
What to Expect When You're Expecting, 4th Edition SALE

Title : What to Expect When You're Expecting, 4th Edition
Category: Pregnancy & Childbirth
Brand: Workman Publishing
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.1

Description : This kind of What to Expect When You're Expecting, 4th Edition does fantastic, simple to operate and alter. The price of this is much lower than other areas I explored, and never far more compared to equivalent product

This type of subject provides surpasses out prospect, that one has chaned into a wonderfull buy for myself, The theory arrived correctly along with swiftly What to Expect When You're Expecting, 4th Edition

Announcing a brand new, cover-to-cover revision of America's pregnancy bible. What to Expect When You're Expecting is a perennial New York Times bestseller and one of USA Today's 25 most influential books of the past 25 years. It's read by more than 90% of pregnant women who read a pregnancy book--the most iconic, must-have book for parents-to-be, with over 14.5 million copies in print.

Now comes the Fourth Edition, a new book for a new generation of expectant moms--featuring a new look, a fresh perspective, and a friendlier-than-ever voice. It's filled with the most up-to-date information reflecting not only what's new in pregnancy, but what's relevant to pregnant women. Heidi Murkoff has rewritten every section of the book, answering dozens of new questions and including loads of new asked-for material, such as a detailed week-by-week fetal development section in each of the monthly chapters, an expanded chapter on pre-conception, and a brand new one on carrying multiples. More comprehensive, reassuring, and empathetic than ever, the Fourth Edition incorporates the most recent developments in obstetrics and addresses the most current lifestyle trends (from tattooing and belly piercing to Botox and aromatherapy). There's more than ever on pregnancy matters practical (including an expanded section on workplace concerns), physical (with more symptoms, more solutions), emotional (more advice on riding the mood roller coaster), nutritional (from low-carb to vegan, from junk food–dependent to caffeine-addicted), and sexual (what's hot and what's not in pregnant lovemaking), as well as much more support for that very important partner in parenting, the dad-to-be.

Overflowing with tips, helpful hints, and humor (a pregnant woman's best friend), this new edition is more accessible and easier to use than ever before. It's everything parents-to-be have come to expect from What to Expect... only better.
Announcing a brand new, cover-to-cover revision of America's pregnancy bible. What to Expect When You're Expecting is a perennial New York Times bestseller and one of USA Today's 25 most influential books of the past 25 years. It's read by more than 90% of pregnant women who read a pregnancy book--the most iconic, must-have book for parents-to-be, with over 14.5 million copies in print.

Now comes the Fourth Edition, a new book for a new generation of expectant moms--featuring a new look, a fresh perspective, and a friendlier-than-ever voice. It's filled with the most up-to-date information reflecting not only what's new in pregnancy, but what's relevant to pregnant women. Heidi Murkoff has rewritten every section of the book, answering dozens of new questions and including loads of new asked-for material, such as a detailed week-by-week fetal development section in each of the monthly chapters, an expanded chapter on pre-conception, and a brand new one on carrying multiples. More comprehensive, reassuring, and empathetic than ever, the Fourth Edition incorporates the most recent developments in obstetrics and addresses the most current lifestyle trends (from tattooing and belly piercing to Botox and aromatherapy). There's more than ever on pregnancy matters practical (including an expanded section on workplace concerns), physical (with more symptoms, more solutions), emotional (more advice on riding the mood roller coaster), nutritional (from low-carb to vegan, from junk food–dependent to caffeine-addicted), and sexual (what's hot and what's not in pregnant lovemaking), as well as much more support for that very important partner in parenting, the dad-to-be.

Overflowing with tips, helpful hints, and humor (a pregnant woman's best friend), this new edition is more accessible and easier to use than ever before. It's everything parents-to-be have come to expect from What to Expect... only better.

Amazon.com Exclusive
An Essay from Heidi Murkoff
What to Expect started with information--or, actually, lack of information. In fact, when I found out I was expecting for the first time--I didn't have the slightest idea of what to expect. And back then, it wasn't as easy to find out what to expect as you'd think. I created What to Expect When You're Expecting because I couldn't find the answers to my questions or the reassurance for my worries that I was searching for in the pregnancy books I read (and believe me, I read plenty). I was a mom on a mission--a mission to help other moms and dads worry less and enjoy their pregnancies (and their babies, and their toddlers) more. And I've been on that mission ever since.

So what sent me back to recreate What to Expect--for a fourth time? Today, there's definitely no lack of information on pregnancy. In fact there's more information than ever before (a quick online search of pregnancy or a glance at pages and pages of pregnancy and parenting options right here on Amazon will clue you in on that). But often what's still hard to find is the right kind of information. Information that's accurate yet empathetic, reassuring yet realistic--that empowers you, but doesn't overwhelm or confuse you, that guides you but doesn't dictate to you. And it's not just about the right information, it's about information that's presented in the way that's most helpful--easy to access, easy to digest, easy to use. It's about information that makes your pregnant life less stressful--more enjoyable, and, well, easier.

The fourth edition is a new What To Expect for a new generation of readers--you!--and I'm excited to say it's the best What To Expect yet. It's packed with all new information, of course (since things tend to change quickly in the baby-making and baby-delivering business--something you're probably all too aware of already if you've made more than one trip to the birthing room). But it doesn't only take into account what's new in obstetrics and what's new in pregnancy; it takes into account what's relevant to pregnant women now. Lifestyle. Working. Eating on the run. Juggling the pregnant life with real life. Keeping up with relationships. Birthing options that are family friendly and pregnancy care that incorporates the best that complimentary and alternative medicine has to offer. Managing multiples (which more and more moms are carrying). Sorting out the information from the misinformation--the reality from the hype, fact from Internet legend.

The fourth edition also takes into account how you likely use books these days, so the format is even more accessible than ever. More geared to in-the-moment, find-it-in-a-flash reading.

Most important of all, the fourth edition celebrates pregnancy. I have a passion for pregnancy, and always have. I love moms, I love dads, and I love babies. But everything about this fourth edition from the happy, excited mom-to-be on the cover, proudly caressing her beautiful belly and its even more beautiful contents, to the adorable week-by-week description of the making of your baby, to the positive (yet realistic), mom-to-mom tone throughout--this fourth edition is not just an explanation of those 9 amazing (though often bewildering) months you have ahead of you. It's a celebration of them.

What to Expect When You're Expecting fourth edition is everything moms and dads have come to expect from What to Expect... only better. And I can't wait to start sharing it with you.

I guess you can say--I'm a proud mama all over again.

--Heidi Murkoff

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What to Expect: Eating Well When You're Expecting

What to Expect the First Year

The What to Expect Pregnancy Journal & Organizer

Features :
  • Great product!

Review :
Does not deserve to be America's #1 pregnancy book
I just read this book cover to cover. No, seriously. And man, am I glad I was not pregnant at the time.

This is far from the first pregnancy/childbirth/parenting book I've ever read. I'm a health and research nut, and a librarian, so I do a lot of research and reading before I do anything. I try to consult a variety of sources from different viewpoints. Since this is the #1 most-recommended pregnancy book, I figured I might as well read this one too and see what all the fuss is about. I have yet to figure it out.

1) The main issue I have with this book is the clear lack of research that went into it. There are absolutely ZERO references in the entire book (and it is a beast of a book). The author's credentials also seem to be limited to a) she's a mom, and b) she is the author of this book. Yet she spouts "knowledge" and information like it's gospel. The forward is written by an esteemed OB/GYN, and I can see why he endorses the book, which I...
so condescending!
This book assumes that pregnant women are idiots, and talks to them accordingly. It's full of cutsey language, puns, and linguistic tics that drove this English major up a wall. In terms of content, it contributes to our culture's position of "better safe than sorry" when it comes to kids - kids and pregnant women must be protected from anything and everything that might be the slightest bit upsetting. It does not provide any information on the research behind their advice, assuming that the pregnant woman is too stupid or lacking in self-control to make an informed decision for herself upon being presented with the facts, relying instead on making across the board recommendations on all kinds of things for which there is no scientific basis. I also hated that the miscarriage section had a big disclaimer warning pregnant women not to read it unless they actually had had a miscarriage, because the knowledge alone that miscarriage could happen would be so emotionally devastating to...
Why is this book so popular?
I am now 7 months pregnant and have FINALLY come to the conclusion that this book is unhealthy for me to read and I can toss it. The writing is vapid and uninspiring. The tone is condescending. The information is watery and half-assed. Worst of all it makes me feel like a failure for not stocking my freezer full of fruit-juice sweetened bran muffins. The only genius in this book is it's ability to make a pregnant woman feel guilty for not knitting tiny sweaters in her spare time. I would give my copy to our local thrift store but I don't want to subject another woman to it's unique form of torture.

Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being Promo Offer

Title : Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being
Category: General
Brand: Hay House, Inc.
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 449

Description : This particular Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being functions great, simple to use as well as change. The price of this wa dramatically reduced when compared with other places we investigates, and not a lot more when compared with similar product

This kind of obcject Offer exceeded the anticipation, this place has chaned into a wonderfull replace on myself personally, The thought came securely and speedily Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being

     Though we talk about wanting to “age gracefully,” the truth is that when it comes to getting older, we’re programmed to dread an inevitable decline: in our health, our looks, our sexual relationships, even the pleasure we take in living life. But as Christiane Northrup, M.D., shows us in this New York Times best-selling guide, we have it in us to make growing older an entirely different experience, both for our bodies and for our souls.
     In chapters that blend personal stories and practical exercises with the latest research on health and aging, Dr. Northrup lays out the principles of ageless living, from rejecting processed foods to releasing stuck emotions, from embracing our sensuality to connecting deeply with our Divine Source. Explaining that the state of our health is dictated far more by our beliefs than by our biology, she works to shift our perceptions about getting older and show us what we are entitled to expect from our later years—no matter what our culture tries to teach us to the contrary—including:
·         Vibrant good health
·         A fulfilling sex life
·         The capacity to love without losing ourselves
·         The ability to move our bodies with ease and pleasure
·         Clarity and authenticity in all our relationships—especially the one we have with ourselves

     “Taking all the right supplements and pills, or getting the right procedure done, isn’t the prescription for anti-aging,” Dr. Northrup explains. “Agelessness is all about vitality, the creative force that gives birth to new life.” Goddesses Never Age is filled with tools and inspiration for bringing vitality and vibrancy into your own ageless years—and it all comes together in Dr. Northrup’s 14-day Ageless Goddess Program, your personal prescription for creating a healthful, soulful, joyful new way of being at any stage of life.

Review :
You must read this book if you want the best life.
Wisdom and brlllance in action. After reading just the first chapter I found tips I'd never heard Dr Northrup share on her radio show, books or Public Broadcasting. So you see, even if a long term fan like I can learn something new then you, as a new fan of Christiane Northrup will benefit greatly by starting to read this today.

What an awesome book!
What an awesome book!! Why cant I give it a 100 stars!! A must read for all women of ALL ages! I bow to you Dr Northrup! I was totally filled with joy reading this book... I just couldnt put it down! Thank you thank you thank you! Bless you :)

I love the message
I love the message .. Christiane has been a favorite mentor of mine for over a decade. I saw her live in NYC and in Maine. She always makes me smile and feel lifted up and soooooo happy and proud to be a woman! She is honest and smart and a beautiful role model. Yes.... Buy the book and embrace every moment on this planet with her guidance!!!! I am 68 and she has guided me since I was 53!!! And now you can
Listen to her on Hay House Radio. Peace goddesses!!!! Love it!!
P.s. I was a career counselor and self development facilitator.... So
I am a tough critic!!


Raising Girls with ADHD: Secrets for Parenting Healthy, Happy Daughters Get Rabate

Title : Raising Girls with ADHD: Secrets for Parenting Healthy, Happy Daughters
Category: Learning Disorders
Brand: Prufrock Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 18

Description : This Raising Girls with ADHD: Secrets for Parenting Healthy, Happy Daughters works great, easy to use and alter. The price of is was reduced compered to other locations we researches, and not far more as compared to similar item

This type of thing delivers exceeded the anticipation, that one has chaned into a fantastic upgrade on personally, The theory arrived securely as well as quickly Raising Girls with ADHD: Secrets for Parenting Healthy, Happy Daughters

Although an increasing number of girls are diagnosed with ADHD every year, most of the focus of parent and teacher interventions has been on boys, leaving girls with ADHD frustrated and prone to acting out. Written by two professionals who have "been there and done that" with their own children with ADHD, Raising Girls with ADHD provides expert information to empower parents to make decisions about identification, treatment options, behavioral strategies, personal/social adjustment, educational impact, and many other issues from preschool through high school. These girls' struggles with socialization and peer acceptance, executive functioning skills like memory and organization, and emotional well-being and self-confidence are discussed with a goal of maximizing strengths and providing supports for weaknesses. Complete self-reflection surveys and action steps for parents and girls alike are included to create a dynamic action plan for your daughter's success in school and beyond.

Review :
Parenting healthy, happy daughters with ADHD
Being a retired family counselor, I treated many boys diagnosed with ADHD each year and attempted family therapy around the family's frustration of many issues concerning their boy. In my many years of counseling, I saw not one girl, and was it because much of the research and support has been for boys? Were girls not having this disorder, or were they being overlooked? Hopefully, times have changed and answers are now for both sexes.The authors, James Forgan and Mary Anne Rickey have presented expert information in their book "Raising Girls with ADHD" to empower parents in helping their daughters. Issues such as treatment options, behavioral strategies, personal and social adjustment, educational impact and most importantly, diagnosis, are discussed from preschool through high school ages. Included are surveys and action steps for bothh parents and girls to establish a successful plan for school and further along in their life.

I recommend this as a professional...
Very helpful.
Not done yet, that's why I didn't give 5 stars. We are a couple years into this diagnoses with my dtr, so have been through most of the process. This book is helping me confirm we are going down the right path with our daughter. It's a breath if fresh air and offers me encouragement, because it's been so difficult for us. My daughter is so wonderful and a complete handful, this book helps me focus on the positive, with ADD that can be difficult... Thank you!

Great resource for parents and counselors
As a marriage and family therapist I know the challenges girls and their families have in overcoming ADHD/ ADD. The authors, James Forgan and Mary Anne Rickey have provided a key resource to both the parents and the counselor. The information is presented by developmental milestone so it is easy to apply to each individual child's situation. The book provides parents and their daughter their next steps in addressing challenges at home and at school in a practical and informational manner. It is one of the first resources I reach for when meeting with parents who want to help their daughters!

Feeding Baby: Simple Approaches to Raising a Healthy Baby and Creating a Lifetime of Nutritious Eating Get Rabate

Title : Feeding Baby: Simple Approaches to Raising a Healthy Baby and Creating a Lifetime of Nutritious Eating
Category: Baby Food
Brand: Cedar Fort Publishing & Media
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.9
Buyer Review : 36

Description : This Feeding Baby: Simple Approaches to Raising a Healthy Baby and Creating a Lifetime of Nutritious Eating works excellent, simple to use along with change. The price of this became dramatically reduced when compared with other places we researches, and not a lot more when compared with similar product or service

This type of item delivers surpass own anticipation, this has chaned into a fantastic upgrade on me personally, The concept arrived correctly along with speedily Feeding Baby: Simple Approaches to Raising a Healthy Baby and Creating a Lifetime of Nutritious Eating

Your baby deserves the best in life-food is no exception! Feeding Baby is the ultimate guide to preparing and feeding wholesome foods for your infant, with helpful nutritional tips, picky eating solutions, and over 80 recipes. Once you discover how easy and affordable it is to make baby food at home, you'll take comfort in knowing your child is receiving the best nutrition possible.

Review :
Great Book for anyone with children.
In the Introduction to this book the author explains that this is not just a cookbook. She explains why she wrote this book and why it is so important for anyone with a baby.

She wants children to grow up not being picky eater but healthy eaters that get excited about new foods to try. She talks about not only taste, but texture also in a sensory rich diet. She also mentions that if your child does not like a certain food the first time, try cooking it differently, or cut it into different shapes.

The book talks about watching children play with raw vegetables. Then have it for dinner, so they are familiar with the veggies before they eat it. She also talks about having the child help in the kitchen as soon as possible. She let her little one start at 18 months old. The child would peel their own clementines, tear the kale leaves from the stems, and peel cooked and cooled tomatoes.

Mrs. Harrison has some really great ideas. I think this book...
A Real Foods Approach To Nourishing Baby
I did not read this book until my baby was 8 months old and we had introduced solids at 6 months. The book completely changed how I am approaching food with my daughter. It helped me be more in tune with her cues and what she does and does not like. I stopped trying to force purees on her (which she just did not want) and letting her explore the food and deciding when and if she wanted to eat it. She prefers picking up larger pieces of food and feeding them to herself as opposed to being spoon fed. It has created much less stress for both of us.

