
Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods Promo Offer

Title : Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods
Category: General
Brand: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.9
Buyer Review : 18

Description : This Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods performs excellent, simple to use and change. The price of is was much lower than other locations we researches, and not considerably more as compared to related merchendise

This kind of obcject provides overtake own prospect, that one has become a amazing replace on myself personally, The idea showed up safely as well as speedily Period Repair Manual: Natural Treatment for Better Hormones and Better Periods

What’s happening with your period?

Does it come every month? Does it come at all? Is it heavy or painful or difficult in some way? Maybe you’ve just come off the pill, or are thinking about coming off the pill.

No matter your age or your situation, it’s time to get to know your period. There is no better time to do so.

Period Repair Manual is your guide to healthier periods using natural treatments such as diet, nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, and bioidentical hormones. It is a practical, user-friendly manual suitable for women of every age.

Topics include: How to Come Off the Pill, What Your Period Should Be Like, What Can Go Wrong, and How to Talk to Your Doctor.

The second half of the book is a comprehensive treatment guide including General Maintenance, and treatment protocols for specific period problems such as PCOS, PMS, heavy periods, endometriosis, and more.

Written by a Naturopathic Doctor with more than 18 years experience, this book is a compilation of everything that works for hormonal health.

Review :
Good but one flaw
This is pretty good. The only complaint that I have is that the author does not posses a strong foundation in Fertility Awareness Method (FAM). She mentions several times that you are ovulating if you have physical signs of ovulation but does not go into detail. The only way to know if you are ovulating besides exquisitely timed ultrasound, is to track your basal body temperature to see a thermal shift. OPKs (pee sticks) only predict when your body is trying to ovulate, not that it has or will. When and if a woman ovulates is vital information from a functional medicine standpoint. I follow this author and do find her to be quite knowledgeable about reproductive health, but I can't give this book a full 5 stars. In women's health it is so important for women to understand and track their cycles. Just recording the days of your period is inadequate when troubleshooting cycle problems.
On to the good stuff (of which there is plenty); I love the way Dr. Briden makes it...
Tools and information every woman should have access to
What an eye opening read. I flew through this book in just a couple of days. Lara addresses women's health in a way that is REAL and accessible. I feel inspired to take the steps I need to now and after reading this book feel armed with the tools and information every woman should have access to.

Super smart and a great resource
This is a super smart, straight-talking, trouble shooting guide to solving all kinds of period problems without pharmaceuticals, from PMS to PCOS. It goes to show that we can heal symptoms of hormonal imbalance without having to use the side effect-laden birth control pill (which only masks the issue anyway).

It's truly a great resource to keep by your side whatever stage of life you're in, but it would be especially helpful to those wanting to make a smooth transition off the Pill.

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