
Aspergirls: Empowering Females With Asperger Syndrome On Sale

Title : Aspergirls: Empowering Females With Asperger Syndrome
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Jessica Kingsley Pub
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.3
Buyer Review : 150

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This kind of obcject gives surpasses out anticipation, this place has developed into a great upgrade on myself personally, The thought showed up properly and also quickly Aspergirls: Empowering Females With Asperger Syndrome

Girls with Asperger's Syndrome are less frequently diagnosed than boys, and even once symptoms have been recognised, help is often not readily available. The image of coping well presented by AS females of any age can often mask difficulties, deficits, challenges, and loneliness. This is a must-have handbook written by an Aspergirl for Aspergirls, young and old. Rudy Simone guides you through every aspect of both personal and professional life, from early recollections of blame, guilt, and savant skills, to friendships, romance and marriage. Employment, career, rituals and routines are also covered, along with depression, meltdowns and being misunderstood. Including the reflections of over thirty-five women diagnosed as on the spectrum, as well as some partners and parents, Rudy identifies recurring struggles and areas where Aspergirls need validation, information and advice. As they recount their stories, anecdotes, and wisdom, she highlights how differences between males and females on the spectrum are mostly a matter of perception, rejecting negative views of Aspergirls and empowering them to lead happy and fulfilled lives. This book will be essential reading for females of any age diagnosed with AS, and those who think they might be on the spectrum. It will also be of interest to partners and loved ones of Aspergirls, and anybody interested either professionally or academically in Asperger's Syndrome.

Review :
If you think you might be an Aspergirl, you NEED to read this book. Today.
I was astounded to recognize myself in these pages. For decades I have been wrestling with self-diagnosing my non-normal neurological behaviors, but always sort of discounted Aspergers as an answer.

It makes sense now that I realize most previous studies on Aspergers Syndrome were based on studies of men and boys. It's a huge relief to realize that Aspergers presents differently among girls and women - and to realize I that have found myself within these pages.

It's at once incredibly freeing and a little sad. It's freeing to realize I am not alone, not some alien masquerading (poorly) as a human. It's freeing to know who I am, neurologically. But then, sad, to realize that the things that have been endless challenges for me - mainly work, relationships and finances - are NOT going to magically go away, no matter how hard or optimistically I try to fix them. They are part and parcel of me. I have to work *with* these things - allow for them - and give up on...
Like a Pat Benetar girl-power anthem...
But in book form and specifically for Aspergirl...

Seriously, it is *that* honest, empowering, and inspiring.

Give Aspergirls wings that they can use, and watch them soar!

This book is not intended as a "maybe my female child falls somewhere on the spectrum" or a tool to identify where on the spectrum a person may fall.

It is delightfully specific. I think the best audience for this book is well, Aspergirls of all ages, women who suspect they have as-of-yet-undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome. It is a good book for parents of girls, young women, and even grown women with Asperger's Syndrome. It is a book that would be helpful for any loved one of a female with Asperger's Syndrome. It is definitely mostly for Aspergirls of all ages, or parents of Aspergirls (or suspected Aspergirls) of all ages.

If my parents took an interest in knowing the real me (an Aspergirl raising a son with Asperger's) instead of lamenting in how I failed in...
A Godsend! AsperGirl Power!
This is one of the best books about girls and women on the autism/Asperger's spectrum that I have EVER read! No parent, educator or medical professional should be without this gem. Women and girls on the spectrum will certainly recognize themselves in this stellar masterpiece of a book. It is very empowering!

If you are a girl or woman on the spectrum, this book is truly your best friend. Rudy Simone, like Dr. Travis Thompson and Dr. Tony Attwood is the voice of tolerance and understanding in re the a/A experience. She really "gets" it!

I like the way she replaces harmful verbiage such as "stimming," which is a term I never liked either with the more tolerant and much more accurate term "soothing" behaviors. She dislikes the term "stimming" because to her it sounds "creepy." I dislike it because I think it trivializes or downplays the need to release excess tension when sensory input gets to be too much. After all, the neurotypical (NT) population...

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