
The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief Big SALE

Title : The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief
Category: Acupuncture & Acupressure
Brand: Brand: New Harbinger Publications
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.7
Buyer Review : 360

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This kind of subject delivers surpasses the anticipation, that one has become a wonderfull buy for me personally, The theory came properly and speedily The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief

Trigger point therapy is one of the fastest-growing and most effective pain therapies in the world. Medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists are all beginning to use this technique to relieve patients’ formerly undiagnosable muscle and joint pain, both conditions that studies have shown to be the cause of nearly 25 percent of all doctor visits.

This book addresses the problem of myofascial trigger points—tiny contraction knots that develop in a muscle when it is injured or overworked. Restricted circulation and lack of oxygen in these points cause referred pain. Massage of the trigger is the safest, most natural, and most effective form of pain therapy. Trigger points create pain throughout the body in predictable patterns characteristic to each muscle, producing discomfort ranging from mild to severe. Trigger point massage increases circulation and oxygenation in the area and often produces instant relief.

The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook, Third Edition, has made a huge impact among health professionals and the public alike, becoming an overnight classic in the field of pain relief. This edition includes a new chapter by the now deceased author, Clair Davies’ daughter, Amber Davies, who is passionate about continuing her father’s legacy. The new edition also includes postural assessments and muscle tests, an illustrated index of symptoms, and clinical technique drawings and descriptions to assist both practitioners and regular readers in assessing and treating trigger points.

If you have ever suffered from, or have treated someone who suffers from myofascial trigger point pain, this is a must-have book.

Features :
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Review :
It changed my life
I never, ever write to an author or make a review, but in this case, I can't help myself. I have to thank this book so much for giving me the chance to heal. I'm from Argentina so excuse me if I make some mistakes in writing this English since it is not my native language.

Today I was recommending the Trigger Point Therapy to some friends over facebook, so looking for the link, I found the website, and suddenly I remembered. To this day, I have been pain-free for more than 3 years. It's easy to forget the time passed without pain, but the same time in pain is like a nightmare, right?

Years back I was diagnosed with a small, tiny displacement of a vertebra on my neck. It was caused by a roller coaster ride, and it began slowly becoming more and more painful, up to a point were the stiffness and pain would make me stay in bed for days. My doctor only gave me painkillers, saying that an operation wasn't the ideal route, only massage from experts. But those would...
Third edition better than ever!
I have been a fan of this book for years. Being a Myofascial Trigger Point Therapist, I appreciate anything that helps share this effective treatment with the general public. So many of my patients have used this book to help them get relief from their pain. It helps them understand what myofascial pain is and how to find and treat their trigger points. The resource section helps them to find professional therapists when they need more than self treatment can provide.

The new edition has a number of additions and improvements that makes this book better than ever. It is now easier to find all of the muscles that may harbor trigger points that refer pain to where you hurt. Updated information that reflects exciting research about myofascial trigger points is included. Revised information about the importance of stretching is a welcome addition.

Davies has provided a wealth of information for anyone suffering with musculoskeletal pain. I am certain that this...
Low back pain? Pain in feet? READ!! Saved me!
I was ALWAYS a very fit woman even in my 40's. Nothing extreme, just always moving & energetic, great diet, etc. Until I turned 41 - my back started giving me trouble. Fast forward to me going to PT to get my back in better shape in Fall 2012. Then late Dec 2012 - PT is great until one rushed day when she stretched my right leg too far too fast. Didn't feel like anything until 2 hrs later, OMG, the pain in the sole of my right foot & low back! I couldn't walk without a limp. I had never had foot pain before, ever. I couldn't sit on anything soft because of the pain it would cause my low back.

It got worse. I had an MRI (slight disc bulge, but nothing that would cause such pain). I tried everything over the next few months - acupuncture, chiropractor, spine drs, orthopedist, physiatrist, neurologist, steroid shot, supplements, stretching, walking through the pain, ice, heat, epsom salt baths 3+ times a day, etc etc. My life became a nightmare of pain - unable to ambulate...

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