
I Am a Booger... Treat Me With Respect! On Sale

Title : I Am a Booger... Treat Me With Respect!

Brand: National Center for Youth Issues
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.8
Buyer Review : 50

Description : This particular I Am a Booger... Treat Me With Respect! works fantastic, simple to operate and alter. The cost of this became reduced than other places My partner and i explored, and never much more as compared to equivalent merchendise

This unique subject delivers surpass the anticipation, that one has turned into a amazing buy for me personally, The concept came correctly and also quickly I Am a Booger... Treat Me With Respect!

(Ages 4 and up) Helps teach children health and hygiene. Boogie the booger teaches the healthy way to blow your nose using a Booger Ghost. Boogie knows that most people think he s gross, and some people even call him a snot. But he doesn t feel bad because he does great things! He keeps us from getting sick! He's a true defender and just asking for a little respect.

Review :
it works!
This book captivated my kindergarten children. I have children with Asperger syndrome who are very bright and intelligent but often don't do the appropriate thing in social situations. We had a big problem with one particular child, his finger, his nose, and more. We laughed so much with this book. The kids requested it over and over. The therapists, guidance counselors, and other teachers want to borrow it. It Works!!! After one day, the nose picking, etc. was extinguished. The book sends a powerful and explicit message about germs and about socially acceptable behavior. It taught the children how others react to their behavior. It is a must have in any early childhood or special education class. Love it.

can you believe it- a book on boogers
I will admit it, a couple of the drawings grossed me out, but hey, we're talking boogers. The author makes some good points on how to handle the annoyance of that stuff in your nose. I gave a copy to my sister and my daughter-in-law, who are both elementary school teachers. I just wish I had the guts to give it to a kid I had in Cub Scouts! (shiver)

I am a booger treat me with respect
This book has been very cleverly written and most enjoyable for all of my 7 grandchildren ages 3 thru 12.

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