There are amazing recipes that pair different fruits and veggies with herbs to help baby become accustomed to many different flavors. I never would have even thought about using some of the herbs and spices with her but I love I can use them for the entire family's dishes. The book also stresses the importance of healthy fats, pastured meats, and organic produce which is what we strive to have in our kitchen already. I have already...
Beyond Jar Baby Food
I received a review copy of this book, and I have to say I'm very impressed. I have been a fan of the author's blog for sometime, but it is great to have some of her work in print. The book is very well written and is full of beautiful pictures, good information and healthy recipes.
I just had baby number 3 and I am really excited about this book. She includes lots of recipes that are simple, nutrient dense and will appeal even to my picky eaters! No reason to use jarred baby food anymore! Most of these recipes are good for the whole family.
If you are thinking of making your own baby food or looking for good recipes for young children, I recommend this book!

22 Things a Woman Must Know: If She Loves a Man With Asperger's Syndrome Big SALE

Title : 22 Things a Woman Must Know: If She Loves a Man With Asperger's Syndrome
Category: Love & Romance
Brand: Jessica Kingsley Pub
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.2
Buyer Review : 135

Description : This 22 Things a Woman Must Know: If She Loves a Man With Asperger's Syndrome functions great, simple to use along with alter. The cost of this became reduced when compared with other locations My spouse and i reviewed, rather than far more when compared with equivalent product or service

This unique item gives overtake own prospect, this place has developed into a great upgrade on personally, The thought came securely as well as rapidly 22 Things a Woman Must Know: If She Loves a Man With Asperger's Syndrome

Although having Asperger Syndrome (AS) can make romantic relations difficult, having a fulfilling relationship with an Asperger man is certainly not impossible. A woman in love with a man with AS may interpret his difficulties with communication and socialization as a lack of interest in the relationship. He may vacillate between being gentle and caring to seeming cold and distant. She may find his behaviour hard to understand, resulting in feelings of loneliness, isolation, and confusion. This book shows how to overcome these difficulties and maintain a loving relationship with an AS partner. From an unwillingness to show affection in public or even sleep in the same bed to problems holding down a job, this book looks at 22 common traits that women may discover when they are dating, living with or married to a man with Asperger's Syndrome. Rudy Simone explores the complications of Asperger's relationships with honesty and understanding, drawing on research and personal experience to inform and advise women with AS partners. She offers helpful tips for improving the relationship and finding fulfilment both individually and as a couple. This book will help women to understand the male Asperger's mind and, equally, it can help men with AS to see things from their partner's perspective. It will also be of interest to counsellors working with couples where one partner has Asperger's Syndrome.

Review :
Very Helpful
Long before a diagnosis, my husband and I knew that he had Asperger's. It just took the medical community all these years to be able to test and diagnose adults. I found this book helpful and really want to get my husband to read it as well. This author points out that ( depending on the severity of the Asperger's ) the diagnosed spouse or partner CAN learn some things to cope and behave in a more "normal" fashion. I know this to be true because I've known my husband since high school and that's been 30 years. We've only been married for 17 years. I know he can "adapt" when he makes an effort. It just seems that since the diagnosis he is much less willing to "adapt". I think this book will be useful in guiding a conversation between us about expectations going forward. It states the woman's ( or non-Asperger's) side clearly and in a way I think my husband can understand. As is typical for many AS folks, he can receive information; especially information regarding OUR...
Let's be honest here.
Yes, there are some very attractive, brilliant and intriguing men out there who also have Aspergers, and they can make the sweetest dates in the world. But the majority of women, NT or not, who marry an aspie man end up having one or more children with some form of autism *and* being the de facto sole caretakers and coordinators of the household. Most of these women will end up with major depression and one or more autoimmune diseases from never having their own light reflected back at them as time goes on living with someone who is almost completely unreciprocal but who is supposed to be your life partner.

Books such as this one and "Going over the edge" by Kathy Marshack are lifelines for such women because leaving their marriages tends to be logistically, emotionally and economically insurmountable. (Try doing it with a special needs child, depressed, economically stretched and socially isolated, Cassandra.)

But I have a problem with publishers who aim to...
No help to me
This book is well written and honest, but only tells you how to cope with a man who has Asperger's. How to bend to his needs in order to keep the peace. I've been doing that with my husband for 25 years and no matter how I bend to his ways he still finds ways to be angry at everything in the world.

There is no advice on how to get what you need emotionally and physically or how to make communication easier, other than going out with your girlfriends and keeping yourself busy with activities that don't involve your husband. I'm wondering what the point is of being married to him is then. I'm thinking that these are all things you can do without an Aspi husband and then you can come home to a peaceful empty household. In other words divorce or don't marry an Aspi to start with.

I've read just about every book on Asperger's out there and I'm starting to believe that the reason there isn't any advice on how to help your Aspi husband to give you what you need is...

Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends and Family Big Discount

Title : Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends and Family
Category: Illness
Brand: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 152

Description : This specific Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends and Family works excellent, simple to operate and alter. The price of this is reduced when compared with other places I investigates, rather than a lot more when compared with comparable item

This unique item delivers overtake own prospect, this place has chaned into a great upgrade on me personally, The idea came securely and also swiftly Can I Tell You About Asperger Syndrome?: A Guide for Friends and Family

Meet Adam - a young boy with AS. Adam invites young readers to learn about AS from his perspective. In this book, Adam helps children understand the difficulties faced by a child with AS; he tells them what AS is, what it feels like to have AS and how they can help children with AS by understanding their differences and appreciating their many talents. This book is ideally suited for boys and girls between 7 and 15 years old and also serves as an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.

Review :
The Voice of Clarity
Adam is a 9-year-old boy who has Asperger's Syndrome (AS). AS is a neurobiological condition that is on the autism spectrum. People who have AS confront any number of sensory processing and communication issues. Adam gives good, factual explanations for how and why people with AS run into social road blocks. The best part of this book is that Adam appears to accept himself and the AS part of himself. That is what makes this book so outstanding.

This book will no doubt prove helpful to adults on the spectrum in helping to approach the subject of being on the a/A (autism/Asperger's) spectrum with NT (neurotypical) relatives, co-workers and other peers. It is a wonderful introduction to a/A and bridges the chasm between a/A and the NT population. It brings all readers onto neuro-neutral ground.

How I wish I had had this book when I was Adam's age. How lucky Adam is to know what his "undefined differences" were at a young age! This book is definitely worth...
A wonderful introduction to AS
My 7 yr old son has recently been diagnosed with AS. Reading this book opened a lot of eyes to the reason why he does some of the things he does. He chose to share it with his classmates. The teacher read it to the class, to hopefully give them some insight into why my boy is just a little different than the typical 2nd grader. I loved the approach of this book. It portrays the image that different is not a bad thing it is just different.

Highly recommend!
This book was found during my search for information that would assist our 13 year old AS (Asperger Syndrome) son to socialize with his peers. It proved to exceed my expectations and if I could give this book a 10 stars rating I would.

When my son read this book it was like a "light bulb" went off for him. It helped give him a clarity that I found difficult to explain. My only regret is that I did not have this book several years ago. It would have been extremely helpful to share with teachers and compassionate classmates during 4th or 5th grade when socializing was becoming an interest but he just wasn't succesful and other kids did not understand (or tolerate) his differences. But... better late than never.

One of the main things that I didn't count on was that this book also gave our son insight on how his classmates might react to him and how his misunderstanding of social cues and inuendos might make his classmates think he is unfriendly. It opened his...

A 5 Is Against the Law! Social Boundaries: Straight Up! An honest guide for teens and young adults On Sale

Title : A 5 Is Against the Law! Social Boundaries: Straight Up! An honest guide for teens and young adults
Category: Special Needs
Brand: Brand: Autism Asperger Publishing Company
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 23

Description : This kind of A 5 Is Against the Law! Social Boundaries: Straight Up! An honest guide for teens and young adults does excellent, user friendly and change. The price for this wa reduced than other locations I explored, and not much more when compared with similar item

This unique item provides exceeded own prospect, this has developed into a fantastic replace on myself personally, The theory showed up securely and also speedily A 5 Is Against the Law! Social Boundaries: Straight Up! An honest guide for teens and young adults

Building on Kari Dunn Buron s popular The Incredible 5-Point Scale, this book takes a narrower look at challenging behavior with a particular focus on behaviors that can spell trouble for adolescents and young adults who have difficulty understanding and maintaining social boundaries. Using a direct and simple style with lots of examples and hands-on activities, A 5 Is Against the Law! speaks directly to adolescents and young adults. A section of the book is devoted to how to cope with anxiety before it begins to escalate, often leading to impulsive and unacceptable behavior. Throughout the book, the reader is encouraged to think about and create his own behavior on an anxiety scale that applies to his particular emotions and situations.

