
Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew: Updated and Expanded Edition Big SALE

Title : Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew: Updated and Expanded Edition
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Future Horizons
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 144

Description : This Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew: Updated and Expanded Edition does excellent, simple to operate and change. The price of is was dramatically reduced compered to other areas we investigates, rather than a lot more compared to related item

This kind of item provides surpass out anticipation, this place has turned into a wonderfull replace on personally, The theory arrived properly along with rapidly Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew: Updated and Expanded Edition

A bestseller gets even better!  Every parent, teacher, social worker, therapist, and physician should have this succinct and informative book in their back pocket. Framed with both humor and compassion, the book describes ten characteristics that help illuminate—not define—children with autism.

Ellen’s personal experiences as a parent of children with autism and ADHD, a celebrated autism author, and a contributor to numerous publications, classrooms, conferences, and websites around the world coalesce to create a guide for all who come in contact with a child on the autism spectrum. This updated edition delves into expanded thought and deeper discussion of communication issues, social processing skills, and the critical roles adult perspectives play in guiding the child with autism to a meaningful, self-sufficient, productive life.
A bonus section includes ten more essential, thought-provoking "things" to share with young people on the spectrum as they cross the threshold of adulthood, and an appendix of more than seventy questions suitable for group discussion or self-reflection. This new edition sounds an even more resonant call to action, carrying the reader farther into understanding the needs and the potential of every child with autism.

Bronze Award in Psychology, ForeWord Book of the Year Awards
Gold Award, Mom's Choice Awards

Review :
A Great Book which will change your child's life for the better
This is quite an unusual book. It's not a practical guide to handling day to day issues with Autism, nor is it a dry clinical description of Autism. It's essentially a book promoting a new paradigm, (a whole new outlook) on Autism. It provides you with an understanding of some key positive concepts and then goes on to show how they can be put into practical use on a daily basis.

I feel that this book could be better described with the considerably less catchy title of; Ten concepts which your future happy and successful grown up child with autism needs you to know, understand, believe and "live" now - in order to ensure that the time line works out for the best.

Make no mistake, these aren't ten baby concepts which will only hold true for a small part of your child's life. They're adult ones, mantras for living - and they apply forever.

The book starts with a list of the 10 things which I'll list below because there are no surprises here...
Light bulb!
If you or anyone you know struggles to understand autism...this is the book! When my son was diagnosed Imhad a very hard time understanding what he was going thru...this book turned on the light bulb! It completely changed the way I thought about and cared for my son. Nothing short of life changing! The most important words "Meltdowns are more horrid for me than you" AND "I rely on you. All that I might become won't happen without you as my foundation. Be my advocate, be my guide, love me for who I am, and we'll see how far I can go".

From a paraeducator
The first time I read this book I was floored. In it was everything I had learned from my experiences as a paraeducator working with children who have autism. The fact that it is written in clear language that can be understood. I have made a point of sharing it with as many of my coworkers and classmates and I can get to read it and wish it was required reading for anyone who has anything to do with children, ANY children because most of the points made apply to many other children. The most important part I found is when she says that ALL BEHAVIOR IS COMMUNICATION!! Overall, one of my very favorite books.

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