
Understanding Metabolism: The Truth About Counting Calories, Sustainable Weight Loss, and Metabolic Damage Big Discount

Title : Understanding Metabolism: The Truth About Counting Calories, Sustainable Weight Loss, and Metabolic Damage
Category: Healing

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Rating : 4.1
Buyer Review : 34

Description : This particular Understanding Metabolism: The Truth About Counting Calories, Sustainable Weight Loss, and Metabolic Damage performs fantastic, user friendly and also alter. The price of is was dramatically reduced than other areas I reviewed, and not considerably more compared to comparable product

This unique thing gives overtake out prospect, this place has chaned into a fantastic buy for myself, The idea appeared securely and speedily Understanding Metabolism: The Truth About Counting Calories, Sustainable Weight Loss, and Metabolic Damage

The truth about counting calories, metabolic damage, and sustainable weight loss

This book acts as a kind of "prequel" to Beyond Metabolism.

In Understanding Metabolism Scott Abel discusses the truth about metabolic damage, the truth about calorie counting and calorie math, and what will and what won't lead to a healthy, robust metabolism and a fast metabolism. Scott argues that it is about thinking long term. If you're looking for sustainable weight loss, metabolism is about much more than a day in, day out calculation of "calories in/calories out," especially when you look at it over a period of weeks and months.

Learn about:

• What realistic protein needs are if you're weight training.

• Why diets fail when they don't take metabolism into account.

• What causes metabolic damage, and the reality of repairing metabolic damage or healing a broken metabolism.

• The truth about cardio, and why more cardio can actually make you fat.

• How less exercise can lead to a faster metabolism.

• Why the current "calorie-burning" focus of exercise is flawed and ineffective for optimal metabolic function and weight loss.

What kinds of exercises and training is best for an optimized metabolism.

• Is caffeine okay? What about artificial sweeteners? Should I be aware of gluten? The book also has in-depth discussions of current trends like Paleo Dieting, the DNA Diet, and more.

Learn the proper diet for a fast metabolism and health, longterm metabolic function. Learn what you need to know to lose weight... and KEEP it off! Get Understanding Metabolism now!

Review :
You don't need cardio (cardio happens when you do fun things like hiking
I needed this book. I've completely lost balance in my nutrition/health, and this book says exactly why it's happened to me and so many other modern dieters....

Scott Abel also does offer his own diet advice. I will summarize it as

1) 6 out of 7 days a week, he eliminates processed snacks, alcohol, sweets/cakes, sugars, and second helpings. He eats a diet consisting of whole foods (as unprocessed as possible), mainly meat, vegetables, fruits, starches, grains (bread), and whole dairy. On the 7th day, usually Sunday, he eats whatever he wants however much he wants. This is his refeed day which helps to keep his metabolism high. His dietary advice seems to revolve around the idea that added sugar is one of the leading causes of obesity and hormone problems in people today, so he tries to cut it out as often as possible. He does not count calories because if you cut out snacks, alcohol, sweets, sugars, and seconds for most of the week, you should be in a small,...
I've read around 300 diet and nutrition books. If you promise me health and weight loss, I'll buy your book.

I would throw all of those other books out the window for this $.99 gem. I feel like everything may have clicked after reading this book.

"Let's stop pretending there is a weight loss Santa Claus. He ain't real, folks".

Thanks, Scott Abel. You solved my puzzle and I am grateful.

His best work to date
Hands down, this is not only Scotts best book on food and metabolism - basically everything pertainig to diet - but it is the one book I hoped he'd never write because it gives away his BEST ideas. A game changer in the right hands!!

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