Features :
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Review :
It impressed my skeptical teen
My 15 year old is very resistant to books about his Aspergers but he liked this one. He clearly found it helpful, disappearing into his room, reading it completely and then asking me to order some of the items in the bibliography (another first). So kudos to the author.

This book is a "must have" for parents and teachers!
This book is one of the best resources for teens with ASD. The author presents real life social scenarios and uses a simple behavioral approach to helping teens understand how to make an appropriate response. It is effective as an instructional tool (and therefore preventive) or as a strategic process to remediate negative social interactions. I highly recommend this book!

Very useful!
This book is so useful for people with autism spectrum disorders that I wonder why there were no books that are this useful until very recently. As someone with Asperger's Syndrome myself, I realize how much sooner I would have learned good social skills and appropriate behaviour if there had been books like this 30 years ago! For much too long, I was a very marginalized member of society, and this was because nobody gave me the help that I needed in order to know what behaviour is appropriate in what situation. Instead, people just kept me out of situations in which my inappropriate behaviour mattered.

Elena Vanishing: A Memoir Discount !!

Title : Elena Vanishing: A Memoir
Category: Eating Disorders
Brand: Chronicle Books
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.5
Buyer Review : 13

Description : This kind of Elena Vanishing: A Memoir functions excellent, simple to operate along with modify. The price for this is dramatically reduced than other areas we reviewed, and never much more than equivalent product

This unique obcject delivers overtake out prospect, this has become a amazing upgrade on me personally, The thought came securely as well as speedily Elena Vanishing: A Memoir

As heard on NPR's Diane Rehm Show!
Seventeen-year-old Elena is vanishing. Every day means renewed determination, so every day means fewer calories. This is the story of a girl whose armor against anxiety becomes artillery against herself as she battles on both sides of a lose-lose war in a struggle with anorexia. Told entirely from Elena's perspective over a five-year period and cowritten with her mother, award-winning author Clare B. Dunkle, Elena's memoir is a fascinating and intimate look at a deadly disease, and a must read for anyone who knows someone suffering from an eating disorder.

Review :
ELENA VANISHING is a must-read
Every day Elena Dunkle is disappearing. Her need to be skinny and appear perfect overtakes every other aspect of her life. When she’s in high school, Elena is hospitalized for her eating disorder, but that doesn’t stop her --- she doesn’t eat the food she’s given and she checks her makeup constantly. Even though she is far from cured, she is released and continues on with her life. Striving to be the perfect daughter, Elena works hard in everything she does. She thrives off of the compliments and envy of others. However, this doesn’t erase the memory of the other daughter --- Elena’s older, runaway sister, Valerie. It also doesn’t erase the memory of the tragic event that happened to Elena when she was only 13-years-old --- the event that started her quest to be perfect.

Elena continues this quest when she goes on to college. Unfortunately, her eating disorder, hard class schedule and several jobs keep Elena constantly exhausted...
I love this book, I read the mothers point of view in HOPE first. I will say that hope was much better then this book. But this book is still really good.

Excellent reads! Brings much light to the battle with ...
Heard Elena and her mother on NPR and came home and ordered this book and the one written by her mother. Excellent reads! Brings much light to the battle with eating disorders, and the need to continue working on treatment programs. Being able to read two sides of the same story was an added treat.Thank you to both mother and daughter for sharing this devastating and then very hopeful story.

Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals Big Discount

Title : Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals
Category: Psychotherapy, TA & NLP
Brand: Jessica Kingsley
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 25

Description : This kind of Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals works fantastic, user friendly and change. The price for is was reduced as compered to other areas My partner and i reviewed, and never considerably more when compared with comparable item

This unique obcject gives surpass the prospect, this has turned into a great buy for myself personally, The concept arrived securely along with speedily Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is based on the premise that behavior can be influenced by changes in environment and by the reinforcing consequences of that behavior. This introductory guide to ABA demystifies the basic terminology, the underlying principles and commonly-used procedures of ABA using accessible, everyday language. Albert J. Kearney explains the kinds of learning and reinforcement processes that form the basis of ABA programs. Having covered these essential principles, he describes how the science of behavior analysis can be effectively applied to real life behavior problems. He looks at how behavior is assessed and various intervention techniques that are often employed with children who have autism and other special needs. Having laid these essential foundations, Kearney touches on more advanced topics: the applications of ABA in behavioral education, such as precision teaching and programmed instruction. Clear, accessible and with a structure that is easy-to-follow, this book is an essential introduction to the discipline of ABA and its applications for parents and professionals

Review :
Excellent Text for Educators
Kearney's clear, precise introduction to behavior analysis is an essential tool for educators, particularly those working with students with special needs. The book provides a wonderful range of strategies and gives a solid overview of the field of ABA. I'd recommend this book to school psychologists, counselors, social workers, and classroom teachers and certainly to parents. Kearney explains the theory behind ABA in practical, accessible terms and then shares a wealth of examples.

Great for Explaining the Basics
I teach young students who are on the autism spectrum and was looking for a book I could recommend to parents who are being flooded with new information, jargon and ideas. This book has been perfect for that. The parents I have recommended it to really enjoy it and my copy has been conspicious absent for quite sometime. Many of the students I work with have new diagnosis or are new to the school system so giving parents access to the terminology and jargon teachers, doctors, therapists and so many other people are using can really help them to advocate for their children.

I also don't think it would hurt for regular education teachers who may work with students who are on the spectrum to have information about ABA. There's no reason that they should be expected to go into huge amounts of depth, but this kind of information could really empower them. I think it might also help with those pesky classroom management issues with students who do not have IEPs.

Especially good book for novice!
I recommend this book for anyone who knows nothing about applied behavior analysis! It clearly delineates the basic scientific principles upon which the discipline is built. The fact that the treatments and approaches are founded upon past research and not "hunches" about human behavior comes across loud and strong. The terminology is explained in "everyday" language so that any one who is interested does not get bogged down in techncial terms. This problem has plagued those of us who desire others to understand the science.


Inside Asperger's Looking Out Discount !!

Title : Inside Asperger's Looking Out
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Jessica Kingsley Pub
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 62

Description : This specific Inside Asperger's Looking Out works excellent, user friendly and also alter. The cost of this became reduced when compared with other places My partner and i researches, rather than a lot more compared to comparable product or service

This unique item Offer surpasses own prospect, that one has turned into a great replace on me personally, The concept arrived properly along with rapidly Inside Asperger's Looking Out

Inside Asperger's Looking Out follows in the best-selling footsteps of Kathy Hoopmann's All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome and All Dogs Have ADHD. Through engaging text and full-color photographs, this book shows neurotypicals how Aspies see and experience the world.

Each page brings to light traits that many Aspies have in common, from sensitive hearing and an aversion to bright lights and strong smells, to literal thinking and difficulty understanding social rules and reading body language and facial expressions. At the same time, the book highlights and celebrates the unique characteristics that make those with Asperger's Syndrome special.

This is the perfect introduction to the world of Aspies, told from their own perspective, for the people in their lives: including family, friends, and classmates. Those with Asperger's Syndrome will also appreciate this book for the way it shares their own singular perspectives on life.

Review :
Reading this book helped remind me, as a parent, of all the things that challenge my son daily. Because he is so bright, you tend to forget how difficult life can be for high functioning children on the spectrum. It is a simple, direct look at the challenges they face. I plan on buying one for his school library (and one for every relative who thinks his problem is a parenting issue!).

