
Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being Promo Offer

Title : Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being
Category: General
Brand: Hay House, Inc.
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Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 449

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This kind of obcject Offer exceeded the anticipation, this place has chaned into a wonderfull replace on myself personally, The thought came securely and speedily Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being

     Though we talk about wanting to “age gracefully,” the truth is that when it comes to getting older, we’re programmed to dread an inevitable decline: in our health, our looks, our sexual relationships, even the pleasure we take in living life. But as Christiane Northrup, M.D., shows us in this New York Times best-selling guide, we have it in us to make growing older an entirely different experience, both for our bodies and for our souls.
     In chapters that blend personal stories and practical exercises with the latest research on health and aging, Dr. Northrup lays out the principles of ageless living, from rejecting processed foods to releasing stuck emotions, from embracing our sensuality to connecting deeply with our Divine Source. Explaining that the state of our health is dictated far more by our beliefs than by our biology, she works to shift our perceptions about getting older and show us what we are entitled to expect from our later years—no matter what our culture tries to teach us to the contrary—including:
·         Vibrant good health
·         A fulfilling sex life
·         The capacity to love without losing ourselves
·         The ability to move our bodies with ease and pleasure
·         Clarity and authenticity in all our relationships—especially the one we have with ourselves

     “Taking all the right supplements and pills, or getting the right procedure done, isn’t the prescription for anti-aging,” Dr. Northrup explains. “Agelessness is all about vitality, the creative force that gives birth to new life.” Goddesses Never Age is filled with tools and inspiration for bringing vitality and vibrancy into your own ageless years—and it all comes together in Dr. Northrup’s 14-day Ageless Goddess Program, your personal prescription for creating a healthful, soulful, joyful new way of being at any stage of life.

Review :
You must read this book if you want the best life.
Wisdom and brlllance in action. After reading just the first chapter I found tips I'd never heard Dr Northrup share on her radio show, books or Public Broadcasting. So you see, even if a long term fan like I can learn something new then you, as a new fan of Christiane Northrup will benefit greatly by starting to read this today.

What an awesome book!
What an awesome book!! Why cant I give it a 100 stars!! A must read for all women of ALL ages! I bow to you Dr Northrup! I was totally filled with joy reading this book... I just couldnt put it down! Thank you thank you thank you! Bless you :)

I love the message
I love the message .. Christiane has been a favorite mentor of mine for over a decade. I saw her live in NYC and in Maine. She always makes me smile and feel lifted up and soooooo happy and proud to be a woman! She is honest and smart and a beautiful role model. Yes.... Buy the book and embrace every moment on this planet with her guidance!!!! I am 68 and she has guided me since I was 53!!! And now you can
Listen to her on Hay House Radio. Peace goddesses!!!! Love it!!
P.s. I was a career counselor and self development facilitator.... So
I am a tough critic!!

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