
Cory Stories: A Kid's Book About Living With Adhd On Sale

Title : Cory Stories: A Kid's Book About Living With Adhd
Category: Special Needs
Brand: Magination Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 52

Description : This kind of Cory Stories: A Kid's Book About Living With Adhd functions excellent, simple to operate and also modify. The price of this became much lower compered to other places I researches, and never much more as compared to equivalent item

This type of subject delivers surpass own prospect, this has chaned into a amazing replace on personally, The theory came safely and also swiftly Cory Stories: A Kid's Book About Living With Adhd

In short statements and vignettes, Cory describes what it's like to have ADHD: how it affects his relationships with friends and family, his school performance, and his overall functioning. He also describes many ways of coping with ADHD: medication, therapy/counseling, and practical tips for school, home, and friendships.

Features :
  • Great product!

Review :
Cory is easy to identify with...
My 8-year-old son who has ADD (without hyperactivity) latched onto this book immediately upon the first reading and has wanted me to re-read it to him several times. I believe he sees a real connection between things in his own life and things in 'Cory's' life in the book. Cory is a sweet, but very hyperactive boy, who has the same kind of issues as a lot of ADHD kids.

The book is very straightforward and explains quite a bit about being diagnosed and getting treatment, but all at a young child's level. This is not a comprehensive guide to everything a child or parent can do to address ADHD. It is just a very nice story that allows a child to identify with a main character who may be much like him. I think it allowed my son to see that he is not alone in what he experiences and that there are ways to make things better.

Helped open further discussion with our son
Our 9 year old son has been recently identified as a child with ADD and mild hyperactivity. We have been discussing techniques with a therapist on how to stay on task, but after reading this book with our son, we found out that he feels like more of an outcast than we realized. He was excited to know that someone else feels the way he does, that the rest of the family has some of those same thoughts and feelings too and it made all of us laugh about it.

A wonderful book that helps children and even adults understand what it feels like to have ADHD. I think it really helped by 6 year old son understand that he is not alone in how he feels with this disorder. For the past two years we didn't know what was wrong with him, we thought that maybe he was just really hyper. When his teachers told us that his behavior was so bad at school they were thinking of putting him in a special class, we knew we had to do something. He was diagnosed with ADHD and is now in therapy and takes medication. We have noticed a huge difference. It feels good to know that we are not the only ones going through this, and that he is not a bad kid, he is just different. This book really helped to get that point across. I bought a few copies for his grandparents and teachers. A great recommendation for parents looking to explain their child's ADHD to them.

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