The Best Book for Aspies & Those Who Know 'Em
I live with an adult Aspie, and this is simply the most helpful book we've encountered. The format may be geared for children, but even adults with Asperger syndrome will find this tremendously helpful and uplifting. The astute narrative helps partners of Aspies, not just parents, have more understanding and compassion. The photographs are absolutely wonderful and extremely emotive, more than words alone! The tiny, fuzzy creature on page 59, with a blurb "I dunno" and, "because we always have a logical reason for what we do, even if we don't know how to say it in words" is perfection! Even the author's dedication, at the front of the book, is delightful, "thank you for giving me the time and space to write and for not making me earthbound." Also, Hoopman's All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome helps me understand my Aspie better (who loves these books too). Enjoy!

We first bought "All Cat's Have Asperger Syndrome" when our 4 year old was newly diagnosed, and it quickly became a favorite in our house. Our son sleeps with it in his bed and we read it 4-5 times a week. When this new book came out, we quickly picked it up for Christmas. It is wonderful! I think it does a great job illustrating the trials and strength of your typical Aspie. As the author points out, not everything fits our son, but that is ok. Aspies do not all look the same, so it makes sense he doesn't relate to everything. The pictures are great, the sentences short and simple. This is a must for any parent, child, educator, family member, or friend with Aspies and children with high-functioning Autism in their lives.

Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd SALE

Title : Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd
Category: Learning Disorders
Brand: Magination Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 28

Description : This Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd works great, simple to operate and alter. The cost of this became much lower as compered to other locations My partner and i reviewed, and never much more when compared with comparable product or service

This unique subject gives overtake the prospect, this one has chaned into a fantastic buy for myself, The idea showed up safely and also rapidly Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd

This is the first book written for 'tween' girls (ages 7-11) who have ADD/ADHD. It offers girls, their parents, and professionals practical tips and techniques for managing attention disorders and the many aspects of life that these disorders can affect. It was written in an engaging style that doesn't 'talk down' to girls. It is packed with useful and empowering lessons that are simple to apply. It was written by a developmental pediatrician who is a well-known author.

Review :
Thank you for this book! It saved my little girl...
My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in spring earlier this year. Although she has excelled after being diagnosed and put on medication, she had an emotional battle she was fighting alone. She broke down one night in sobs saying how she feels different than other girls and how terrible she feels having something "wrong" with her. She was depressed...It was heartbreaking. I can only imagine how hard it is for her to accept having ADHD along with the normal hormone changes that happens to tween girls. It's so much to handle for a little child. This book which we read together helped us tremendously. I learned about it from [...]. An awesome resourceful ADD/ADHD website. My daughter now feels confident and happy with herself. She now knows that ADHD doesn't define her as a person. Along with doing exceptionally well in school with straight As, she is also very happy emotionally and able to enjoy her childhood. This book is a life saver. Thank you so much and to those parents out there...
A must-have for teen & tween girls with ADHD
I absolutely loved this book! As a Mom with ADHD parenting a daughter with ADHD, Attention Girls! was exactly what I was looking for. The illustrations, graphics and layout of the book kept my daughter interested, while the incredibly helpful tips, stories and information taught us more than I would have ever imagined. Dr. Quinn made the information relatable and easily executable...what a difference reading it has made in our house!

Wonderful book written in a language a child can understand.
I purchased this book for the child of a friend of mine. The book is designed in an amazing way just for young girls and is written in their language. It is engaging and does a great job of helping comfort girls with ADD/ADHD and letting them realize that they are not alone and that they have amazing gifts. She was so happy with the book and told me that she didn't feel like she was the only one who struggled with certain issues. This should be in every girls library collection if she has ADD/ADHD. It is a positive book and does not talk negatively about behaviors associated with ADD as other books that I have read say "How to deal with the problem of your child having ADD/ADHD." It is NOT a problem, it is a different way of thinking and behaving and has to be understood. I wish these books were sold more in actual stores instead of just online.

KiDS FiRST Diabetes Second: tips for parenting a child with type 1 diabetes On Sale

Title : KiDS FiRST Diabetes Second: tips for parenting a child with type 1 diabetes
Category: General
Brand: Spry Publishing LLC
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 27

Description : This KiDS FiRST Diabetes Second: tips for parenting a child with type 1 diabetes works fantastic, easy to use along with change. The cost of this wa dramatically reduced than other places My partner and i reviewed, and never a lot more when compared with comparable merchendise

This type of item gives exceeded the anticipation, this place has turned into a fantastic upgrade on myself, The thought arrived securely along with speedily KiDS FiRST Diabetes Second: tips for parenting a child with type 1 diabetes


Raising a child is a difficult job. Raising a child with a chronic illness such as diabetes can be a difficult job with a side order of special challenges.

Leighann Calentine’s D-Mom Blog is an invaluable resource for parents and caregivers of children with diabetes. Leighann shares her family’s experiences with her daughter’s type 1 diabetes in a forum that is intimate, informative, and inspirational.

In a style both practical and affirming, Kids First, Diabetes Second presents Leighann’s advice to help parents and caregivers enable children with diabetes to thrive. Learn how to automate tasks, navigate challenges, celebrate achievements, establish a support group, relieve stress, and avoid being consumed by management of the condition, while focusing on what’s most important: raising a happy, healthy child.

Review :
Yes! Let them eat cake and ice cream, too.
Kids First Diabetes Second is a fantastic book filled with great tips, suggestions and advice for newly diagnosed families of children with T1D (Type 1 Diabetes). I wish this book was available when my son was diagnosed with type 1 back in 2008. The author shares her personal story about her daughter's diagnosis and as a fellow D-Mom, her words, feelings and responses mirrored my own throughout the book. What I loved about this book is that it is real. It is a book written by a Mother's journey/life experience from before diagnosis to present day. The book was also enjoyable to read as it featured stories from other D-Moms, D-Dads and friends of the author with Type 1 Diabetes. The one thing that is perfectly clear is that despite the anxiety, feeling of helplessness and being overwhelmed initially, managing this chronic condition does become easier. It truly does. This is my 4th year helping my son manage his T1D and checking blood sugars multiples times a day and taking insulin is...
Kids, First, Diabetes Second Is Straight From the Heart
As a dietitian and diabetes educator I've just had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Kids First, Diabetes Second and connecting with Leighann Calentine (aka The D-Mom blogger) for a more extensive interview about her book which can be read at: [...]
With the interview I asked Leighann: In your heart, what do you want this book to accomplish for parents and kids? She replied: I don't want parents of newly diagnosed children to have to start at square one. There is so much more to diabetes management than they teach you at the hospital, like how to navigate birthday parties, sports, and keep track of all the "stuff." It's all the real life part of juggling diabetes. That's what I wanted to offer in the book.

I genuinely wish I could get Kids First, Diabetes Second into the hands of every single family at the time of their child's diagnosis of diabetes with my primary goal being letting them know that someone else understands exactly what they are going through. Then...
Great resource
As the mom of a five year old who is 6 months into a Type 1 diagnosis, I found this book to be fantastic. The book is the perfect marriage of good, solid information (both technical and practical) with the writing style and perspective of a mom. (Clinical and technical books have been great for my education of Type 1 diabetes health condition itself, but this book fills a huge gap). It was exactly what I was looking for, and it'll make a great reference and resource as we start school in the fall, begin sports, etc.

The New Puberty: How to Navigate Early Development in Today's Girls Get Rabate

Title : The New Puberty: How to Navigate Early Development in Today's Girls
Category: Adolescent Psychology
Brand: Rodale Books
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 21

Description : This The New Puberty: How to Navigate Early Development in Today's Girls does excellent, user friendly and also adjust. The price for is was lower as compered to other locations My spouse and i investigates, rather than a lot more than related merchendise

This specific obcject Offer surpasses out anticipation, this has developed into a amazing replace on personally, The thought showed up securely and also speedily The New Puberty: How to Navigate Early Development in Today's Girls

What happens when a girl has the brain of an 8-year-old and the body of a 13-year-old?

A sea change is underway among many of today’s girls: They are developing faster and entering puberty earlier than ever before. Just a generation ago, fewer than 5 percent of girls started puberty before the age of 8; today that percentage has more than doubled. Early puberty is not just a matter of physical transformation—it’s deeply psychological too, with effects that can put a girl at higher risk for behavioral problems as well as long-term health challenges such as obesity, depression, eating disorders, and even cancer.

Why is this happening, and what does it mean for our girls’ futures? What can we do to help lead them through this major transition to live happy and healthy lives?

In their groundbreaking book, The New Puberty, Louise Greenspan, MD, and Julianna Deardorff, PhD—two leading experts on the root causes and potential consequences of early puberty in girls—have written a reassuring and empowering guide that will forever change the way we view puberty and parent the next generation.

