
Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents Big Discount

Title : Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents
Category: Attention Deficit & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
Brand: The Guilford Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 71

Description : This particular Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents does fantastic, easy to use and also alter. The cost of is was much lower as compered to other locations we researches, and never considerably more compared to similar product or service

This unique subject provides surpass out prospect, that one has chaned into a wonderfull buy for me personally, The theory arrived correctly and also speedily Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents

From distinguished researcher/clinician Russell A. Barkley, this treasured parent resource gives you the science-based information you need about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its treatment. It also presents a proven eight-step behavior management plan specifically designed for 6- to 18-year-olds with ADHD. Offering encouragement, guidance, and loads of practical tips, Dr. Barkley helps you:

*Make sense of your child's symptoms.
*Get an accurate diagnosis.
*Work with school and health care professionals to get needed support.
*Learn parenting techniques that promote better behavior.
*Strengthen your child's academic and social skills.
*Use rewards and incentives effectively.
*Restore harmony at home.

Updated throughout with current research and resources, the third edition includes the latest facts about medications and about what causes (and doesn't cause) ADHD.

See also Dr. Barkley's bestselling Taking Charge of Adult ADHD.

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Self-Help Book of Merit

Review :
disappointed, of no use for inattentive (non-hyper) ADD, very basic
I am really disappointed. This book was supposed to be the "go to" resource for all things ADHD. Unfortunately, it is really focused on hyperactivity and bad behavior. I endured a large part of the book before he notes that inattentive ADHD is not covered by the book, but for a brief blurb where he posits inattentive ADD(nonhyper) is really "sluggish cognitive tempo"-his theory really doesn't fit my child at all.
One pro is that he does provide a very thorough rebuttal to common misconceptions like "ADHD didn't exist before now, doesn't exist in other countries, is caused by diet or tv" etc.
But, it is also not an engaging read, and as another reviewer stated a lot of it is really basic parenting-"make sure to notice your kid being good," "take time for yourself," etc.
I had checked out the Book "Driven to Distraction" before buying this. It was infinitely better, in my opinion. It covered both hyper and nonhyperactive...
Extremely Helpful To Better Understand My Child
I never felt like the diagnosis of ADHD described my child very well. It seems like his problems with every day functioning and social interaction were just to exhausting and extreme. I never knew if I should be strict and firm or show him extra patience and more compassion, but one thing was for sure, nothing seemed to make it better or help me understand him any better-until I read this book. This book really gives you a framework for how to look at your child and better understand why ADHD can be so all-consuming and affect so many areas of you and your child's life. I would highly recommend this book for anyone struggling to understand ADHD better and help their child with ADHD. If you feel like things are so bad that you might be losing your relationship with your child this book WILL help. It's also a great everything you need to know guide even if your experience with ADHD isn't as severe as mine has been.

Still a superior resource for parents and teachers
As a parent I have returned to this resource again and again (previous edition). This updated version is worth the investment. As a teacher I have recommended this book to parents and other teachers who have found it very helpful. Appropriate for anyone interested in what ADHD is and what can be done to support a family coping with it. Although there is a section on medication with up-to-date research, the bulk of this book is about behavioral, organizational, educational and family dynamic support. This includes sections for young children through the teen years. Highly recomended!

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