
It's No Accident: Breakthrough Solutions To Your Child's Wetting, Constipation, Utis, And Other Potty Problems Get Rabate

Title : It's No Accident: Breakthrough Solutions To Your Child's Wetting, Constipation, Utis, And Other Potty Problems
Category: Toilet Training
Brand: Lyons Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.9
Buyer Review : 174

Description : This It's No Accident: Breakthrough Solutions To Your Child's Wetting, Constipation, Utis, And Other Potty Problems functions fantastic, easy to use and also adjust. The cost of this is dramatically reduced compered to other locations I investigates, rather than considerably more when compared with similar product

This type of thing Offer exceeded own anticipation, this one has turned into a fantastic replace on me personally, The theory showed up properly as well as quickly It's No Accident: Breakthrough Solutions To Your Child's Wetting, Constipation, Utis, And Other Potty Problems

Proven, practical advice for treating and preventing potty problems.

Review :
Awesome book, but there may be an alternative to laxatives...
Here is a three bullet-point version for the TLDR crew. (TLDR = Too Long, Didn't Read)

1. This book has answers when it comes to the cause of bed wetting. Simple is so genius.

2. For some cases that may even seem to be extreme, enemas and other laxatives may not even be needed. Magnesium supplementation may be enough to fix the situation entirely in a as little as a week. "Most magnesium supplements are junk" might be too strong, but ones like Natural Calm found on Amazon are very effective and (most) kids can at least learn to enjoy them.

3. The book mentions switching to soy milk as an alternative to the constipation-inducing cow's milk. Intolerance is mentioned as a possibility of cow's milk producing bowel problems. While soy may help with constipation problems, it comes with its own set of problems that I would personally consider to be worse than constipation. Get educated on both sides of the argument and make a decision. I think that a...
Excellent book; all parents (and all pediatricians) should read it
[Updated/Revised 3-26-14]: Until recently, first-grade daughter had never been dry at night. For years we were told not to worry about it, and that children eventually grow out of it. But she had reached an age where it was upsetting to her, and recently she had to turn down her first sleepover invitation because she was embarrassed about wearing nighttime pullups.

It may be true that most kids do eventually grow out of bedwetting. But this book makes a compelling argument that, in most cases, there is an underlying cause that (A) can be easily addressed (thus leading to a complete resolution of the problem); and (B) could turn into a much bigger problem if left untreated for too long. If that's the case, then we do a disservice to our children by just "waiting for them to grow out of it." Months and years go by; the child feels embarrassed despite the parent's best efforts to reassure her; and the underlying problem gets worse and and worse. If there's a practical,...
saved my life
I recently ran into Steve Hodges at the medical center where I work as an RN. He was carrying a copy of his book. It caught my attention because I have a 10-year-old that has been a bed wetter her entire life. I stopped him and asked him about it. He explained the concept of the book. I told Steve that I didn't think my child was constipated because she pooped every day. He said that I might be surprised. I had been discussing this bedwetting problem with my child's pediatrician regularly over the years and he assured me that she would grow out of it. He had printed out the UpToDate information sheet on bedwetting that included most of the same information that I had previously read. We had tried bedwetting alarms on and off for years without success. I was ready to explore anything that might help. I got the book and started reading it. It's an easy read with lots of great information about the physiology of the problem and treatment options including medication, dietary...

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