Drawing on original cutting-edge research and years of clinical experience, Drs. Greenspan and Deardorff explain why girls are developing earlier and identify both established and surprising triggers—from excess body fat and hormone-mimicking chemicals to emotional stressors in a girl’s home and family life. They offer highly practical strategies that can help prevent and manage early puberty, including how to limit exposures to certain ingredients in personal care and household products, which foods to eat and which to avoid, and ways to improve a child’s sleep routine to promote healthy biology. Moreover, the authors—both mothers of young girls—offer parents, teachers, coaches, and caretakers guidance to initiate and continue the conversation about puberty in an age-appropriate way in order to support girls as they navigate this complex stage of their lives.

Impeccably researched, engaging, and urgently needed, The New Puberty provides a roadmap to help young girls move forward with confidence, ensuring their future well-being.

Review :
Excellent Resource for early puberty
The focus of the New Puberty book is early development in girls - with examples as young as 5 year old hitting puberty (but mostly geared at the 8-9 year range). Yet ideally this is also a book for parents with young girls who haven't started showing puberty signs yet to give them an idea of what to look for and some insight into why the modern girl is hitting puberty so much earlier/younger than her predecessors. The book is extremely informative and ideal for both parents (written in a friendly and accessible way) and practitioners (many recent studies are published and put together). As a parent, I look for these types of books to be informative and yet not have all the answers - I don't want another 'fad' or narrowminded perspective on parenting. What I do need is to know what recent findings there are and have those put into perspective of our past approaches to dealing with girls hitting puberty (earlier or otherwise).

The book is broken down as follows : Part 1:...
An expertly written book by true experts. It is written for the layman, but as a physician I find it very valuable. Everyone raising girls should own it.

Read this book if you have daughters!
As a mom of preteen daughters, I found this book to be insightful, informative and also practical. I wish I had this book when my daughters were younger! I especially loved all the practical information offered in Chapter 5- How to manage environmental risks and Chapter 8- Don't have the "talk", start the conversation. If you have daughters, this is a "must have" book to add to your parenting library.

Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant Discount !!

Title : Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant
Category: Memoirs
Brand: Free Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.5
Buyer Review : 337

Description : This particular Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant functions great, simple to use and also modify. The price for this is much lower compered to other locations My partner and i explored, rather than a lot more when compared with comparable merchendise

This specific obcject gives surpasses the prospect, this has become a fantastic buy for me personally, The theory arrived safely as well as quickly Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant

A journey into one of the most fascinating minds alive today—guided by the owner himself.

Bestselling author Daniel Tammet (Thinking in Numbers) is virtually unique among people who have severe autistic disorders in that he is capable of living a fully independent life and able to explain what is happening inside his head.

He sees numbers as shapes, colors, and textures, and he can perform extraordinary calculations in his head. He can learn to speak new languages fluently, from scratch, in a week. In 2004, he memorized and recited more than 22,000 digits of pi, setting a record. He has savant syndrome, an extremely rare condition that gives him the most unimaginable mental powers, much like those portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man.

Fascinating and inspiring, Born on a Blue Day explores what it’s like to be special and gives us an insight into what makes us all human—our minds.

Features :
  • autism
  • savant
  • understanding autism
  • special needs
  • Dustin Hoffman

Review :
An astonishing book that will touch and warm your heart
This is an astonishing book, written in first person. It is a memoir of the author's life with the "synaesthesia and savant syndrome", a rare form of Asperger's syndrome.

People with synaethesia see numbers as forms with color and texture, and days as vivid colors, and so Daniel Tammet has the ability to see in his mind numbers and days as colors, each number and day having its own distinct color as an attribute. A day with a color, like a flower with a scent! The blue day of the title of this book refers to Wednesday, which, like the number nine, he sees in his mind as blue. "I know it was a Wednesday," narrates Tammet, "because the date is blue in my mind and Wednesdays are always blue, like the number nine or the sound of loud voices arguing."

Daniel is also a savant, with a remarkable ability to multiply and divide given numbers with astonishing speed. He can recite from memory the number pi, 22 divided by 7, or 3.1428571 to 22,514 decimal places, a feat...
Unique insight
Over the last couple of years there has been an explosion of new and valuable material written on the experience of autism, much of it written from the points of view of either how to deal with an autistic child or a more medical explanation of symptoms. Reading about what it actually feels like to live with autism is very rare. Daniel's ability to so carefully describe to us how he experiences life is highly unusual and must be incredibly valuable to researchers.

Daniel Tammet is still a very young man, and his autobiography is necessarily not going to be very long. Moreover, due to the nature of his condition it was not until very recently that he has had much by way of dealings with the outside world. Much of the book takes place in his own mind, his relationships with numbers, logic, mathematics, chess and puzzles, essentially how his mind organizes its thought. One also finds how the tiniest irregularities in his routines - a dropped spoon, perhaps, or the ring of...
A must read for parents and family of autistic children and adults. To finally discover an explanation for the little habits...obsession with spinning, walking in circles, plugging/covering of the ears, rocking... It's all here in one place. While I have become very accustomed to my son's habits, I have never understood what exactly was causing the behavior. After reading Tammet's book, I feel I can better help my son enjoy his environment.

Ketogenic Diets Get Rabate

Title : Ketogenic Diets
Category: Other Diets
Brand: Demos Health
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.5
Buyer Review : 68

Description : This kind of Ketogenic Diets functions excellent, user friendly and alter. The price of this wa lower than other locations My spouse and i investigates, and never far more than similar product or service

This type of subject Offer overtake out prospect, this has turned into a amazing upgrade on myself, The thought appeared securely and quickly Ketogenic Diets

Sometimes referred to as a "miracle diet," the ketogenic diet has helped doctors treat difficult-to-control epileptic seizures in thousands of children. Coauthored by four respected experts from Johns Hopkins, Ketogenic Diets continues to be the definitive guide for parents, physicians, and dieticians wanting to implement this strict diet. Anyone who is placed on the Ketogenic Diet will be told, essentially "prescribed" by their doctor to get this book.

This Fifth Edition has been extensively updated to reflect current advances in understanding how the diet works, how it should be used, and the future role of the diet as a treatment. Six new chapters address how to integrate the diet into all cultures, religions, and taste preferences; new information on modified and less restrictive versions of the diet, and the Modified Atkins Diet for Epilepsy are included. The book also covers exciting new research that shows the diet may work for people with other neurological illnesses.

This best-seller also includes sample meal plans, a food database, how to calculate foods, and much more.

Review :
I reluctantly bought this book to join the sea of books I already had regarding seizures and other diagnoses....my son was born disabled and developed seizures shortly after birth.

It turned out that this book CHANGED OUR LIVES!!!! I have not looked back since buying it! My son was diagnosed with Lennox Gastaut Seizure Disorder. Doctors reacted like the mere diagnosis was the kiss of death. I am here to tell you that if the Ketogenic Diet can work for my son, who had over 100 seizures a day and constant seizure activity during sleep, it has the potential to work for anyone! Just remember that since it is not a drug, doctors do not promote it (pharmaceutical companies pay for their vacations, remember!)......My son was formerly on 6 meds with no end to seizures in sight. He is now on the diet and has only one med left to be weaned from. The diet had immediate and amazing results!

If you want to ask specific questions, please feel free to email me directly...
Very informative for first time reading regarding the diet.
I've read this book just prior to starting my child on the diet. We are very optimistic, and the book answered many questions. It it used as a guideline by our dietician. The book is easy to follow and subjects are grouped nicely for later reference. The book offers some recipes, but more ideas on "creative cooking" would have been helpful. We bought 3 and gave one to each family member that would be preparing meals, and to grandparents, who need gentle convincing that the benefits from the diet are worth the sacrifice and effort!
The book talks about how more studies are needed on the keto-diet, but it would have been nice to add how one could become part of a study.
The book goes into detail regarding how to do the calculations, but when you are in the program, the dietician should do that for the family.
Overall, I found the book easy to read and not too lengthy, but with enough information. There aren't alot of other educational options in...
In trying to search for Kimberly's method of treatment, the book An Introduction to The Ketogenic Diet along with Seizures and Epliepsy in Childhood helped me decide which way to go. While preparing myself to start the diet, the book prepared my for what to expect before and during the diet process. I referred to the book often when I had a question. When Kimberly would get and ear infection and recently a urinary infection, the list of what type of prescriptions should be used came in handle for the peditricians . Since I went against two neuroligist to start her on the diet, I was on my own. I had to travel 3 hours for the nearest Ketogenic Center, the book along with God were my biggest preparers for what would become Kimberly's cure. She is seizure free and drug free, but with God's will, she will be ready for the weining stage. Thank you for a will prepared book.

Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust Discount !!

Title : Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust
Category: Teenagers
Brand: American Academy of Pediatrics
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 5.0
Buyer Review : 7

Description : This specific Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust performs great, easy to use and alter. The price for this is reduced as compered to other places we reviewed, rather than a lot more compared to related merchendise

This unique obcject provides exceeded own anticipation, this one has developed into a amazing buy for myself, The theory arrived safely along with swiftly Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust

From award-winning author Ken Ginsburg comes this new work which explores an innovative idea in parenting: "The Lighthouse Parenting Strategy." 
Dr. Ginsburg's previous work includes "Building Resilience in Children and Teens" which offers a comprehensive overview of strategies to build resilience and promote the kind of traits that lead to our children becoming happy, successful adults.  This book offers a deeper dive into two fundamental questions over which parents struggle: 1) How do I give my child the unconditional love he needs to thrive, while also holding him to high expectations? and 2) How do I protect my child while also letting her learn life's lessons? 
"We should be like lighthouses for our children; beacons of light on a stable shoreline from which they can safely navigate the world.  We must make certain they don't crash against the rocks, but trust they have the capacity to learn to ride the waves on their own."
This book is rooted in proven concepts from the positive youth development and resilience frameworks and combines new research with expert opinion to help parents consider how to approach these toughest of questions. 
This book is cowritten by Dr. Ginsburg's two teenaged daughters, Ilana and Talia Ginsburg, and perspectives from over 500 teens are also part of this groundbreaking work.

Review :
This book should be on every parents night stand
Anyone who knows me personally would tell you my kids are the most important things in the world to me. They know I Love them unconditionally and there is little in this world within reason that I wouldn't do for them. However, long before I read this book, I knew in certain situations I was falling short. Not necessarily failing them but I didn't have the proper tools to prepare them to be independent self reliant men. Many a night I would ponder over conversations we shared and wonder if I said or did the right thing. No parent wants to be a failure to their children. We all want the absolute best for them. Now, after reading: 'Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love with Expectations and Protection with Trust', I feel I have the tools I was lacking. I feel more confident in my parenting skills. A lot of things I did have right but a lot of things I didn't have a clue. This book is not necessarily a manual but a tool to assist parents in their goals. It's definitely a must-have book...
This book is a must read not just for parents, but for educators, mentors and anyone who works with young people.
The beauty of this book is its simplicity. Every parent has been conflicted about fostering independence while protecting their children at one time or another. Every parent worries about setting high expectations while showing unconditional love. Dr. Ginsberg masterfully guides us with practical advice given in digestible bites that make it easy to put his words to practice. What is most powerful about the book are the words of his children and the other young people who grace his pages.

Karen Campbell - Tween Mom and Program Director, Students Run Philly Style

Raising Kids to Thrive
Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust is a quick read filled with excellent child rearing advice. As a mother of four children, two of which are teens, I sometimes struggle with deciding when I should give my kids more freedom. My oldest is fourteen now, and she wants to go out with friends. I trust her, but I don't trust other people, and I know I can get overprotective at times. I know from my own personal experience growing up, that being too sheltered can cause more harm than good. When I left for college, I overwhelmed and terrified by the real world. I don't want my daughter to face those same issues. This book teaches parents how to find a balance between protection and trust.

The book also talks about expectations. As parents, we want what's best for our children, but there is a line. We can't live through our children or push them to do the things we wish we had done. The first half of the book teaches you to temper...

Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault: How Potty Accidents Happen and How to Make Them Stop Big SALE

Title : Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault: How Potty Accidents Happen and How to Make Them Stop
Category: Toilet Training
Brand: O'Regan Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 40

Description : This particular Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault: How Potty Accidents Happen and How to Make Them Stop does excellent, user friendly along with change. The price of is was much lower compered to other locations I researches, and not much more as compared to equivalent item

This type of thing gives surpass out prospect, this has chaned into a wonderfull buy for personally, The idea showed up correctly along with swiftly Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault: How Potty Accidents Happen and How to Make Them Stop

From the authors of It's No Accident, the definitive book on childhood toileting troubles, comes a supportive, engaging, highly informative, and cleverly illustrated book for children from preschool through elementary age. Little ones will love Dr. Pooper and the wily rabbit. Older kids will appreciate the respectful tone and amusing illustrations. A must-read for preschool and elementary teachers and family therapists, too! Readers will learn what really causes most accidents: a clogged colon, which presses on and irritates the bladder. The book urges families not wait around for children to outgrow accidents or bedwetting and explains how to make the troubles stop for good. A Q&A with Dr. Hodges at the end explains the research behind his approach. This book is an ideal companion to It's No Accident, which explains in detail the therapies described in Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault.

Review :
Great "Cliff's Notes" and our three year old likes it
I guess I'll be the first person to review this book. It's so new that it still smelled like printing ink when we got it!
If you're not familiar with the It's No Accident book, then this children's companion book it's going to sound really weird to you. It would still be helpful to children and adults unfamiliar with main book, but it's not a typical children's potty training book. So know that before you buy.
We are working with our pediatrician and following the It's No Accident book protocol, so this children's book has been very helpful to our three and a half year old. He likes this book and wants to read it every day, often while he's on the toilet :)
As the person reading the book, it can be a little confusing to know when to read which parts because there is the main text, LOTS of character thought bubbles, signs, etc. It takes a few reads to find your stride. But it's more of a free form read, and for young children who like books to be predictable this can be...
Accurate and Educational
As a physical therapist that treats children with bowel and bladder incontinence, as well as constipation and other conditions I have found this book to be very helpful and valuable. There are no other books that I have found yet that provide the content that this book offers, as well as being appropriate for a wider range of ages. The information that is presented is not only accurate and evidenced based, but it is explained in a way that kids can relate to and understand. It is also nice that the information is presented at a level that both younger kids can learn form but older kids are not bored with or turned off from. So far my favorite page that I keep referring back to with the kids is the one with the stretched out T-shirt picture resembling the rectum. It is helping kids and parents understand the implications of getting stretched out and why things can take time to improve. Some of the pages in this book have a large amount of information so I actually find it...
A great help to my 6 y.o. daughter
I'm grateful to have found this after so much frustration, anxiety, and misery dealing with my 6-year-old daughter's bedwetting. I first learned about the book on Dr. Laura Markham's FB page (she is my parenting guru). Then I heard her interview with Dr. Hodges, which was eye-opening. I finally put the pieces of the puzzle together and realized my daughter's issue was probably due to constipation. I immediately ordered the book and had it in hand when an x-ray at the pediatrician confirmed it. I feel lucky our doctor was on board with the x-ray and took me seriously. We did a laxative clean-out and it was so great for my daughter to have this book during the process. It took away so much of her fear and embarrassment, and it made her feel like, well, as the title says, it wasn't her fault! She also got a real kick out of Dr. Pooper -- what kid wouldn't love that name? -- and the bunny rabbit. She has had her first dry nights ever and wants to go on her first sleepover. BTW, the poop...

Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism) SALE

Title : Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism)
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Woodbine House
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 29

Description : This Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism) functions fantastic, user friendly and adjust. The price of this is reduced than other locations I researches, and not much more compared to similar item

This kind of obcject provides overtake own anticipation, this place has turned into a fantastic replace on myself personally, The theory appeared safely and also rapidly Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism)

Like the bestselling first edition, this new edition of Activity Schedules will show thousands of parents and service providers how to use this teaching tool to help children and adults successfully engage in self-directed and purposeful activities.

Activity schedules are a set of pictures or words that cue a child to follow a sequence of steps. Based on ABA methods, learners are taught using a system of graduated guidance--physical prompts systematically faded as performance increases. Once the individual has mastered their use, he or she can independently follow a schedule to engage in activities at home, at school, and during leisure time. For example, activity schedules can cue an individual to prepare food with minimal assistance, interact with classmates, and complete a puzzle.

