
Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism) SALE

Title : Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism)
Category: Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
Brand: Woodbine House
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.4
Buyer Review : 29

Description : This Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism) functions fantastic, user friendly and adjust. The price of this is reduced than other locations I researches, and not much more compared to similar item

This kind of obcject provides overtake own anticipation, this place has turned into a fantastic replace on myself personally, The theory appeared safely and also rapidly Activity Schedules for Children With Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior (Topics in Autism)

Like the bestselling first edition, this new edition of Activity Schedules will show thousands of parents and service providers how to use this teaching tool to help children and adults successfully engage in self-directed and purposeful activities.

Activity schedules are a set of pictures or words that cue a child to follow a sequence of steps. Based on ABA methods, learners are taught using a system of graduated guidance--physical prompts systematically faded as performance increases. Once the individual has mastered their use, he or she can independently follow a schedule to engage in activities at home, at school, and during leisure time. For example, activity schedules can cue an individual to prepare food with minimal assistance, interact with classmates, and complete a puzzle.

Based on over 20 years of research the authors have conducted at the Princeton Child Development Institute, the second edition discusses the latest research that points to positive outcomes from using activity schedules, including better self-management, decreased problem behaviors, and skill generalization, among other findings. The new edition includes:

-How to use activity schedules to organize all aspects of a person's daily activities, and increase engagement, task completion, making appropriate choices, and sequencing activities;

-An expanded section on the use of activity schedules by adults, describing how they are used at home and in the workplace and via iPods and Blackberries;

-How to use activity schedules to promote social interaction and to teach children to point to and show objects to others in order to share a social experience.

Detailed instructions and examples help parents prepare their child's first schedule, then progress to more varied and sophisticated schedules, leading to greater independence.

Also by the authors:
Teaching Conversation to Children with Autism

Review :
amazing for high functioning verbal kids

Though my youngster could talk, he rarely spoke spontaneously. This book helped enormously in getting my youngster to begin using all kinds of speech...he now comments on his work, invites me to play with him, tells me what he is going to do...its amazing! The structure of the activity schedule facilitated all of this new spontaneous speech. Its hard work but well worth the effort

Great concrete things I can do for my visual child
Having a child diagnosed with PDD, I read a lot of books on autism and found few that are as practical as this one. Even though my 5 yr-old is starting to be verbal, he is much more visual and I find this book extremely helpful as it offers concrete things and examples that I can use and apply to my child. I'm buying more copies to give to his teachers and other caregivers to ensure they also do the same things for him when he is in their care.

Excellent reference for parents, concise, clear, readable.
Activity schedules are very useful. They helped our three-year old son (with PDD) talk more appropriately, make choices, become more independent and self-disciplined, engage in less stereotypy, and be meaningfully occupied when he is at home. They are a great complement to a formal behavioral intervention program. The book is great because it explains clearly how to develop them, how to teach them, what to do and what not to do, in plain english. The authors avoided technical jargon without sacrificing the high scientific standards they are respected for. You can use what you have read immediately. A must read, not only for parents of children with autism or PDD, but for special education teachers, therapists and other autism professionals.

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