn't go through a decision-making process about whether to tell my esthetician about my illness. I wasn't worried about getting my bikini area waxed. I didn't go on a "cancervation" with my "posse", because I was working to pay my bills and keep my health insurance. I didn't attend retreats and trainings and buy hundreds of dollars of goods from Whole Foods on shopping trips and make a documentary about myself. People deal with trauma and heal in different ways, and spending freely seems to have been beneficial to Kriss Carr's personal journey. Each woman...
Great Book!!
As a recent Breast Cancer survivor, I can tell you that this book was my favorite "cancer" book. Like everyone who is diagnosed with cancer, I spent hours researching on the internet, and reading various "what to expect" books. After all that, I cannot tell you what a pleasure it was to read CrazySexyCancer!

As a cancer survivor, you realize while reading this book that "Oh Yeah, I have been in that exact situation" many times. Maybe, at the time, you didn't see the humor in it, but reading Kris's book you will now! Kris offers sound and practical advice from talking to your Doctor and nurse, playing the cancer card, working on your attitude, dressing up, and eating correctly. Her style is humorous and irreverent, but with a deep understanding from someone who has looked at the abyss and said, "OK, let's jump!" I especially liked the stickies, or post-it notes, throughout the book, making you feel like you really are communicating directly with the author. My all...
I was diagnosed with cancer two years ago at the age of 32 and at the time I certainly yearned for cancer guidebooks and first-person narratives that reflected my experience as a "young" person with cancer. But I'm not sure if this book would have helped me. Page after glossy page, it makes cancer seem like more fun than it really is. Crazy sexy beautiful cancer babes? I'm all for empowerment, but cancer treatment makes you feel like utter garbage. I can imagine coming home from a chemo-vomit-fest at the hospital to open up a book filled with beautiful, thin, made-up, well-coiffed women (who, of course, have dashing, heroic boyfriends and husbands who always make them feel better) -- only to feel that I don't measure up. What, now I have to feel sassy and sexy when I'm being poisoned by intravenous drugs? How about a book for the rest of us, with our imperfect bodies and hairdos and our romantic partnerships with fallible human beings who don't always save the day? I...

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