Based on over 20 years of research the authors have conducted at the Princeton Child Development Institute, the second edition discusses the latest research that points to positive outcomes from using activity schedules, including better self-management, decreased problem behaviors, and skill generalization, among other findings. The new edition includes:

-How to use activity schedules to organize all aspects of a person's daily activities, and increase engagement, task completion, making appropriate choices, and sequencing activities;

-An expanded section on the use of activity schedules by adults, describing how they are used at home and in the workplace and via iPods and Blackberries;

-How to use activity schedules to promote social interaction and to teach children to point to and show objects to others in order to share a social experience.

Detailed instructions and examples help parents prepare their child's first schedule, then progress to more varied and sophisticated schedules, leading to greater independence.

Also by the authors:
Teaching Conversation to Children with Autism

Review :
amazing for high functioning verbal kids

Though my youngster could talk, he rarely spoke spontaneously. This book helped enormously in getting my youngster to begin using all kinds of speech...he now comments on his work, invites me to play with him, tells me what he is going to do...its amazing! The structure of the activity schedule facilitated all of this new spontaneous speech. Its hard work but well worth the effort

Great concrete things I can do for my visual child
Having a child diagnosed with PDD, I read a lot of books on autism and found few that are as practical as this one. Even though my 5 yr-old is starting to be verbal, he is much more visual and I find this book extremely helpful as it offers concrete things and examples that I can use and apply to my child. I'm buying more copies to give to his teachers and other caregivers to ensure they also do the same things for him when he is in their care.

Excellent reference for parents, concise, clear, readable.
Activity schedules are very useful. They helped our three-year old son (with PDD) talk more appropriately, make choices, become more independent and self-disciplined, engage in less stereotypy, and be meaningfully occupied when he is at home. They are a great complement to a formal behavioral intervention program. The book is great because it explains clearly how to develop them, how to teach them, what to do and what not to do, in plain english. The authors avoided technical jargon without sacrificing the high scientific standards they are respected for. You can use what you have read immediately. A must read, not only for parents of children with autism or PDD, but for special education teachers, therapists and other autism professionals.

Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids Big Discount

Title : Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids
Category: Quick Workouts
Brand: Sourcebooks
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 47

Description : This kind of Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids works excellent, easy to use as well as modify. The price for this wa reduced when compared with other places My spouse and i investigates, and not a lot more compared to related merchendise

This type of item delivers surpass own prospect, this place has become a amazing buy for me personally, The idea arrived safely as well as rapidly Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids

What if you got outside every day, and what if you could get your kids to come along? It sounds modest, but the effects, as dynamic outdoor spokesperson Rebecca Cohen herself can testify, are profound. This inspiring collection of activities gives families an idea for every day of the year, requiring little planning, no expertise and relatively little resources (time, cash, or patience!), no matter where they live. Simple and inspiring, this book is bursting with hundreds of easy ways to get your family out into nature a little bit every day.

Review :
My new best friend!
Review originally posted on MoanaSaves (dot) com
"What if I got outside every single day, and what if I could get my kids to come along? It would be easier to pull this off in the middle of summer, but what if we did it all year round, no matter what the weather was like?"

These are Rebecca Cohen's words in the introduction to her book 15 Minutes Outisde, 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids. At the time when Rebecca had this outdoorsy idea she and her husband had demanding corporate jobs and it seemed the moments she was at home were spent indoors rushing from one demand to the next, leaving her at the end of the day feeling exhausted and unfulfilled in regards to time spent with her children. Well, I'm not a working mom but I can definitely relate with the life of running around without really spending time with my kids outside.

After reading this book I think I can honestly say that it's my new best friend. 365 ideas of how to spend...
So Much Fun
We are having such a great time with some of the ideas in this book. I picked it up off of the library shelf on a whim and was captivated. I decided just to try inviting my kids to do the activities with me every day instead of nagging them to turn off the t.v. The ideas are simple, and inexpensive, often things you could have thought of yourself, but didn't. It's nice to have a quick list to look out so you don't have to plan anything or be creative when you are busy. Fifteen minutes is so achievable. I thought my kids would drag their feet and want to stay inside because they are addicted to electronics but I think I underestimated how much they wanted to spend time with me. Every day they ask me "Hey mom can we spend 15 minutes outside today?" Once we are outside, the neighbor kids come over to play and the fifteen minutes turns into hours, even if I go back inside to do what I need to do after a while. I am really glad I found this book when I did before their childhood...
Easy outdoor fun!
I'm somewhat surprised at how useful this book has been to me. How hard is it to think of things to do outside? But I love that I can flip through it quickly (by month and day) and see quick, easy to pull off activities for my family. I'm a strong believer in getting kids outside, but live a busy life (like most everyone) and don't always make time for the outdoors. Already this week, we've planted peas, onions and spinach, pulled on rain boots and splashed in melting snow and took a walk in our small creek. And you know what? Rebecca is right, outdoors time is like a release valve for our family. We all are in a better mood, with just a small amount of time outside. Thanks!

Autism Every Day: Over 150 Strategies Lived and Learned by a Professional Autism Consultant with 3 Sons on the Spectrum Big SALE

Title : Autism Every Day: Over 150 Strategies Lived and Learned by a Professional Autism Consultant with 3 Sons on the Spectrum
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Future Horizons
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.9
Buyer Review : 32

Description : This particular Autism Every Day: Over 150 Strategies Lived and Learned by a Professional Autism Consultant with 3 Sons on the Spectrum performs excellent, user friendly as well as adjust. The price for this became lower when compared with other places we explored, and not considerably more compared to comparable product or service

This specific subject gives exceeded own anticipation, this place has turned into a fantastic upgrade on myself personally, The idea appeared safely and quickly Autism Every Day: Over 150 Strategies Lived and Learned by a Professional Autism Consultant with 3 Sons on the Spectrum

Stemming from a wealth of both professional and personal experience, this guidebook combines real-life stories of challenges and successes with practical ideas for handling autism, every day. Autism consultant Alyson Beytien outlines over 150 tried-and-true techniques for home, school, and community.
Alyson’s three boys cover the whole spectrum of autism—Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and classic autism. She understands the wide range of needs these children have and has discovered what helps and what hinders. Covering a full gamut of issues—from picky-eating and echolalia to IEPs and “The Woes of Walmart”—Alyson’s ideas and interventions will inspire and inform all those who are connected to a person with autism.
Alyson believes that each day brings more opportunities to learn, problem-solve, and celebrate the joys that children with autism bring to our world—after all, today’s crisis is tomorrow’s humor. Her family’s motto will soon become your everyday mantra:  “Improvise and Overcome!”

Review :
This book will make you Laugh and Laugh and Laugh and Laugh and........ and cry a little too.....
Teacher, autism trainer and mother -Alyson Beytien has performed a magic act. I don't mean raising three boys with autism and not going insane- I mean writing an entertaining book about the challenges and joys of raising her unique and lovable guys while making the reader LOL (you know... "laugh out loud") and wonder - HDSDI (how does she do it!).

"Autism Every Day" is Alyson's story of a life filled with the many acronyms familiar to every parent of a child with special needs, the funny and not so funny experiences that make her laugh and cry and the strategies she has learned through her training and on the job parenting. I use the author's first name because readers will quickly feel like they know Alyson. She is the shopper in Walmart trying to diffuse a tantrum, the parent who cries at IEP meetings and friend who dances next to her child in public to explain away his unusual body movements (it's a family dance she says!!).

Pages saturated with love and...
Absolutely Awesome.
I bought this book after listening to Alyson speak. I bought two more after that. My whole family has read and loved this book! I have two children with autism and I am always looking for ideas to help them. I was inspired by her spunk, her practical advice, and her obvious love for her "guys". This book is such an easy read! Alyson is so honest an so real and her strategies at the end of each chapter are fantastic! This book will make you laugh, cry, and will give you hope for the future for your loved one with autism.

This is the book I've been looking for!
Hands down the best book I've read so far. I've read lots of books about autism, but I've needed a book written from a parent's perspective. You can do better if you're looking for a book that will help you understand what autism is, how to spot it, and what treatment options are available. But if you're already past that, and are looking for a book that gives you helpful tips about how to live life with your child wherever they may fall on the spectrum, this is it. Ms. Beytien is an excellent writer, and this book is just so funny and accessible for parents on the spectrum. She also has a resource list that includes suggestions for other books. I really enjoyed her stories and anecdotes.

The one thing I disagree with is her assertion that she is not an expert. She is absolutely the type of expert that many of us that are just starting the journey need. I have no idea what to expect when my child is in middle school, or high school, so it is incredibly helpful to...