
Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breast-feeding, and Baby's First Foods Promo Offer

Title : Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breast-feeding, and Baby's First Foods
Category: Pregnancy & Childbirth
Brand: Victory Belt Publishing
Item Page Download URL : Download in PDF File
Rating : 4.6
Buyer Review : 93

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This kind of thing provides exceeded out prospect, this has become a wonderfull buy for myself, The idea appeared securely and also speedily Beautiful Babies: Nutrition for Fertility, Pregnancy, Breast-feeding, and Baby's First Foods

Did you know that simple changes in your diet could increase your fertility by 60 percent? That what you eat when you're pregnant could affect whether your child will need to wear glasses or braces? That increasing your intake of certain nutrients before you become pregnant could radically decrease your chances of suffering from morning sickness?

In Beautiful Babies, nutrition educator Kristen Michaelis reveals the truth about diet and pregnancy. Based on her research of the nutrient-rich diets of healthy and fertile populations around the world, she lays out exactly what you should and shouldn't eat when trying to conceive, during pregnancy, and while breast-feeding. In the first half of the book she explains the ways industrialized foods can prevent pregnancy, how a low-fat diet can increase your likelihood of infertility by 85 percent, what to do if breast-feeding doesn't work for you, why babies can't digest cereal, and gives step-by-step instructions on how and when to introduce your baby's first foods. In the second half of the book she equips you with more than 50 recipes for incorporating traditional fertility-boosting foods into your diet. Beautiful Babies provides you with everything you need to know about having a healthy pregnancy and nourishing your growing baby.

Review :
Orange Cheese Lover Says: This Changed My Life
I'm not a foodie. I love processed foods. Orange cheese, McDonalds, tube cookie dough... what the heck is this book on my recommendations page? Why would I even order it? I'm not a Weston Price person or any of those organizations. (15 days ago I had NEVER heard of Weston Price.) Heck, I didn't even know what coconut oil was or what the difference between corn and canola oil was two weeks ago. Why would you want beef that was raised on grass when corn-fed beef doesn't have that kind-of weird taste? And yes, chicken skin is so good, but it's really bad. Now, I eat and sleep and breathe this stuff. I mean it. Amazon somehow figured I might like this. Probably when I was buying a yogurt maker or a Montessori teaching book. I buy nothing else with Organic, Slow Food, Grass-Fed, or the like in the title. It's a little frightening how they could predict. Well, it arrived. I ordered it sort-of irresponsibly because I always feel a little guilty that I can't breast feed. I opened it sitting...
Ideal nutrition to promote fertility, a healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding, and baby's first solids
Kristen Michaelis is well-known in the blogging world for her site “Food Renegade,” which focuses on a traditional foods diet. Now she has applied her knowledge of nutrition to baby-making; “Beautiful Babies” is all about how to eat right to promote fertility, being healthy while pregnant, how a woman's diet can improve the quality of her breastmilk, and venturing into the world of solid foods once the baby is ready. Like many in the traditional foods movement, Michaelis promotes the dietary principles advocated by the Weston A. Price Foundation; unlike some names from that community who have been in the blogging spotlight of late, Michaelis is refreshingly non-judgmental towards women who do not maintain a “perfect” diet. Good nutrition is indeed important, and it is the author's goal to help women work towards it, but she keeps a very positive attitude about it all, offers suggestions to help those who are having a hard time eating certain...
This book increased my fertility!
After miscarrying my first pregnancy I was told I had a hormonal imbalance that was possibly PCOS (though I don't fit the standard profile) and it would be necessary for me to use fertility drugs to have a "strong" ovulation. After 8 months of following the recommended low-fat, calorie counting diet that many physicians adhere to, 3 rounds of fertility drugs and 2 failed IUIs, my husband and I were feeling hopeless and helpless (not to mention broke as we had spent some of our house savings for fertility treatments).

At the end of February I pre-ordered this book and took your online "Beautiful Babies" course. I started the course right away and made several immediate changes, most importantly adding in more good fats to my diet as I learned about the important role of cholesterol in hormone production. My TSH(thyroid) levels equalized after 5 months of being elevated and I felt much better. My other hormone levels began to equalize as well (all confirmed by blood test). I...

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