
The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook Promo Offer

Title : The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook
Category: Holistic
Brand: Xulon Press
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.3
Buyer Review : 35

Description : This specific The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook does fantastic, easy to use along with alter. The price for this became much lower than other locations I reviewed, and never a lot more as compared to similar product

This kind of obcject Offer overtake own anticipation, this has become a amazing replace on myself personally, The idea came properly and quickly The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook

Millions are people are suffering with an overgrowth of yeast in their body known as Candida. If you are suffering from digestive issues, headaches, chronic pain, unwanted weight gain, skin conditions or depression, then this is the guidebook for you. Discover how Candida can cause disease in the body and the many ways it can affect you. Featuring topics such as: • Causes of Candida • Symptoms of Candida • How Candida is Formed in the Body • Testing for Candida • Complications of Candida • Facts about Candida • Candida Die Off • Yeast Killers • The Candida Protocol • Nutritional Guidelines • Detoxifying Recipes This is the most advanced and current Candida detox and elimination program. Step by step you will learn what you need to do to completely rid your body of Candida. Detailed nutritional guidelines and over 150 great tasting and easy to make detoxifying recipes are included. The Ultimate Candida Guide and Cookbook has everything you need to get your health back and set you free from the symptoms that enslave you. Dr Cobi Slater is a Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Registered Herbal Therapist, Registered Nutritionist and she also holds a PhD in Natural Health Sciences. Dr. Cobi is the founder of Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic located in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada. Dr Cobi is extremely passionate about helping others heal naturally as well as empowering patients to live a life of optimal health. Dr Cobi is a regular guest on many international radio and TV health shows. She also contributes to numerous publications as a health expert. Dr Cobi has helped thousands of patients regain their health through lifestyle changes resulting in a freedom to enjoy life like never before! Dr Cobi grew up in an environment with her mother ceaselessly searching for various natural remedies to heal herself from a life-threatening illness. She witnessed her mother's dedication to nurture herself back to health through the use of natural medicine therapies which did not have the many side effects of chemical drugs. It became obvious that optimum health and wellbeing stem from an intimate connection between the body, mind and spirit. Dr. Cobi's inspiration to pursue a holistic approach to health and wellbeing led her to establish Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic. Essential Health is dedicated to providing professional, safe and effective complementary healthcare through the use of research and evidence-based natural medicine therapies. Offering assistance for chronic disease, hormone issues, immune health, allergies, skin problems, digestive complaints, nutrition counseling and lifestyle counseling to name a few, Essential Health educates and empowers individuals to achieve an optimal state of health and wellbeing.

Review :
My physical therapist recommended this book and it could have been written about ...
A life saver! Truly this book has been such a god send. I have a massive systemic overgrowth of candida that had been misdiagnosed for over 6 years by western "doctors". My physical therapist recommended this book and it could have been written about me! It was such an enormous relief to finally know what the underlying cause for ALL of my health issues was.
I am in month 6 of killing it off now, and the knowledge and information in this book continues to be invaluable to me as it drastically reduces fear and anxiety about all of the die off symptoms I continue to experience, because it describes all of them in detail, so I know it's all "normal" . Thank you Dr. Cobi and thank you amazon, I wish I would have known where to look for this a long time ago!
Anyone suffering from anything unexplainable - READ THIS BOOK! GODSPEED TO YOUR JOURNEY, IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU!!!

Good and Simple
This is a good and very simple guide. So simple that it fails to explain some points. And I have noticed a few mistakes with recipes. But that is also an editors mistake. However, it is easy to read and understand and it gets right to the point. And I love that. I despise books that repeat things again and again. But if you are unfamiliar with Candida, you would probably need a more indepth book. If you just need a refresher or only want a surface education, this book is fine. I haven't tried many of the recipes but the ones I have tried are pretty good. But watch the salt content on the Almond Biscuits. Only use 1/4 tsp salt, not the stated 3/4 tsp. way too salty the way it is written.

Warning: the recipes do call for some carbs so ...
Warning: the recipes do call for some carbs so if you are avoiding most carbs this won't be the cookbook for you. I have too severe a case of Candidiasis to use these recipes.

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