
The Hormone Diet: A 3-Step Program to Help You Lose Weight, Gain Strength, and Live Younger Longer Big SALE

Title : The Hormone Diet: A 3-Step Program to Help You Lose Weight, Gain Strength, and Live Younger Longer
Category: Weight Loss
Brand: Rodale Books
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.0
Buyer Review : 248

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This type of thing gives overtake the prospect, that one has developed into a amazing upgrade on myself, The idea came properly and quickly The Hormone Diet: A 3-Step Program to Help You Lose Weight, Gain Strength, and Live Younger Longer

Many of us experience signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance every day. Do you have trouble dragging yourself out of bed in the morning? Ever have an uncontrollable sugar craving at 3 p.m.? Chronic headaches? Lack of energy? Do you get stressed just sitting in your office? Our bodies are wired to send us signals when something isn't right, but often we're too busy to hear them. Compounding the problem is a lack of understanding about the consequences if these symptoms are left unaddressed. Without hormonal balances, we are more likely to succumb to many diseases and illnesses.

The Hormone Diet lays out a foolproof plan to balance your life, one hormone at a time. But it is more than just a diet book. Along with advice for weight loss, Dr. Natasha Turner provided recommendations for anti-inflammatory detox, nutritional supplements, exercise, sleep, stress management, toxin-free skin care, and natural hormone replacement combined with a diet plan--all incorporated into a 3-step wellness program focused on the essentials of hormone balance for lasting health.

Review :
An Absolute Gem!
At the age of 51, I was hit with hot flashes, nightsweats, a 20 lb weight gain of mostly abdomninal fat, fatigue and hypoglycemia. This book was a lifesaver thrown to me. Like others, I have tried and failed all the conventional diets out there. I also have a gluten intolerance, which causes my body to make antibodies that attack my thyroid. I am lucky to have a doctor who practices Integrative medicine and found the source of my borderline low thryoid and treat it with a gluten free diet and Armour thyroid. Then, along came this book which just added to my treatment. I don't think there is a healthier way of eating out there. The smoothie recipes are awesome, and a perfect way to start the day. I always tried to eat salad for lunch, but these suggestions and recipes are fantastic.
This is not a diet book that tells you exactly what to eat and when. It just clearly spells out what foods you should be eating and what foods to avoid. It has great snack ideas that are not...
WOW . I wish there were 10 stars!!
The Hormone Diet Book is fantastic!!
Over the past ten years,I have put on 40 pounds, eating healthily and could not understand why.Having been diagnosed with a thyroid problem, I visited thyroid specialists from Washington State to Texas.Still feeling sluggish,tired,overweight and miserable,I felt drawn to Dr Turners book.I had tried every other diet book,so why not this one ?
I read the first few chapters,skipped a bit,read some more and started the clean up. The first week,eating four times a day,I lost 3 lbs.
I was going to the gym 5 days a week and found out from the book that I was doing too much cardio!!Now I am stronger and work out less.
After four months,I lost 28 pounds and I am still losing gradually.I feel great,my clothes fit perfectly,no more mood swings etc.Having been told that 'maybe you are supposed to be this weight' by a specialist,you can only imagine my delight. I am totally in charge of my life. Dr Turner is the greatest. Thank you,thank you.

Evidence based advice and results
The information and education in this book is the first I have seen to clearly outline a lifestyle which is practical to follow with definitive results. I am considered a healthy fit individual and have never eaten "unhealthy". However, had daily fatigue, joint pain (sports injuries), IBS etc. for 20 years. After only 1 month of following Dr. Turners diet I have the energy back of an 18 year old (I am 44), no joint pain and no digestive symptoms at all. I am truly amazed that in 20 years of seeking medical care for all the above the only answer I was every given was "you have to learn to live with it". I highly recommend this book.

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