
Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd SALE

Title : Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd
Category: Learning Disorders
Brand: Magination Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 28

Description : This Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd works great, simple to operate and alter. The cost of this became much lower as compered to other locations My partner and i reviewed, and never much more when compared with comparable product or service

This unique subject gives overtake the prospect, this one has chaned into a fantastic buy for myself, The idea showed up safely and also rapidly Attention, Girls!: A Guide to Learn All About Your Ad/Hd

This is the first book written for 'tween' girls (ages 7-11) who have ADD/ADHD. It offers girls, their parents, and professionals practical tips and techniques for managing attention disorders and the many aspects of life that these disorders can affect. It was written in an engaging style that doesn't 'talk down' to girls. It is packed with useful and empowering lessons that are simple to apply. It was written by a developmental pediatrician who is a well-known author.

Review :
Thank you for this book! It saved my little girl...
My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in spring earlier this year. Although she has excelled after being diagnosed and put on medication, she had an emotional battle she was fighting alone. She broke down one night in sobs saying how she feels different than other girls and how terrible she feels having something "wrong" with her. She was depressed...It was heartbreaking. I can only imagine how hard it is for her to accept having ADHD along with the normal hormone changes that happens to tween girls. It's so much to handle for a little child. This book which we read together helped us tremendously. I learned about it from [...]. An awesome resourceful ADD/ADHD website. My daughter now feels confident and happy with herself. She now knows that ADHD doesn't define her as a person. Along with doing exceptionally well in school with straight As, she is also very happy emotionally and able to enjoy her childhood. This book is a life saver. Thank you so much and to those parents out there...
A must-have for teen & tween girls with ADHD
I absolutely loved this book! As a Mom with ADHD parenting a daughter with ADHD, Attention Girls! was exactly what I was looking for. The illustrations, graphics and layout of the book kept my daughter interested, while the incredibly helpful tips, stories and information taught us more than I would have ever imagined. Dr. Quinn made the information relatable and easily executable...what a difference reading it has made in our house!

Wonderful book written in a language a child can understand.
I purchased this book for the child of a friend of mine. The book is designed in an amazing way just for young girls and is written in their language. It is engaging and does a great job of helping comfort girls with ADD/ADHD and letting them realize that they are not alone and that they have amazing gifts. She was so happy with the book and told me that she didn't feel like she was the only one who struggled with certain issues. This should be in every girls library collection if she has ADD/ADHD. It is a positive book and does not talk negatively about behaviors associated with ADD as other books that I have read say "How to deal with the problem of your child having ADD/ADHD." It is NOT a problem, it is a different way of thinking and behaving and has to be understood. I wish these books were sold more in actual stores instead of just online.

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