
The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight Discount !!

Title : The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight
Category: Weight Loss
Brand: Harmony
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Rating : 4.2

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This unique obcject provides surpass own prospect, that one has become a fantastic buy for personally, The theory showed up securely and also swiftly The Fast Metabolism Diet: Eat More Food and Lose More Weight

Haylie Pomroy has helped countless clients lose up to 20 pounds in just 4 weeks –all through the fat-burning power of food. Hailed as “the metabolism whisperer,” Haylie reminds us that food is not the enemy, it’s the rehab needed to rev-up your sluggish, broken-down metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning furnace.
On this plan you’re going to eat a lot. You’re going to eat three full meals and at least two snacks a day – and you’re still going to lose weight. What you’re not going to do is count a single calorie or fat gram. You’re going not to ban entire food groups. You’re not going to go carb-free or vegan or go cold turkey on the foods you love. Instead, you’re going to rotate what you’re eating throughout each week according to a simple and proven plan carefully designed to induce precise physiological changes that will set your metabolism on fire.
Phase I (Monday-Tuesday): Lots of carbs and fruits
Phase II (Wednesday-Thursday): Lots of proteins and veggies
Phase III (Friday-Sunday): All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils
By keeping your metabolism guessing in this specific and deliberate way, you’ll get it working faster. This isn’t just a theory, it’s the results-based product of Haylie Pomroy’s successful programs.  It’s worked for celebrities, for athletes, and for people with chronic illnesses who need to lose weight, doctor’s orders.  Now it’s going to work for you.
In 4 weeks not only will you see the weight fall off, you’ll also see your cholesterol drop, your blood sugar stabilize, your energy increase, your sleep improve, and your stress dramatically reduce. All thanks to the miraculous power of real, delicious, satisfying food!
Plus, by switching up what you’re eating every few days, you’ll get to enjoy a greater variety of foods, so your palate will never feel bored or deprived.  Complete with 4 weeks of meal plans and over 50 recipes – including vegetarian, organic, and gluten-free options – this is the silver bullet for the chronic dieter who has tried every fad diet and failed, the first time dieter attempting to kick her metabolism into gear, and anyone who wants to naturally and safely eat her way to a skinner, healthier self.

Q&A with Haylie Pomroy

Haylie Pomroy

Q. Why is metabolism so important?

A. First of all, metabolism isn’t a thing—it’s a process! It’s how your body converts food into either fuel or body substance (muscle, fat, bone, blood). If you have a fast metabolism, your body easily processes nutrients into heat and energy, or into creating a strong body. If you’ve got a slow metabolism, you’re storing—instead of burning—and more of your food ends up stuck to your thighs and belly as fat. The good news is that you can CHANGE your metabolism by eating the right foods.

Q. In the book you talk about the importance of switching up what you eat and how it can help you lose weight. Can you explain?

A. To start fixing your broken-down metabolism and lose weight, you’ve got to re-train it: You have to confuse it to lose it. And by eating the right nutrient-dense whole foods on the right days and at the right times, that’s exactly how you’ll get your metabolism burning fast and hot, like it should be.

It sounds like magic, but it’s really just good, solid science. The book is the product of 20 years of clinical experience, of helping people lose weight and keep it off. It’s worked for my clients—many of them athletes and celebrities—and it can work for you too. Each phase of the diet—and the specific foods within that phase—sets off precise reactions in your body, coaxing it to unlock and burn fat. It’s the constant switcheroo that forces your metabolism to get going again!

  • Phase One focuses on fruit and whole grains
  • Phase Two emphasizes alkalizing veggies and lean proteins
  • Phase Three balances proteins, veggies, fruit, and whole grains, plus healthy fats

Q. And I don’t have to count calories?

A. Nope! Your metabolism doesn't count calories and neither should you, as long as you follow the diet's guidelines for which foods to eat and when to eat them. A "calorie" has nothing to do with your weight or metabolism; it's actually a unit of measure—the amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius!

Q. Is this diet really for everybody?

A. The Fast Metabolism lifestyle is the way we SHOULD be eating all the time, not just for the 28-day course of the diet! With The Fast Metabolism Diet, you'll learn healthy eating habits that will improve your physical and mental well-being, no matter how much weight you need to lose. There's plenty of flexibility for working around food allergies or sensitivities, and any other restrictions imposed by medical conditions.

Q. So you're saying real food, not processed is the way to go?

A. We eat only real food on the Fast Metabolism Diet. Nothing fake, nothing with an ingredient list as long as your arm. Fat-free and sugar-free diet junk are off the table too. The diet lists healthy portion sizes too—you’ve got to fuel that metabolism. And you won’t go hungry. In fact, many of my clients are surprised how much food they get to eat.

So say bye-bye to frozen low-cal dinners and fat-free “diet” foods. That’s fake food—it’s just a load of chemicals that drag down your metabolism.

Luckily, real food is really pretty easy. The Fast Metabolism Diet book includes more than 50 super-simple recipes—including family favorites like my Slow-Cooker Chili and Pepperoncini Pork Roast—that you can tailor to your preferences and cooking style.

Q. So what happens after I've reached my goal?

A. Learn how to live the Fast Metabolism lifestyle! Once you create your fast metabolism, you get to use it! Enjoy barbecues, birthday parties, holiday feasts—and really enjoy them. With the Fast Metabolism Diet, you’ll learn how to keep that metabolic fire roaring so you can handle every diet curve life throws your way. By the time you hit your goal weight, you'll have built exactly the habits you need to live a balanced, food-loving life. You don't have to follow the phases anymore (although you can). Just follow the diet's rules for maintenance and remember the true meaning of "DIET": Did I Eat Today?

Review :
Fantastic Results **UPDATED 1/23/2015**
I have been on this program for 7 days so far. I know it may seem a bit early to post a review, but wanted to do so now for two reasons; first, I am excited by my results so far - I have already lost 9 pounds - and second, I was dismayed by the inaccurate review (V. Canfield) that deterred me from trying this diet program months ago.
First - about me so you know what you are dealing with. This is my first Amazon review ever. I am at least 60 pounds over weight. I have lost (and gained back) weight on at least three different programs and know I will lose weight with Weight Watchers if I really work at it and am very patient - but I knew it would take a long time and lots of deprivation to lose all that I need to lose to improve my health. Before I found this book I was pretty discouraged. I am tired of counting calories and had already worked out for myself that "calories" are a largely inaccurate concept when applied to food. I am pre-diabetic and have joint and skin...
Stunned @ how easy this is - how healthy I feel after 2 weeks. This is healthy weight loss.
I was in top shape when I got pregnant at 40 years old. In the past 3 years I've been unable to lose 30 pounds - sadly - I gained weight after losing most of my baby weight. My metabolism died essentially - I worked from home and sat most of the day. I ate every left over carb snack my son left on his plate and at my largest meal at 9pm. I couldn't find the time to include exercise into our busy lives since my husband has a very challenging work schedule. It was a nightmare - each month I saw the scale go up, my energy go down, sleep issues, etc. I saw the author on Dr Oz and thought this made sense and i would try it for 28 days - what did I have to lose. The first week - I lost 3 pounds - and I followed the plan to the T except I wasn't used to eating as much food as I needed to. The second week I lost an additional 5 pounds but what I noticed the most was lost of inches. I'm in the middle of my third week and I'm down 2 pounds - and I will admit I cheated because I've had a very...
Challenging But Worth It - A Wealth of Great Information
The cover of this book makes a bold promise: "Lose up to 20 pounds in 28 days - Eat More Food & Lose More Weight". This idea combined with the suggestion of a faster metabolism sounds like a dream come true.

So, who is Haylie Pomroy and why should we listen to her? A quick Google search found a video segment on TV program "Access Hollywood" about how stars like Cher, Jennifer Lopez and Robert Downey Jr. go to this celebrity nutritionist to shape their great bodies. She looks fantastic and talks about avoiding unnatural foods such as fat-free, artificial sweeteners and chemical additives. She tells us to eat a healthy breakfast within 45 minutes of waking to rev up our metabolism (the book says 30 minutes). I can tell already that this is based on sound information and not another fad diet.

As the title suggests, this book is about creating a faster metabolism to burn more calories. The author exposes myths and truths about metabolism and how many people have...

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